2024 Annual Photo Competition

Annual Photo Challenge 2024

Sponsored by Tamron

Theme – Landscape


2024 Audio Visual Presentation Competition

2024 Audio Visual Presentation Competition

Images from 2023 Winner : Rick McKenzie and his presentation was entitled “Clandestine A Short Story”

Scope of Competition

The audio visual (AV) competition submissions may consist of a multimedia presentation composed of photography, video, time lapse, music and narration, text or a combination thereof.

The emphasis of the presentation will be the blending of these components into a cohesive storyline. The transition between the images should flow harmoniously with the appropriate colour or tone complementing the selected theme and images. 

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH)“ – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)

Competition Informations (click arrow for more details)


Open Theme – presentation submitted into this competition may contain a wide range of topics and subjects such as, but not limited to: abstract, altered reality, aircraft, cityscape, flowers, landscape, machinery, nature, people, plants, seascape, still-life, tools, vessels, wildlife, a memorable event, travelogue of a recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or presenting a topic of interest.

This presentation can be any subject but the presentation must follow a theme or tell a story such as a memorable event, recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or highlighting a topic of interest.

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH)“ – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)

Artificial Intelligence Rendering: Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer) or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

Special Note: Any individual images previously receiving a CAPA Award may be included in the AV presentation.

Editing Criteria

  • Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  • Open Editing – All different in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques may be used. This includes combining multiple images and elements in a final presentation. The entrant must have created or captured all components of the presentation, with the exception of the music. ONLY FOR THIS COMPETITION – “Special-effects” and “backgrounds” which are part of the audio visual software application are permitted.Digital frame, pin-line, borders and mats are permitted in this competition.
  • Artificial Intelligence renderings generated via text prompt may not be used in whole or part in the creation of a submitted audio visual presentation.
  • AV presentation MUST contain three elements:
    1. title page (title of presentation but no mention of the entrant’s name);
    2. multiple slides and text if required; and
    3. the first slide and last must be black and be displayed for 3 to 4 second. Slide at the end of the presentation will contain the credits but MUST NOT contain the name of the entrant. Entrant name or image of entrant MUST NOT be displayed in any portion of the presentation.

Special Note – In the competition entry form, the submitting individual and/or club attests that the music in this AV presentation is: [check all applicable statements:]

  • no longer copyrighted by the music’s author(s) or their agency or their publisher-producer; or
  • while the music is still copyrighted it has been released into the public domain for use in applicable limited circumstances such as for ‘educational’ presentations or personal presentations; or
  • while the music is still copyrighted it’s use is allowed for inclusion in the AV presentation pursuant to a “Licensed Media Contract” obtained from the copyright holder, or their agency, or their publisher-producer, and one of the terms of that usage license is that the referenced music may be utilized in any form of a website, social media or video sharing platform; and/or
  • The AV is not being utilized by the club and/or by the individual in any form of revenue generation (including monetization).

Image Specifications


AV presentation submission:

  1. must NOT exceed 7 minutes;
  2. filename must ONLY be named as – NAME OF PRESENTATION – Do not include the name of the photographer in the filename
  3. Filename on entry form must be named as PHOTOGRAPHER NAME-NAME OF PRESENTATION
  4. file can be saved in MP4, MPEG-4, MOV, MPEG, AVI and WMV formats.
  5. can contain video and/or time lapse or a succession of still images in rapid movement that produce a moving picture but must NOT exceed 20% of the total runtime of the presentation;
  6. show must have been produced, edited and photographed by the maker;
  7. no identifiable marks should appear on the show, such as name or any other information that identifies the maker;
  8. must include a separate AV Competition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH) –  AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)
  9. Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com or Dropbox) to jward0484@gmail.com (note: limited to 2GB files)

A wide range of AV applications are available to create an AV presentation:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop CS6 and above (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop Elements (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Adobe Lightroom (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photopia
  • Fotomagico (only Mac computers);
  • Vegas Pro (Mac & Windows computers);
  • PTE AV Studio 11 Mac & Windows computers);
  • Final Cut Pro (only Mac computers).

Judging Criteria

Judges will review and assign a total score out of a maximum of 150 points based on the following categories and associated maximum points:

Audience Appeal

– the impact and the maintenance of interest in the story, plus the originality/creativity of the presentation (rating 0 to 30)

 – the relevance of the images and video clips (if used) to the story (rating 0 to 20)


– the sound quality – volume, consistency, and appropriateness of the music/narrative/sounds/text to the story and to the image/video chips (rating 0 to 20)


– the overall flow of the presentation including the balance between images, video or text (rating 0 to 30)

 – the transitions and other effects – are they seamless and do they contribute to the flow of the presentation (rating 0 to 20)

Photography and Flow

– the technical quality (sharpness and exposure) of the images and any video clips (when used) (rating 0 to 30)


Competition Processes

  • Closing Date of Competition – March 15, 2024 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
  • Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA. Read Eligibility here.
  • CAPA individual members and camera clubs are limited to one AV submission. For a club submission for this competition, the audio visual presentation can be produced by 1 or more club members.
  • Prior to the closing time and date of the competition, the Entrant will electronically transfer the completed “Competition Entry Form” (ENGLISH) – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)” and a copy of the Audio Visual presentation to the Competition Chair Person.
  • Please make sure you receive a confirmation email by the Chair that your essay has been received. If not please contact Competition Chair Person. CAPA assumes no responsibility for lost essays “in transit” where no confirmation receipt is sent.
  • Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com) to jward0484@gmail.com (note: limited to 2GB files)
  • Distribution of CAPA Awards And/Or Commercial Prizes – will be coordinated by the CAPA Director of Competition
  • Competition Chair Person – Jonathan Ward – jward0484@gmail.com 

2024 Prairie Zone Competition

2024 Prairie Zone Competition


2024 Canada: My Country Competition

2024 Canada: My Country Competition

Scope of Competition

For this competition, we are seeking your best image(s) which symbolizes our unique Canadian identity and the beauties of our country. All submitted images will ONLY be accepted if they were captured within the geographical boundaries of Canada.

No images will be accepted if they were photographed:

– in a Canadian cemeteries outside of Canada
– Canadian Embassy or Consulates outside of Canada
– Canadian Armed Forces base outside of Canada

Competition Details (click arrow for more details)


To assist you in seeking out the best image for this competition, we have included below some ideas:

  • cultural heritage
  • geographical uniqueness
  • historical events or locations
  • iconic landscape/cityscape
  • roughness of Canadian landscape
  • seasonal uniqueness
  • symbols of caring, confidence, courage, encouraging, helping others, nurturing, pride, respect, self-sacrifice and trust
  • nature
  • wildlife specific to Canada
  • Architecture

Your image can include aircraft, animal (feral or wild life), architecture, landscape, objects, people, plants, sea mammals, trains, vehicles, vessels, etc…

Following a period of 2 weeks after the competition’s closing date, you can access the final competition report by logging into the CAPA website and navigating to the ‘Competition Reports’ under the ‘Competitions’ dropdown menu.

This competition will consist of five regional themes:

  • Atlantic Zone (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador & Prince Edward Island)
  • Pacific Zone (British Columbia & Yukon)
  • Prairie Zone (Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Northwest Territory)
  • Ontario Zone (includes Nunavut Territory)
  • Quebec Zone

Your image(s) can be captured as a resident or visitor to any one of the regions noted above. 

You are permitted to enter your images in one or more of the geographical themes but your total number of submitted images cannot exceed: three (3) images for a CAPA member or six (6) images from a camera club (all images from different photographers).

Editing Criteria

You are encouraged to submit your images which exemplifies the unique beauty of one or more themes from your perspective as either a resident or a visitor.

  • Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  • Permitted Editing Techniques:

All In-Camera Techniques: Any adjustments made directly within the camera during image capture.

On-Camera Techniques: Utilizing on-camera features and settings for image enhancements.

Post-Processing Techniques: Editing the image using post-processing software.

Sky Replacement: Sky replacement but the replacement sky must have been captured by the same photographer submitting the image into the competition.

  • Editing Techniques Not Permitted:

Images without Photographic Origin: Images that are entirely generated electronically with no photographic origin.

Frames, Borders, Pin-lines, and Mats: Photograph must not contain any decorative elements like frames, borders, pin-lines, or mats.  This includes the edges and markings of scanned film.  When the frame is integral to the captured image, for instance a window frame or door frame that has been captured by the camera, these elements are permitted.

Artificial Intelligence Renderings: Images that involve the use of AI generative techniques like in-painting (where AI generates pixels to fill in missing parts or removes and replaces selected element from the original photograph then using replace it with pixel element from the AIs generative dataset) or out-painting (where the AI extends the image beyond its original boundaries by generating new elements) are not permitted for submission into CAPA competitions, regardless of whether text prompts were used or not.

The inclusion of Photoshop application features, such as Firefly’s AI Generative Fill and AI Expand cannot be contained in your image submitted into a CAPA competition. Similar positions will be taken with other AI systems with these features.

This updated provision will be in effect starting from November 30, 2023, and it will apply to all CAPA competitions.

  • Image Metadata Required: The Director of Competitions has the right to request and receive the original un-retouched JPEG or RAW file for a potential winning image in a competition for the purposes of verifying competition compliance. 

 Upon notification that their image is a potential winning entry, photographers may be required by the Director of Competitions to submit all original images, such as un-retouched JPG or RAW files, along with other image files that were integrated into the submitted image.

Failure to comply with the Director’s request for image files will result in the potential winning image being withdrawn from the competition and the competition results will be re-sorted.

  • Accepted Image Types:

Black & White images

Infrared images

Colour images

Image Specifications


Title of Image

When images are uploaded into a competition, you are required to enter the title of your image into the Title Field.  Title can be in either  English or French or both.

Do Not: enter your name, the name of the photographer or the club name in the Title Field (that is for the Title of the image)

A weak image title, such as ‘pretty flower,’ will fail to stimulate the judge’s interest in the image and may result in a lower score than expected.

Image File Name

The image file name that you create prior to uploading into this competition should also be simple, and could be the same as the Image Title. For example: John Snow-Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

Image Size – Dimensions

You must ensure your image is re-sized to meet the following two parameters:

  1. Saved as a jpg image with a maximum file size of 1.8 MB.
  2. Dimensions: Maximum horizontal size: 1400 pixels and maximum vertical size: 1050 pixels.

Example of Image Sizing – Check details here

Note: Images smaller than the maximum dimensions will ONLY be accepted when one of the image edges has a horizontal size is 1400 pixels or the vertical size is 1050 pixels.  For example: square image – 1050 x 1050 pixels; 1400 x 800 pixels; or 700 x 1050 pixels.

Note: Images will NOT be rotated by the judges and will scored as submitted.

During the uploading process of your image, our online competition system will verify if the image is less than 1.8 MB and meets the two parameters.

If your image fails this verification process, you will receive an error message and it will appear below the upload image box.

Depending on the error message – you will need to either reduce the file size of the image to be 1.8 MB or less or re-size the dimensions of your image.  After doing so, please re-try uploading your image.

Suggestions – Use sRGB colour space for your image.  For colour accuracy: we strongly recommend that you calibrate your monitor to ensure colour accuracy from your monitor to the image projected to the judges.

Judging Criteria

    • An Image’s title may be used by the judges in evaluating a submission, so entrants should take care in selecting a title that complements or contributes to the vision or message being presented in the image.
    • The judges will assign scores primarily based on the ‘emotional’ components of the image, considering values such as creativity and emotional impact. Secondary emphasis will be place on the ‘technical’ aspects, followed by considerations of the ‘composition.
    • Technical and Organizational factors, such as exposure, sharpness, focus, space, and composition, will be taken into account solely to the degree they do or do not support or reinforce the creative vision and storytelling. Images will not be penalized in scoring for so-called technical rule infractions, such as focus, if that is immaterial to the creative vision and storytelling.

    Likewise, judges take into consideration in their scoring the degree to which the entrant’s use of techniques such as colour, monochrome, duo and multi-tone,  contributes to or supports the creative vision and the story telling value of the image.

Competition Process

Competition Coordinator –  Sheldon Boles – CAPA Director of Competitions.

Questions about the scope of the competition and/or the editing criteria, please contact the Competition Coordinator well in advance of the closing date of the competition.  

Closing Date of Competition – April 15, 2024 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA. 

Two Parallel Competitions: ‘Individual’ Competition for only CAPA Individual members (limited to a maximum of three (3) images) and CAPA ‘Club’ Competition for all camera clubs (limited to a maximum of six (6) images from six (6) different club members.

Awards – For both the Individual and Club components of this competition, CAPA medals and Honourable Mention electronic certificates will be awarded to entrants with the highest aggregate scores of each theme. Merit Award electronic certificates will be awarded to the top three individual images for each region.

How To Enter Competition -check out our How To Upload Images To CAPA Competition here.

Special Note

  • The top 35 scored images from this competition may be included in the selection process for CAPA’s submission to the international Four Nations competition.
  • For each selected image, CAPA will contact the photographer and seek their permission prior to including the image in the noted submission.

2024 Atlantic Zone Competition

2024 Atlantic Zone Competition


2023 Pacific Zone Competition

2023 Pacific Zone Competition


2023 Audio Visual

2023 Audio Visual

The Gold medal winner of the Audio-Visual Competition, Individual, will win a copy of the PTE AV Studio 11, (slideshow software for PC and Mac).
This has been donated by WnSoft Ltd.


Updated contest information: 

The winning of the 2023 Audio Visual Presentation ‘Individual’ Competition was Rick McKenzie and his presentation was entitled “Clandestine A Short Story.” So he being awarded the PTE AV Studio 11 prize.

Scope of Competition

The audio visual (AV) competition submissions may consist of a multimedia presentation composed of photography, video, time lapse, music and narration, text or a combination thereof.

The emphasis of the presentation will be the blending of these components into a cohesive storyline. The transition between the images should flow harmoniously with the appropriate colour or tone complementing the selected theme and images.

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form



Competition Informations (click arrow for more details)


Open Theme – presentation submitted into this competition may contain a wide range of topics and subjects such as, but not limited to: abstract, altered reality, aircraft, cityscape, flowers, landscape, machinery, nature, people, plants, seascape, still-life, tools, vessels, wildlife, a memorable event, travelogue of a recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or presenting a topic of interest.

This presentation can be any subject but the presentation must follow a theme or tell a story such as a memorable event, recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or highlighting a topic of interest.

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form

Special Note: Any individual images previously receiving a CAPA Award may be included in the AV presentation.

Editing Criteria

  1. Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  2. Open Editing – All different in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques may be used. This includes combining multiple images and elements in a final presentation. The entrant must have created or captured all components of the presentation, with the exception of the music. ONLY FOR THIS COMPETITION – “Special-effects” and “backgrounds” which are part of the audio visual software application are permitted.Digital frame, pin-line, borders and mats are permitted in this competition.
  3. AV presentation MUST contain three elements:
    1. title page (title of presentation but no mention of the entrant’s name);
    2. multiple slides and text if required; and
    3. the first slide and last must be black and be displayed for 3 to 4 second. Slide at the end of the presentation will contain the credits but MUST NOT contain the name of the entrant. Entrant name or image of entrant MUST NOT be displayed in any portion of the presentation.

Image Specifications


AV presentation submission:

  1. must NOT exceed 7 minutes;
  2. filename must ONLY be named as – NAME OF PRESENTATION – Do not include the name of the photographer in the filename
  3. Filename on entry form must be named as PHOTOGRAPHER NAME-NAME OF PRESENTATION
  4. file can be saved in MP4, MPEG-4, MOV, MPEG, AVI and WMV formats.
  5. can contain video and/or time lapse or a succession of still images in rapid movement that produce a moving picture but must NOT exceed 20% of the total runtime of the presentation;
  6. show must have been produced, edited and photographed by the maker;
  7. no identifiable marks should appear on the show, such as name or any other information that identifies the maker;
  8. must include a separate AV Competition-Entry-Form (.doc)
  9. Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com or Dropbox) to secretary@capacanada.ca (note: limited to 2GB files)

A wide range of AV applications are available to create an AV presentation:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop CS6 and above (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop Elements (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Adobe Lightroom (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photopia
  • Fotomagico (only Mac computers);
  • Vegas Pro (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Picture-To-Exe (only Windows computers);
  • Final Cut Pro (only Mac computers).

Judging Criteria

Judges will review and assign a total score out of a maximum of 150 points based on the following categories and associated maximum points:

Audience Appeal

– the impact and the maintenance of interest in the story, plus the originality/creativity of the presentation (rating 0 to 30)

 – the relevance of the images and video clips (if used) to the story (rating 0 to 20)


– the sound quality – volume, consistency, and appropriateness of the music/narrative/sounds/text to the story and to the image/video chips (rating 0 to 20)


– the overall flow of the presentation including the balance between images, video or text (rating 0 to 30)

 – the transitions and other effects – are they seamless and do they contribute to the flow of the presentation (rating 0 to 20)

Photography and Flow

– the technical quality (sharpness and exposure) of the images and any video clips (when used) (rating 0 to 30)


Competition Processes

  • Closing Date of Competition – March 15, 2023 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
  • Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA. Read Eligibility here.
  • CAPA individual members and camera clubs are limited to one AV submission. For a club submission for this competition, the audio visual presentation can be produced by 1 or more club members.
  • Prior to the closing time and date of the competition, the Entrant will electronically transfer the completed Audio Visual Competition Entry Form (double click here to download the entry form to your computer (.doc) and a copy of the Audio Visual presentation to the Competition Chair Person.
  • Please make sure you receive a confirmation email by the Chair that your essay has been received. If not please contact Competition Chair Person. CAPA assumes no responsibility for lost essays “in transit” where no confirmation receipt is sent.
  • Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com) to secretary@capacanada.ca (note: limited to 2GB files)
  • Distribution of CAPA Awards And/Or Commercial Prizes – will be coordinated by the CAPA Director of Competition
  • Competition Chair Person – Jonathan Ward – secretary@capacanada.ca
  • If you have any questions about this competition, please email Jonathan Ward.

2023 Canada: My Country

Honour Award Photo Fredericton Carol Randall 02 Pow Wow Blessing
Gold Medal Camera 35 St Johns Philip Crocker Stage Reflections
1st Merit Que Pierre Pomerleau Long Night At The Stadium
1st Merit Ont Pia OLeary Fall Mists In Algonquin Park
Honour Award Tony Roberts Bullrider Rescue

Continue reading “2023 Canada: My Country”

Photo Competition

2023 Fall – Winter

Gold Lois DeEllAge Does Not Matter Lois DeEll
1st Merit PEI Chivi Thuong End Fall
Honour Award Jocelyne Feizo Huberdeau
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Betty Chan Polar Bears Kissing
2nd Merit NFLD Camera 35 St John's David Hiscock Winter Fun

Scope of Competition

This competition and its themes are aimed at providing photographers with the opportunity to exercise their creative skills: to capture outstanding and stunning images in areas that may be out of their comfort zones. Images submitted into this competition can be staged or candid.

Competition Details (click for more)


Please enter your image into one of the following themes:

    1. The Cold – image reflecting the low temperatures. For example (but not limited to): animals and birds in the cold; cold weather sports or other human activities, including winter portraits; outdoor winter scenes (including Christmas or other winter religious celebrations); rural or urban landscape, astrophotography, seascapes, cityscapes; close-ups of snow flakes, ice bubbles, etc; winter leaves of plants, trees etc.; frozen elements such as frozen ponds or icebergs; cold weather phenomenon such as the northern lights; winter transportation such as sleds, snowmobiles, etc.
    2. Man-made Structures/Objects– images of any man-made object, buildings, transportation (air, land, sea or space), still-life, rural and city landscapes.  Images may contain the hand of man.
    3. Culinary – image which relate to the preparation, cooking, presentation, serving and/or consumption of food. Locations could include (but are not limited to) restaurants, street markets, picnics, kitchens, banquets, weddings, homes, food    Images could be of the food itself, the persons creating the food, the utensils used, and /or the persons enjoying the food.
    4. Active Seniors – According to American feminist Betty Friedan “aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” For this Theme, we are seeking images which express the experience and benefits of an aging-friendly community. All images should focus on seniors in all walks of life and lifestyles.  Some suggestions: portraits of seniors; celebrations with family; seniors and their pets; senior artists and artisans and crafts-persons; celebrations and/or sports.
    5. Nature/Wildlife – image(s) of subjects such as amphibians, insects, marine-life, reptiles, wild or domesticated animals or birds, etc. This category also includes botanical, insect, subjects. Domesticated animals and birds are permitted in this theme.  Hand-of-man is permitted.

Editing Criteria

  1. Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  2. Open Editing:  All in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques are permitted, such as removing elements, cloning elements within the image, double-exposure, high dynamic range (HDR), stacking, intentional camera movement (ICM), etc.The photographer must have taken all components of the final image.Digital frame, pin-line, borders and mats are NOT permitted in this competition.

Image Specifications


Title of Image

When images are uploaded into a competition, you are required to enter the title of your image into the Title Field.  Title can be in either  English or French or both.

Do Not: enter your name, the name of the photographer or the club name in the Title Field (that is for the Title of the image)

Do Not: include punctuation or symbols (such as / –_  , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Title of your image.

The Image Title should be simple, and introduce or set the mood or perspective for your image.  For example:  Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

A weak image title, such as ‘pretty flower,’ will fail to stimulate the judge’s interest in the image and may result in a lower score than expected.

Image File Name

Do Not: include punctuation marks or symbols such as / –_  , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Image File name. For example, do not use: “NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER”it_a_red rose”.jpg”

The image file name that you create prior to uploading into this competition should also be simple, and could be the same as the Image Title. For example: John Snow-Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

Image Size – Dimensions

You must ensure your image is re-sized to meet the following two parameters:

  1. Saved as a jpg image with a maximum file size of 1.8 MB.
  2. Dimensions: Maximum horizontal size: 1400 pixels and maximum vertical size: 1050 pixels.

Note: Images smaller than the maximum dimensions will ONLY be accepted when one of the image edges has a horizontal size is 1400 pixels or the vertical size is 1050 pixels.  For example: square image – 1050 x 1050 pixels; landscape 1400 x 800 pixels; or portrait 700 x 1050 pixels.

Note: Images will NOT be rotated by the judges and will scored as submitted.

During the uploading process of your image, our online competition system will verify if the image is less than 1.8 MB and meets the two parameters.

If your image fails this verification process, you will receive an error message and it will appear below the upload image box.

Depending on the error message – you will need to either reduce the file size of the image to be 1.8 MB or less or re-size the dimensions of your image.  After doing so, please re-try uploading your image.

Suggestions – Use sRGB colour space for your image.  For colour accuracy: we strongly recommend that you calibrate your monitor to ensure colour accuracy from your monitor to the image projected to the judges.

Judging Criteria

  1. Image title should complement or contribute to the vision or message being presented in the image.
  2. Judges will award their scoring based on creative vision and the story telling value of an image along with the pictorial quality and technical quality (e.g. quality of execution, innovation, creativity, and ‘wow’ factor) as well as the degree that the image is within the Scope of the Theme.

Competition Processes

  • Competition Coordinator – CAPA Director of Competitions – competitions@capacanada.ca
  • Closing Date of Competition – March 1, 2023 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
  • Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA. Read Eligibility here.
  • Two Parallel Competitions –  ‘Individual’ Competition for only CAPA Individual members (limited to a maximum of 3 images) and  ‘Club’ Competition for all camera clubs (limited to a maximum of 6 images). For camera club submissions, all six images must be from six different photographers.
  • There will be a Merit Award electronic certificate awarded for each of these themes.  In addition, CAPA medals will be awarded to three entrants who receive the highest overall accumulated score in this competition.
  • How To Upload Images To CAPA Competition here

Special Note

Questions about the scope of the competition and/or the editing criteria should be directed to the Competition Coordinator prior to the closing day of the competition.

The top images in this competition will be considered for possible inclusion into CAPA’s submission for the international Four Nations competition. For each selected image, CAPA will contact the photographer and seek their permission prior to including the image in the noted submission.


2023 Photojournalism

Bronze Robert Parker Agony Of Defeat Capa
Gold Yung Niem Hamelin At ISU Short Track World Cup
Bronze Yun Wang Mud Hero
Bronze Yun Wang Girls Whisper   Capa
Gold Lois DeEllAge Does Not Matter Lois DeEll

Continue reading “2023 Photojournalism”

2023 Prairie Zone

Gold Medal Saskatoon Camera Club Bruce Guenter Prairie Summer Classic
Gold Medal Saskatoon Camera Club Gordon Sukut Glenside SK
3rd Merit Award Stephanie Simon Fields Of Gold
Honour Award Diane McKinnon Prairie Rodeo
Gold Medal Colleen Edwards   Sunkissed Tipi

Continue reading “2023 Prairie Zone”

2023 Atlantic Zone

Honour Award Joshua Mowczko Samatha
Honour Award Elizabeth Noftall Are You Ready For This
Animal Photography By Donald Lewis Photography
Honour Award France Boutilier I Am Not Sharing
Bronze Medal Cindy Marshall Quidi Vidi Reflections

Continue reading “2023 Atlantic Zone”

2023 Ontario Zone Competition

2nd Merit Ontario Dave Evans Rock Solid 50 Point
Honour Award Hilary Goeller The Art Gallery Of Ontario Stair
2563 MYCind2021 DSC 0294 Guy Fortin
1519 MYCind2021 Greg OLeary Hartwick   Rainbow Falls Prov Pk
1414 MYCind2021 Nathan Philips Square Reflection Pool  F   S   1 Of 1

Continue reading “2023 Ontario Zone Competition”