2023 Prairie Zone

Gold Medal Saskatoon Camera Club Bruce Guenter Prairie Summer Classic
Gold Medal Saskatoon Camera Club Gordon Sukut Glenside SK
3rd Merit Award Stephanie Simon Fields Of Gold
Honour Award Diane McKinnon Prairie Rodeo
Gold Medal Colleen Edwards   Sunkissed Tipi

Scope of Competition

Theme for this competition is ‘Life In The Prairies.’

Competition is only open to current camera clubs associated to CAPA and to individual CAPA members in the Prairie Zone (Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Northwest Territories).

For this competition, we are seeking your best image(s) which celebrates the dynamic prairie region and what it has to offer photographers.

Competition Details (click for more)
Editing Criteria

Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE

Open Editing – All different in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques can be used.  All elements contained in the submitted images must have been taken by the submitting photographer.

Colour or black & white or monochrome or infrared images are permitted. Digital frame, pin-line, borders and mats are NOT permitted in this competition.

Image Titles

Title of Image

When images are uploaded into a competition, you are required to enter the title of your image into the Title Field.  Title can be in either  English or French or both.

Do Not: enter your name, the name of the photographer or the club name in the Title Field (that is for the Title of the image)

Do Not: include punctuation or symbols (such as / –_  , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Title of your image.

The Image Title should be simple, and introduce or set the mood or perspective for your image.  For example:  Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

A weak image title, such as ‘pretty flower,’ will fail to stimulate the judge’s interest in the image and may result in a lower score than expected.

Image File Name

Do Not: include punctuation marks or symbols such as / , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Image File name. For example, do not use: “NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER”it_a_red rose”.jpg”

The image file name that you create prior to uploading into this competition should also be simple, and could be the same as the Image Title. For example: John Snow-Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

Image Size -Dimensions

You must ensure your image is re-sized to meet the following two parameters:

    1. Saved as a jpg image with a maximum file size of 1.8 MB.
    2. Dimensions: Maximum horizontal size: 1400 pixels and maximum vertical size: 1050 pixels.

Note: Images smaller than the maximum dimensions will ONLY be accepted when one of the image edges has a horizontal size is 1400 pixels or the vertical size is 1050 pixels.  For example: square image – 1050 x 1050 pixels; landscape 1400 x 800 pixels; or portrait 700 x 1050 pixels.

Note: Images will NOT be rotated by the judges and will scored as submitted.

During the uploading process of your image, our online competition system will verify if the image is less than 1.8 MB and meets the two parameters.

If your image fails this verification process, you will receive an error message and it will appear below the upload image box.

Depending on the error message – you will need to either reduce the file size of the image to be 1.8 MB or less or re-size the dimensions of your image.  After doing so, please re-try uploading your image.

Suggestions – Use sRGB colour space for your image.  For colour accuracy: we strongly recommend that you calibrate your monitor to ensure colour accuracy from your monitor to the image projected to the judges.

Judging Criteria
  1. Image title should complement or contribute to the vision or message being presented in the image.
  2. Judges will award their scoring based on creative vision and the story telling value of an image along with the pictorial quality and technical quality (e.g. quality of execution, innovation, creativity, and ‘wow’ factor) as well as the degree that the image is within the “Scope-of-Theme.’

Competition Processes

Closing Date of Competition – March 30, 2022 at midnight Eastern Standard Time (Ontario).

Open To – All paid-up individual CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA in the Prairie Zone (Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Northwest Territories)

Two categories in this competition:– CAPA Prairie Zone ‘Individual’ Competition for only CAPA member and CAPA Prairie Zone ‘Club’ Competition for all camera clubs. Individual CAPA members can upload a maximum of 4 images. Camera clubs can upload a maximum 18 photos but all images must be from different photographers.

How To Enter Competition – check out our How To Upload Images To CAPA Competition here.

Competition Coordinator– CAPA Assistant Director of Competitions – Cheryl Bramble – cbramble@shaw.ca