January 2025 Competition Updates

Updated (January 1, 2025) CAPA Stance on Artificial Intelligence

We’ve expanded our Artificial Intelligence guidelines to include several new photography enhancement tools. This update, effective January 1, 2025, now addresses:


New AI Tools:

  • Adobe Photoshop’s Neural Filters
  • Additional text-to-image Generative AI applications
  • Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Raw’s “Enhanced” feature
  • Reflection removal tools in both Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Lightroom


Special thanks to Greg Aldous of the London Camera Club for his valuable input regarding the Photoshop Neural Filters.

This policy revision supersedes our previous version from December 13, 2024.

You can view this new document here (English) (French)  


A hyperlink to this document is also included in the Editing Criteria Section for each of our forthcoming photo competitions.


Competitions Open For Uploading of Images


  • 2025 Ontario Zone Competition – closes on January 15, 2025

  • 2025 Fine Art Competition – closes on January 30, 2025

  • 2025 Quebec Zone Competition – closes on February 15, 2025

  • 2025 Colour Competition – closes on February 28, 2025

December 2024 Competition Updates

Important Update: AI Guidelines in Photo Post-Processing

Due to recent advances in AI-powered photo editing software, we’ve revised our CAPA position on artificial intelligence in photography. The updated guidelines provide detailed clarification on which AI features are acceptable and which are prohibited in our competitions.

You can view this document here (English) (French)  

*You can also find this updated guideline in all Competition Editing Criteria sections.

Updating Advanced & Intermediate Skill Levels In All Zones

We’re currently reviewing and adjusting all Zone Skill-levels using results from:

  • 2024 CAPA Salon 
  • 2024 Four Nations
  • 2024 Pacific Zone
  • 2024 Nature
  • 2024 Black & White

Advanced and intermediate skill level updates will be completed by December 15, 2024.

Please review all competition details before submitting images to any zone competitions.

Updated CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage

This webpage has been updated and now include details on “image-to-image AI” as shown below in bold:

Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques are not permitted for submission into our competitions. This includes:

In-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer or removes and replaces elements from a photograph with AI-generated content);

Out-painting (where AI extends beyond the original boundaries of the photograph using generated elements); and

Image-to-image AI (where AI transforms an entire photograph based on text prompts or style references)

Text-to-image (generated images from scratch based on text entered into a prompt description)

These restrictions apply whether or not text prompts are used in the AI generation process.

In the area of Generative AI images, there are three categories:


  • Generates images from scratch based on text entered into a prompt description 
  • Complete creative freedom but less control over the specific details produced by the system

Photo Enhancement – Fill / Expand Boundaries:

  • Modifies existing photos by filling or modifying specific areas or expanding the boundaries of the photo 
  • Focuses on blending with existing content
  • Maintains consistency with original image (photograph)

Photo Image-to-Image:

  • Transforms an entire photo based on text prompts or style references
  • Preserves basic structure while changing style, content, or attributes
  • More control over output compared to text-to-image

2024 Black & White Competition

2025 Quebec Zone Competition

This completion is now open for the uploading of images.  Key point that entries will only be accepted by Quebec residents. Competition closes on February 15, 2024 (midnight).

You are strongly encouraged to review the competition details before uploading your images into this competition.  The details of this competition can be reviewed here.

2025 Colour Competition

Competition is also now open for the uploading of images.

Prior to uploading any images into this competition, you are wise to review the competition details and ensure your submitted images fall within one of the noted themes. Competition closes on February 15, 2024 (midnight).

You can view the competition by clicking here.

November 2024 Competition News

2024 Four Nations Competition 

2024 Pacific Zone Competition

2024 Nature Competition


2025 Ontario Zone Competition 

Both the club and individual categories of this competition are now open for uploading.


Special Note – Images will be judged individually, with CAPA awards going to the highest-scoring photographs. This is a photo-by-photo competition – we will not calculate overall scores for either camera clubs or individual photographers.


Judge’s Feedback:

  • Novice photographers can receive judges’ comments only if they select ‘comments requested‘ during submission
  • Advanced and Intermediate photographers will not receive judges’ comments
  • No comments will be provided if ‘comments requested‘ is not selected

2025 Fine Art Competition


Both the club and individual categories of this competition are now open for uploading.

October 2024 Competition News

Board Approved – New – Competition Policies & Procedures document

The Board of Directors have approved our new Competitions Policy & Procedures document. Some of these enhancements include:

    • Photographer’s copyright protection and rights
    • Conflict of interest
    • Competition infractions
    • Competition Planning and Administration
    • Appeal process
    • Duties and responsibilities of our competition team
    • Pre-screening of submitted competition images
    • Scoring values and corresponding definitions
    • Selection of competition judges
    • Allocation of awards

In line with our commitment to transparency, this document is permanently accessible to all CAPA members and authorized camera club representatives through our Members’ Resources webpage. The Resources webpage is found under the Members tab on our website. We strive for openness, access to this webpage is restricted to ensure the privacy and security of our members’ information.

To access the Resources webpage, camera club representatives or Association members must first log into our website using their username and password.

You can also view this document here


UPDATED – Stance on Artificial Intelligence in Photo Competitions Document

Recent announcements of three photo processing applications have introduced new Generative AI features. In response, we’ve revised our CAPA stance on artificial intelligence in our photo competitions (dated October 1, 2024). The changes are highlighted in red.

We’ve updated the Editing Criteria for all our competitions to include a hyperlink to this updated document.

You can view this document here.


Competition Judging Process For CAPA

CAPA has documented our current competition judging process for the information of all competition participants and judges too.

Over the past two years, we have implemented a judge’s review process to maintain integrity and foster continuous improvement.
While we acknowledge the inherent subjectivity in photography assessment, these measures help us maintain high standards and build trust among participants and judges alike.

In line with our commitment to transparency, this document is permanently accessible to all CAPA members and authorized camera club representatives through our Members’ Resources webpage. The Resources webpage is found under the Members tab on our website. We strive for openness, access to this webpage is restricted to ensure the privacy and security of our members’ information.

To access the Resources webpage, camera club representatives or Association members must first log into our website using their username and password.

You can also view this document here


Fall 2024 – Photo Competitions Open For Uploading

Both of our remaining fall competitions are now open for uploading of your images:


September 2024 Competition News

Your Progress in Photography Hinges on Continual Learning Article

Our latest article outlines the many benefits of our photo competitions for emerging artists, going well beyond simply winning an award. Our competitions serve as a key developmental method for your personal development, offering opportunities for skill enhancement, creative expansion, and community integration.

Our article highlights seven key advantages: practical skill improvement, creative growth through diverse challenges, networking opportunities, personal progress benchmarking, goal-setting and motivation, professional feedback, and the chance to push creative boundaries. The article clearly outlines how photo competitions can play a crucial role in a photographer’s journey from novice to accomplished artist.

We would encourage you to review this new article. You can read the article here


Updated CAPA Eligibility Criteria Webpage

Our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage has been updated to include provisions from the FIAP Booklet:

“Not place identifying text, their signature or any other distinctive mark on the front or facing side of any submitted image”.


Updated Editing Criteria For All Competitions

The Image Metadata Required subsection of all competition Editing Criteria Sections has been updated to include the following:

“For all submitted images, the photographer must preserve intact with no alterations, the original metadata (EXIF) of images. It is recommended that photographers leave the metadata in submitted image files intact in order to ease the analysis of potential winning images.”

“The Director of Competitions will request and receive the original un-retouched JPEG or RAW file for a potential winning image in a competition for the purposes of image verification and authentication of competition compliance”.


Questions Why Different Submission For All Zone Competitions

For the 2024-2025 competition cycle, we’re introducing a new ‘Skill-Level’ model competition, refined based on testing in the Atlantic, Prairie, and Quebec Zones.

Currently, zone competition entry limits are based on the number of camera clubs per zone. For example:

  • Atlantic and Prairie Zones: 6 clubs each
  • Quebec Zone: 7-9 clubs
  • Ontario Zone: 20 clubs
  • Pacific Zone: 16 clubs

To ensure judges can provide meaningful feedback, we’ve set limits on submitted images. Judges have agreed to offer supportive comments on up to 50 images each. In competitions with 150 total submissions, each judge would comment on one-third of the entries. For events exceeding 150 submissions, we’ll add one or two judges to the team.

Importantly, judges’ comments will only be provided to entrants not identified as intermediate or advanced photographers.

After the 2024-2025 cycle concludes, we’ll evaluate and potentially expand the number of entrants for these competitions. We hope this explanation offers a clearer understanding of our new initiative.


Updated “CAPA Stance on Artificial Intelligence in Photo Competitions”

This document has been updated on August 15, 2024 and will remain in effect until Generative AI details come to light. Each competition’s Editing Criteria section has a hyperlink to this updated document.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding artificial intelligence, please email me at competitions@capacanada.ca.


Updated “How To Upload Images Into CAPA Competition”

Based on suggestions received, we have updated our “How To Upload Images Into CAPA Competition” PDF document which is located under the Competition Process section of each competition. You can view this webpage here.


Updated Competitions Q&A webpage

We have updated our Competition Q&A webpage to reflect questions raised and the responses we have provided. You can view the Competitions Q&A webpage by selecting it from our Competitions dropdown menu. You can also view this document here.


2024 Four Nations Competition

The Australian Photographic Society anticipates completing the judging process for the 2024 Four Nations Competition by late September.

Upon receiving the results, we will promptly notify all 80 participating photographers and publish the outcomes on the CAPA website.

June 2024 Competition News

Enhancements to the “CAPA Stance on AI-Generated Images in Photo Competitions”

This document has been and now identifies new applications that contain Generative features which are not permitted in our photo Competitions. List includes:

  • Canva – contains – Generative Expand, and Generative text-to-image creation.
  • Lightroom (includes beta 13.3) – now contains – Generative Remove.
  • Luminar Neo – contains – GenErase, GenSwap & GenExpand.
  • Photoroom – contains – Generative Expand, Generative Fill, Generative Background and Generative text-to-image creation.
  • Photoshop 2024 (includes beta 25.10) – Generative Fill, Generative Expand, Generative background, and Firefly AI Generative text-to-image creation.
  • Picsart – contains – Generative Replace and text-to-image creation.
  • Pixlr – contains – Generative Fill, Generative Expand, and Generative text-to-image creation.
  • Stylar AI – contains – Generative Fill, Generative Expand, and Generative text-to-image creation.


Zone Competitions

All of our five (5) Zone competitions for 2024-2025 have been updated to include the following:

  1. Photographers can request to elevation to a higher skill-level with supporting rationale. Request to lower skill-level will only be undertaken in exceptional cases.
  2. Rationale for the change – Our Zone Skill-Level assignment of a skill level for the Intermediate and Advanced is based the recognition of achievements in our Association.
  3. We do recognize that photographers have received accolades and recognition from other reputable photographic associations, societies, and competitions. For these photographers, they may choose to submit a request, along with appropriate supporting documentation to have their skill level elevated to either Intermediate or Advanced, to better align their proven abilities.
  4. To proceed with the skill elevation, the entrant would need to forward me (competitions@capacanada.ca) an email outlining their achievement and sources where these achievements can be verified.

For Zone competitions only, judges will score all of the images, and additionally one judge will ONLY provide comments on each image submitted into the novice skill category.

Rationale for the change – is that photographers in the Intermediate and Advanced skill levels have already received recognition for their photographic skills and abilities. Consequently, constructive feedback from judges is most beneficial for those in the Novice category, as they are still developing their skills and abilities.

By allocating dedicated commentary from one judge specifically for Novice entrants, we aim to provide valuable guidance and insights to support their growth and improvement as photographers.


Annual Photo Challenge

The final competition report can be viewed by first logging into the CAPA website then navigating to the Competitions Report option from the Competitions dropdown menu.

If the Competitions Report option is now visible then your login was not successful. Please try again.

Winning images can be viewed by clicking here. 

May 2024 Competition News

Clarification On Role of Pre-Screening Committee

Given the heightened concerns regarding the potential misallocation images be
allocated the wrong theme, I have revised my instruction for judges as follows:

For our CAPA competitions, we established a Pre-screening Committee tasked with
reviewing all submitted into a competition prior the closing of a competition. Their role is to address any potential issues based on specific criteria:

  • Ensure image falls within the competition
  • Check for ‘hand-of-man’ in the Nature/Wildlife competition
  • Check for any sexually explicit content
  • Verify no photographer/club names are visible on the surface of the image
  • Check that the image titles are not just “no-title”
  • Determine if judges have entered their images into a competition they are judging
  • Check for images that may appear as a trademark owner-sponsored image any
    potential trademark violation
  • Identify any images that contain clues of an AI-generated images or images enhanced
    with generative features

If any issues are discovered, the committee contacts the entrant for corrections before the competition closes. Once the judging begins, no re-submissions or are permitted.

The Pre-screening Committee may occasionally miss a questionable image or hand-of-
man’ because of the sheer volume of images being reviewed.

When an image is deemed to be in the ‘gray-area’ of compliance with the Scope of
Competition then the entrant will be given the ‘benefit-of-the-doubt’ and image will
advance to the judging process.

Regarding theme validation, I’ve instructed the committee not to proceed with it. My
rationale is as follows:

  • Entrant bears the responsibility to carefully read and comply with the competition rules, including theme selection.
  • By not validating themes, we encourage entrants to thoroughly read and comprehend
    the rules. Validating themes creates an expectation of hand-holding, which may
    undermine the learning process.
  • Themes can be subjective and open to interpretation, leading to potential inconsistencies and disputes if validated. Leaving the interpretation to the judges encourages a more objective and unbiased evaluation.
  • The Competition team will not amend submitted image themes without the entrant’s
    approval to avoid potential disputes.


As the Director of Competition, I have repeatedly encouraged entrants to contact me for
clarification on all aspects of our competition which includes theme selection.

Judges may deduct 0.5 to 1.0 point for images entered into incorrect themes, rather than
disqualifying them outright. Disqualification by judges is reserved for exceptional cases
provided that two or more judges are in agreement.

During the judging process, CAPA aims for fair evaluations without overly penalizing
entrants. If significant score variance occurs, judges are encouraged to re-assess and
discuss the image with fellow panel members. This process fosters consistency across
judgements, though judges aren’t obligated to alter their original scores.

CAPA’s priorities are maintaining competition integrity, fostering learning opportunities for
entrants, and providing proper guidance.


Delayed Closing For 2024 Four Nations Competition

The 2024 competition, hosted by the Australian Photographic Society is undergoing
some adjustments. Traditionally, the deadline for submissions has been June 24 of
each year.

However, due to unforeseen circumstances, their competition coordinator had to
step down at the end of March 2024.

A replacement coordinator has requested a two-month extension for the deadline to
allow for a smooth transition and to permit their society to select their top 80 images.
This request has received unanimous support from all Four Nations Committee

A panel of CAPA judges has already selected the top 80 images from 80
photographers, selected from submissions to our 2024 – 2024 competitions.


Atlantic Zone Competition

Winning images can be viewed here:


Prairie Zone Competition

Winning images can be viewed here:


Canada: My Country Competition

Winning images can be viewed here:

April 2024 Competition News

Artificial Intelligence Question/Response

Question: Why is CAPA taking a firm stance against admitting AI-generative art images into CAPA competitions?

Response: The traditional definition of photography is closely tied to the process of capturing images via a camera or other light-sensitive device that records the real world. AI-generated art, despite its potential to create visually striking imagery, fundamentally differs from this process as it does directly record light from physical reality.

For the photographic community to potentially consider AI-generated art under a broader definition of “photography” as a new form of artistic expression, all concerns and issues surrounding AI generative images would need to be comprehensively addressed to their satisfaction first.

If the definition of “photography” was expanded, the only conceivable way for photographic competitions to incorporate AI-generated art would be through distinct, separate categories from the traditional camera-captured photographs. This segregation would be necessary to uphold the integrity of camera-based photography, as integrating AI art and photographed images into the same category would unfairly disadvantage the latter given the vastly different generative processes involved.

From the current perspective, it does not appear that the photographic community has plans to make accommodations for AI-generated art in competitions anytime soon, likely awaiting further resolution of outstanding issues around this new art form.

Photographs enhanced with AI-generated features occupy a ‘gray-area’ between traditional camera-captured images and purely AI-generated art. The crucial difference is that the AI-generated elements in these enhanced photographs did not originate from the photographer’s camera; instead, they were sourced from an AI’s dataset.

As photographic societies and associations consider whether to accept AI-enhanced images into their competitions, they will need to implement processes to distinguish between camera-captured photographs and those augmented with AI components. Such processes are necessary to prevent AI-generated content from unintentionally or deliberately entering and dominating competitions intended solely for traditional photography.

The implementation of these distinguishing mechanisms will depend on third-part AI detection software, as most photographic societies lack the resources to develop such tools independently.

For details on the issues surrounding AI-generative images – please see our article entitled “CAPA’s Stance on AI-Generated Images In Photo Competitions.

You can view this document here – (English) (French


Updated CAPA Eligibility Criteria Webpage

The following details have been added to our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage:

  • A photographer will NOT capture a screen image or photograph an image found on the internet and incorporate it in a composite image that is later submitted into our competition. All aspects of the post-processing for their submitted image were undertaken by the entrant with the exception of scanning of their negatives and printing of the image.

March 2024 Competitions Update

March 2024 Competitions Update

Updated Eligibility Criteria and All Competition Editing Criteria

In order to enhance clarity regarding Artificial Intelligence, we have revised the following statements across both our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage and all competition editing criteria:

  • Images that involve the use of AI generative techniques like in-painting (where AI generates pixels to fill in missing parts or removes and replaces selected element from the original photograph then using replace it with pixel element from the AI’s generative dataset) or out-painting (where the AI extends the image beyond its original boundaries by generating new elements) are not permitted for submission into CAPA competitions, regardless of whether text prompts were used or not.
  • The Director of Competitions has the right to request and receive the original un-retouched JPEG or RAW file for a potential winning image in a competition for the purposes of verifying competition compliance.
  • Upon notification that their image is a potential winning entry, photographers may be required by the Director of Competitions to submit all original images, such as un-retouched JPG or RAW files, along with other image files that were integrated into the submitted image.
  • Failure to comply with the Director’s request for image files will result in the potential winning image being withdrawn from the competition and the competition results will be re-sorted.

These requirements are designed to promote transparency and validate compliance with competition’s specifications regarding image authenticity and adherence to the editing criteria. 

Furthermore, I have created a document entitled “CAPAs Stance on AI-Generated Image in Photo Competitions.”  This document serves as a comprehensive response to numerous inquiries we have received concerning artificial intelligence in the context of oru photographic competitions.  You can view this document here – (English) (French


Competitions Now Open For Uploading Images

Images can now be opened to the following competitions:


Artistic Competition

Winning Images can be viewed here:

Music Competitions

Winning Images can be viewed here:

Colour Competitions

Winning Images can be viewed here:


Competition reports have been posted to the Competition Results.  To view them, you must log into the CAPA website and navigate to the Competition Report option located on the Competitions dropdown menu.  If the Competitions Report option is not displaced in this dropdown menu, you are not logged into the website.


2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:

CAPA’s Stance on AI-Generated Images in Photo Competitions

CAPA’s Stance on AI-Generated Images in Photo Competitions

NightCafe-robot-head-sheldon Boles-2023-11-19_07-32-36

AI Generative ‘text-to-image’ Creation by Sheldon Boles


In light of the rapid advancements in AI-generative technology and its potential implications for the integrity of photographic competitions, the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) has taken a proactive stance to address the use of AI-generated images and photos enhanced with AI-generative features. 

This comprehensive document outlines CAPA’s position, guidelines, and the rationale behind the organization’s approach to safeguarding the authenticity and fairness of its photographic competitions.

Why AI-Generative Images Are Not Being Accepted In Competitions?

The decision to prohibit AI-generated images in photographic competitions stems from several critical concerns that challenge the core principles of photography.

  1. Unjustified Image Scraping and Corporate Profits – AI image generators often scrape internet images without proper compensation to the original photographer or artists.  This practise raises concerns about the ethical implications of profiting from these unsuspecting image creators. By entering a prompt, the AI-generative created an image from elements contained in their AI dataset of scraped images. 
  1. Copyright Challenges The unresolved nature of copyright issues surrounding AI-generated images underscores the need for clarity in distinguishing between “intellectual property rights” and “fair usage” within the scope of AI-generative technology.  This complexity adds legal challenges that photographic societies and associations must navigate before considering the acceptance of AI-generated content.  In the United States, several AI firms are being sued for copyright infringement and the matters are before the courts.
  1. Copyright Authorship of AI Generated Images – Creators of AI-generative images are not receiving a copyright for their AI creations.  United States Copyright Office’s “Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence” document outlines why countries are apprehensive in issuing copyrights to AI-generated images.  Their guidance document states: 

Based on the Office’s understanding of the generative AI technologies currently available, users do not exercise ultimate creative control over how such systems interpret prompts and generate material. Instead, these prompts function more like instructions to a commissioned artist—they identify what the prompter wishes to have depicted, but the machine determines how those instructions are implemented in its output.

When an AI technology determines the expressive elements of its output, the generated material is not the product of human authorship.31 As a result, that material is not protected by copyright”

The majority of photographic societies and associations require that an entrant submitting an image into their competition must hold the copyright for their submitted image. 

  1. Unfair AdvantageAccepting AI generated images in a photographic competition would create an unfair advantage, as AI algorithms are capable of producing images at a faster rate or with more precision than human photographers. 

Due to the unresolved concerns highlighted above, the recognition of AI-generated images as legitimate photographs in our competitions is contingent on the resolution of these issues.  Until then, participants submitting AI-generative images engage in fraudulent practices by presenting ineligible images for in photographic competitions, which is both deceptive and unethical.

The Majority of photographic societies and associations worldwide have adopted a firm stance, explicitly prohibiting the submission of AI-generative images and photographs enhanced with generative features. For instance, the Australian Photographic Society restricts such entries in their competitions:

Entrants must be the author of any image/s and all parts thereof submitted into an APS Competition.

All parts of the image or images must have been ‘photographed’ by the author. 

‘Content-aware Fill’ or similar modification that is entirely based on pixels in the original image/s and which does not extend the image beyond its original boundaries is ‘acceptable’.

‘Generative Fill’ or other processes that use content generated by software from written prompts or developed from the work of others is ‘not acceptable’.

Question: “Can I use Generative Fill, or similar, to create or remove an object (person, flora or fauna, building, scenery effect etc) in my image?”

  • This is not allowable if you use content generated by software from written prompts or developed from the work of others.  For example:

  • Removing an ‘unnecessary’ tree that is replaced with existing associated imagery is allowable.

  • Removing a person and replacing them with a ‘dog on a lead’ is not allowable.
    Removing the background of an existing bush scene and using text asking for a ‘beach background scene’ to be added is not allowable.

  • Using generative fill to ‘add a waterfall’ to a scene where the waterfall is not part of an image taken by the photographer is not allowable.

  • Turning a summer scene into a winter scene that introduces snow that was not part of an image taken by the photographer is not allowable.

  • It is acknowledged that this is an area of rapid change and perhaps the most contentious”

Another example reflecting a comparable stance is The International of Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP), which serves as the umbrella photographic organization consisting of 94 photographic societies and associations worldwide: 

“Info 260/2023 states:

Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in salons under FIAP patronage.  Therefore, salon organizers are asked to include the following text into the regulations of their events: 

Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon!  It is reminded that all parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life!”

CAPA Proactive Approach To Address AI-Generative Technology

In the Fall of 2023, we updated our CAPA Eligibility to establish ‘guard-rails’ designed to address potential submission of AI-generated text-to-image and photos enhanced with AI-generative technology: 

  • For the purposes of our competitions, a photographic image is defined “as being a captured image on a light-sensitive device (e.g. film camera, digital camera, smartphone, tablet, etc…) and recorded on film or in a digital format.”
  • An artificial intelligence (AI) generated image is not deemed to be a photographic image because it was created from scratch by the AI system and contains no image captured by the photographer.  Therefore, this type of image will not be accepted into our competitions.

  • Use of AI features contained within a post processing application (e.g. masking, sharpening, de-noise, enlarging, etc…) are permitted.

  • Images that involve the use of AI generative techniques like in-painting (where AI generates pixels to fill in missing parts or removes and replaces selected element from the original photograph then using replace it with pixel element from the AI’s generative dataset) or out-painting (where the AI extends the image beyond its original boundaries by generating new elements) are not permitted for submission into CAPA competitions, regardless of whether text prompts were used or not.

  • Potential winning images may be required to have supporting images (sky, texture, etc…which must have been captured by the submitting photographer) submitted on request by the Director of Competitions.

Furthermore, the Editing Criteria for all our competitions will be revised to include the following: 

The Director of Competitions has the right to request and receive the original un-retouched JPEG or RAW file for a potential winning image in a competition for the purposes of verifying competition compliance. 

Upon notification that their image is a potential winning entry, photographers may be required by the Director of Competitions to submit all original images, such as unretouched JPG or RAW files, along with other image files that were integrated into the submitted image.

Failure to comply with the Director’s request for image files will result in the potential winning image being withdrawn from the competition and the competition results will be re-sorted.

These requirements aim to ensure transparency and verify adherence to the competition’s specifications regarding image authenticity and compliance with the editing criteria.

Artificial Intelligence Definitions 

In recent years, many photo post-processing applications have incorporated Artificial Intelligence features in their products.  The emergence of AI-generative technology has created uncertainty among photographers regarding the acceptability of different AI features. 

To bring clarity to the realm of artificial intelligence, the following definitions are provided: 

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – This a branch of computer science dedicated to simulating human-like intelligence. 
  • Machine Learning – A subset of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning employs algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to learn and perform specific task.  Examples of AI machine learning features can be found in applications like Topaz Labs and On1 Photo Raw.
  • Deep Learning – Another subset of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning involves the use of artificial neural networks to model and understand complex patterns and associated relationships.  AI-generative technology is component of deep learning platforms.  Examples of AI-generative apps include Midjourney, Open AI, Stability AI, Dream Studio, Night Cafe, Photoshop 2024’s Generative featured, Adobe’s Firefly text-to-image, Luminar AI’s generative features. 
  • Text-To-Image – This is a feature of AI-generative applications that and involves algorithmically generating images from a given text prompt. It eliminates the necessity for an original photograph and incorporates elements using a dataset sourced from images scraped from the internet, resulting in a realistic and seamless composition. 
  • Image In-Painting – This feature where AI generates pixels to fill in missing parts or removes and replaces selected element from the original photograph then using replace it with pixel element from the AI’s generative dataset.
  • Image Out-Painting – This AI-generative technique extends the visual contents of an image beyond its original dimensions, offering an expansive view or a broader perspective. 
  • AI Rendering – The utilization of  AI-generative algorithms and models to either generate new visual imagery or enhance an existing image. 

Technology To Detect AI-Generated images 

For all potential winning images, we utilize a dedicated AI classifier model that has undergone rigorous testing by myself, demonstrating a 99% reliability in detecting AI-generative text-to-image creations.  This is AI machine learning model was trained on millions of examples, encompassing both AI-generated creations and human-captured images, and undergoes regular updates to ensure optimal performance with the latest generative engines.  This AI classifier is not available as a free application and required a paid account. 

Important to note, the AI classifier’s assessment is independent of the image’s metadata, providing a robust a comprehensive analysis.  All potential winning images are subjected to this assessment. 

Below is an example of the analysis conducted by our AI classifier. 

Screen capture of an image that has been evaluated using an AI classifier which had correctly identified the image as being an AI-generated image using Midjourney.

Technology of Photographs Enhanced with Generative Features

As a founding member of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and its associated standards organization, the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), Adobe is actively collaborating with AI technology firms to establish open standards and enhance transparency regard the origins, facts, and creators of digital content.

On October 10, 2023, Adobe unveiled the official launch of the Firefly (text-to-image) AI generation website and Photoshop 2024 featuring the integration of Generative Fill and Generative Expand functionalities.  Notably, both the Firefly website and Photoshop now incorporate the advanced Firefly algorithm.

Upon activation of the Generative Fill and Generative Expand features in Photoshop 2024, the following outcomes occur: 

  • Camera detail are stripped from the image metadata.
  • A new metadata tags are created, featuring freshly created narrative labels as “Generated Image” and “Adobe Firefly.”

SPECIAL NOTE – In the Generative Fill feature, by using either the Lasso Tool or the Elliptical Marquee Tool to select a specific area, the Generative Fill menu will be triggered.  Should your objective be to eliminate a designated region in the image using Generative Fill, the Firefly algorithm will promptly mark the image’s metadata with tags “Generated Image” and “Adobe Firefly.

Example of an element being removed with Adobe 2024 Generative Fill below. 

Screen capture example of Photoshop 2024 Generative Fill feature to remove an element from an image. 

The following screen capture illustrates an instance of what the Adobe Firefly algorithm adds to the image’s metadata when the mentioned element is excluded from the original image using Generative Fill (with or without a prompt being entered).  The alternations to the image metadata occurs upon activating both the Generative Fill and Generative Expand features.

Screen capture of metadata2go.com’s viewing of the image metadata, containing the Firefly’s addition of “Generated Image” designation from activated the Adobe 2024 Generative features.

Not all metadata readers can access the full image metadata. One free metadata which does provide access to the image metadata is https://metadata2go.com.  You may wish to become familiar with this website and check your image prior to submitting into one of our CAPA competitions.

Below is an example of an image analyzed by Adobe’s Content Credential website (https://contentcredentials.org/verify).

Screen capture from Adobe’s Content Credential website, outlining analysis of an image edited in Photoshop 2024 using the Generative Fill feature.  As indicated by the highlighted area in red, this image incorporates an element generated with an AI tool.

In our scrutiny of all potential winning images, each will undergo thorough evaluation through various verification and authentication processes.  If an image is discovered to contain the metadata tag “Generated Image,” it will be removed from the competition, the entrant will be advised and the results will be re-sorted.

In Photoshop 2024, several tools can be employed to eliminate areas of an image without triggering the Firefly algorithm.  These tools include: 

Screen capture of permitted Photoshop 2024 features for use in our photo competitions. that are permitted in our photo competitions.

What applications contain AI-generative features?

We have received numerous inquiries about other applications that incorporate AI-generative features. 

As of March 10, 2024, only two applications incorporate AI-generative technology:  

  • Adobe 2024 – details of these features are outlined above. 
  • Luminar Neo – contains – GenErase, GenSwap & GenExpand.

In CAPA photo competitions, the inclusion of AI-generative features in any photo post-processing application is not permitted. Nevertheless, various other photo post-processing applications do incorporate Artificial Intelligence (machine learning AI models) features that are allowed for use in our competitions. 

When using these accepted features, it is imperative to emphasize that these features must comply with the competition’s editing criteria, avoiding the introduction of elements to an image that the photographer did not originally capture.   

As of March 10, 2024, the following is a list of machine learning AI features which are permitted for use in our photo competitions: 

  • Luminar Neo includes tools like AI Structure, AI Sky Replacement, AI Skin Enhancer, and more that utilize machine learning algorithms to automate and enhance photo editing tasks.
  • ON1 Photo RAW includes tools like AI Auto Enhance, AI Match Batch Processing, and AI No-Noise AI which aim to streamline photo editing workflows.
  • DxO PhotoLab  includes DeepPRIME AI technology for tasks like denoising, sharpening, and PRIME deblurring powered by machine learning. 

NOTE – In August 2023 – a DXO representative stated “I asked for something simpler to fill in missing edges, like Content Aware Fill or something similar. Generative Fill AI, I don’t think is likely to come from a company like DXO for variety of reasons.”

  • Topaz Labs AI includes Gigapixel AI for upscaling images, DeNoise AI, and Sharpen AI leveraging deep learning models.

NOTE: As of January 16, 2024, Topaz Lab representative stated “we aren’t currently making use of Generative AI as of yet but I can say that this feature is being investigated by our development team for the future version of Gigapixel AI.”

Closing Comments

CAPA remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the integrity of photographic competitions and preserving the authenticity of the art form. As AI-generative technology continues to evolve, we will remain vigilant in addressing any emerging challenges or implications that may arise for our competitions. Our dedication to maintaining a clear delineation between authentic photography and AI-generated content is unwavering, ensuring a level playing field and fair competition within our esteemed photographic community.

We encourage our members and participants to stay informed and engaged as we navigate this rapidly changing landscape together. CAPA will continue to provide timely updates, guidance, and educational resources in our monthly CAPA News announcements and in our Competition News webpage. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or insights to share, please feel free to reach out to me at competitions@capacanada.ca. Your feedback and input are invaluable as we collectively strive to preserve the integrity and spirit of photographic art.


Sheldon Boles – FCAPA

Director of Competitions CAPA

February 2024 Competitions Update

February 2024 Competitions Update

Authenticity – Immediate Change To Competition Requirements

Question #1:

Why is CAPA now requiring submitted images to include full metadata, and there may be a requirement to submit all original image files with complete metadata?

The Response:

We have added the following details to all our CAPA photo competition webpages: Image Metadata Required: For all competitions: it is mandatory that your submitted image includes complete image file metadata. Alternatively, if your image is chosen as a potential winning entry, you will be required to provide the original images (e.g., un-retouched JPG or RAW files) used in developing the submitted images. Ensure that all requested files maintain the full image file metadata.

Metadata plays a crucial role in authenticating photographs, serving as a detailed record of the image creation process. It encompasses information about the camera, lenses, editing software, potential AI generative features, and even geo-location data. Consistent and comprehensive photographic metadata acts as a ‘fingerprint,’ verifying the originality of claimed photographic work.

While some photo post-processing applications allow metadata removal upon image export, most applications retain this information. Consequently, metadata requirements are generally not a concern for the majority of photographers.

In the evaluation of potential winning images, we implement stringent processes to differentiate between AI-generative images and photographs enhanced by AI generative features. These processes include, but are not limited to:

  • Entrants may be required to submit all original images contributing to the creation of the submitted image. Failure to provide the requested image files will result in having the potential winning image removed from the competition. Competition results will then be re-sorted.
  • Thorough analysis of the metadata associated with the submitted image and all contributing images.
  • Missing or manipulated metadata may raise suspicions about the image’s 100% originality.
  • Utilization of forensic analysis tools to scrutinize elements of both the submitted image and contributing images.

Application of an AI classifier with a verified reliability of 99% in detecting AI generative images.

By implementing these measures, our objective is to strike a balance between embracing innovation and new technology while upholding the core values of photographers – authenticity and creativity. This commitment ensure that winning images truly reflect the skill and artistry while at the same time maintaining the integrity of our competitions.

If you have a question or issue relating to your image and possible submission into one of our competitions, you can email me at competitions@capacanada.ca

Question #2:

If I am not permitted to use the Adobe Photoshop’s Generative Fill to remove elements in an image, what other options are available to me which are permitted?

The Response:

Unwanted elements in an image can be eliminated through various tools, such as the clone stamp tool, content-aware fill, and remove brush.

It’s essential to note a restriction due to the behavior of the Adobe Firefly algorithm in Photoshop. This algorithm alters image metadata when any generative features are activated. Specifically, when using Photoshop Generative Fill (for adding or removing elements) or the Expand feature, the Firefly AI algorithm removes camera details and introduces multiple metadata tags. One of these tags is labelled “Title” with the data value of “Generative Image.”

The new Google Bard AI/Gemini AI creates a similar metadata tag called “Credit” and has corresponding details of “Made by Google AI. ”

These added metadata tags and narrative are not accessible by EXIF Editors.


Ontario Zone Competition

For this competition, we received a total of 150 images (75 from 15 clubs & 98 from 50 photographers). One new camera club submitted images into this competition for the first time – Camera Club of Ottawa. In addition, 5 new photographers participated in this competition.

Winning images can be viewed here:

Two of the three judges did provide supportive comments on submitted images. These comments can be viewed here:

Quebec Zone Competition

For this competition, we received a total of 122 images (34 from 7 clubs & 88 from 46 photographers). Nine new photographers participated in this competition for the first time.

Winning images can be viewed here:

Team of judges provided supportive comments for all images submitted. These comments can be viewed here:


Competitions Now Open For Uploading Images

  • Atlantic Zone (closes March 30, 2024) – see competition details here
  • Prairie Zone (closes March 30, 2024) – see competition details here


2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:

January 2024 Competitions Update

January 2024 Competitions Update

Competitions Now Open For Uploading Images

  • Artistic (closes on Jan. 30, 2024) – see competition details here.
  • Music (closes on February 15, 2024) – see competition details here.
  • Colour (closes on March 1, 2024) – see competition details here.

IMPORTANT NOTICE – Global Changes to All Competition

Based on our recent extensive study of AI-generative image technology, we have implemented the following revisions to our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage and updated all competition Editing Criteria to include the following:

  • Artificial Intelligence Renderings: Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer or removed elements from a photograph) or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.
  • Image Metadata Required: For all competitions: it is mandatory that your submitted image includes complete image file metadata. Alternatively, if your image is chosen as a potential winning entry, you will be required to provide the original images (e.g., un-retouched JPG or RAW files) used in developing the submitted images. Ensure that all requested files maintain the full image file metadata.

Example of Image Sizing

The Vernon Camera Club suggested that we include an image example on the sizing of images being submitted into our competitions.

We have accepted this suggestion and it is being added to all CAPA competitions.

The hyperlink is found under the Image Size – Dimension section of each competition webpage. You can view this example here.

2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:

December 2023 Competitions Update

December 2023 Competitions Update

2024 Atlantic Zone Competition

Rejean Pitre (Atlantic Zone Director) and I have agreed that images submitted into this competition should have been captured in the Atlantic Zone.

As such, the competition narrative has been updated to reflect the following:

“This is an open theme and images should be limited to being be captured in the Atlantic Zone”.


Competition closes on March 30, 2024. You can view the competition details here.


New Competitions Now Open

The following competitions are now open for the uploading of images:


  • Ontario Zone Competition (Closes on January 15, 2024) – Competition details can be viewed here.
  • Quebec Zone Competition (Closes on January 15, 2024) – Details from this competition can be viewed here.
  • Artistic Competition (Closes on January 30, 2024) – You can view the competition details by clicking here.
  • Music Competition (Closes on February 15, 2024) – Competition details can be viewed here.


Please remember that as of November 2023, all future CAPA competition Editing Criteria states:

Editing Techniques Not Permitted

Artificial Intelligence Renderings: Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer) or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

The inclusion of Photoshop application features, such as Firefly’s AI Generative Fill and AI Expand cannot be contained in your image submitted into a CAPA competition. Similar positions will be taken with other AI systems with these features.

This updated provision will be in effect starting from November 30, 2023, and it will apply to all CAPA competitions.


2023 Black & White Competition

For this competition, we received a total of 1,036 images ( 291 from 50 clubs & 745 from 254 Individual CAPA members). The total number (50 & 254) of entrant to this competition exceed all previous CAPA competitions.

Another noteworthy statistics are that one new camera club participated in their first CAPA Competition (Club Photo Valleyfield) and 33 new individual CAPA members.

The winning images can be viewed here:

Final statistics relating to the number of awards presented in this competition are as follows;


  • Club category Medals – 3
  • Club Medal Certificates – 28 (English & French)
  • Club Merit Awards e-certificates – 19 (English & French)
  • Club Honour Awards – 57 (English & French)
  • Individual category Medals – 3
  • Individual Merit Awards – 13 (English & French)
  • Individual Honour Awards – 32 English & French)


Both competition reports are now available on the Competition Reports webpage.

To view these reports, you must first into the CAPA website and select the Competition Reports from the Competitions dropdown menu.

If you cannot see the Competitions Report on the Competition dropdown menu then you have not been successfully logged into the CAPA website.

2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:

*New – November 2023:

*New – November 2023:

*New – November 2023:

*New – November 2023:

November 2023 Competitions Update

November 2023 Competitions Update

Updated Editing Criteria For All CAPA Competitions

With the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generative technology, the Editing Criteria has been updated to include the following details:

Artificial Intelligence Renderings: Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer) or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

-The inclusion of Photoshop application features, such as Firefly’s AI Generative Fill and AI Expand cannot be contained in your image submitted into a CAPA competition. Similar positions will be taken with other AI systems with these features.

-This updated provision will be in effect starting from November 30, 2023, and it will apply to all CAPA competitions. 

Reminder of our Updated Editing Criteria

Photograph must not contain any decorative elements like frames, borders, pin-lines, or mats.  This includes the edges and markings of scanned film.  When the frame is integral to the captured image, for instance a window frame or door frame that has been captured by the camera, these elements are permitted.

Updated Competition Requirements – 2024 Audio Visual Presentation

The details of this competition have been updated to include the following:

– “Special Note – To comply with the Canadian Copying Act, all music included in a presentation must ONLY contain “non-copyrighted,” “released into public domain” or “royalty-free” and must comply with all conditions of the source of the music.  In addition, the source of the music must be included in the last presentation credit slide.” 

New Pilot Test For Tiered Skill-Level Zone Competitions

Following the valuable feedback received in our 2023 CAPA Survey, many respondents suggested that CAPA explore the possibility of introducing a competition format that caters to photographers of varying skill levels, including novices, intermediates, and advanced photographers.

In response to these suggestions, we have created a tiered skill-level competition model. We are proceeding with a pilot test of this model for the 2024 Atlantic Zone competition. If the pilot test proves feasible and effective, we may consider expanding this model to include all other zone competitions.

The details of this model can be reviewed here – November 2023 – Tiered Skill-Levels For Zone Competitions (English) (French)

New Competition Now Open

The following competitions are now open for the uploading of images:

  • Ontario Zone Competition (closes on January 15, 2024) – You can view the competition details by clicking here.
  • NEW Quebec Zone Competition (closes on January 15, 2024) – You can view the competition details by clicking here.

2023 Pacific Zone Competition

For this competition, we received a total of 229 images (70 club & 81 individual CAPA members). The submissions were limited to permit four CAPA judges to provide one supportive comment for each image.

We will be extending the judge’s comments to all remaining CAPA Zone competitions.

You can view the winning image from this competition here:

2023 Nature Competition

For this competition, we received a total of 897 images (club 258 & individual 639).

The winning can be viewed here:

Excellent Webpage for Webpage Article on Copyright & Photography

Check out this most comprehensive explanation of the Copyright Act and Photographer by clicking here 

2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:

New – November 2023 – Zone Competitions (English) (French)

New – November 2023 – Tiered Skill-Levels For Zone Competitions (English) (French)

New – November 2023 – Provide Feedback Evaluations Not Just Score (English) (French)

October 2023 Competition Updates

October 2023 Competition Updates

Competitions Now Open For Uploading of Images

Black & White competition (closes November 15, 2023) – You can view the competition details by clicking here.

Ontario Zone competition (closes January 14, 2023) – You can view the competition details by clicking here.

New Quebec Zone Competition

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a new Quebec Zone competition and competition will close on January 15, 2024.

We will be working with David Boutin (new Quebec Zone Director) to finalize the competition narrative. Details regarding this competition should be posted to the CAPA website by the end of October or early November 2023.

Artificial Intelligence Generative text-to-images

To stay abreast of the rapidly changing AI generative technology, we’ve established an AI Advisory Committee to the Director of Competitions. The committee comprises of Dr. Bob Ito, Parez Khatib, and Robert Hulbert.

In response to recent advancements in AI generative capabilities, we have revised our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage to incorporate the following statement:

  • Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – inpainting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer) or outpainting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

This statement has also been added to all our 2023 – 2024 competition narratives.

Prior to entering any competition, we strongly encourage you to carefully review the other components of the CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage concerning artificial intelligence and the definition of a photographic image. You can access the complete CAPA Eligibility Criteria by clicking here.


We have developed an informative presentation on Artificial Intelligence to enlighten our photographers about this swiftly changing evolving technology.

Camera clubs interested in hosting this presentation via Zoom can contact the Director of Competitions.


2023 CAPA Survey Suggestions Related to Competitions and Our Responses

In a proactive approach to carefully evaluate and implement a multitude of suggestions aimed at improving our competitions and processes, we will created documents which summaries suggestions and our responses.

The following is a listing of suggestions and response which are now available for your review:



Between now and April 2024, we plan to incorporate 3 to 4 suggestions and provide corresponding responses each month. For instance, in November, we will present the following suggestions:


  • November 2023 – Zone Competitions
  • November 2023 – Tiered Skill-Level Zone Competitions
  • November 2023 – Provide Feedback Evaluations Not Just Scores

September 2023 Competition Update

September 2023 Competition Updates

2023 Annual Photo Challenge

For this competition, we received a total of 309 images from 99 entrants.

You can view the winning images from this competition here

2023 Four Nations Competition

For this competition, our 80 CAPA images were submitted into four categories: Open (35 images), Nature (15 images), Monochrome (15 images) and My Country (15 images).

You can view the results of this competition and the winning images here

All CAPA 80 entrants have been advised of these results.

Updated the Judging Criteria

Based on suggestions received in our 2023 CAPA survey, I worked with Glenn to update our standardized Judging Criteria.

The new Judging Criteria now states as follows:

  • An Image’s title may be used by the judges in evaluating a submission, so entrants should take care in selecting a title that complements or contributes to the vision or message being presented in the image.
  • The judges will assign scores primarily based on the ‘emotional’ components of the image, considering values such as creativity and emotional impact. Secondary emphasis will be place on the ‘technical’ aspects, followed by considerations of the ‘composition’.
  • Technical and Organizational factors, such as exposure, sharpness, focus, space, and composition, will be taken into account solely to the degree they do or do not support or reinforce the creative vision and storytelling. Images will not be penalized in scoring for so-called technical rule infractions, such as focus, if that is immaterial to the creative vision and storytelling.

Likewise, judges take into consideration in their scoring the degree to which the entrant’s use of techniques such as colour, monochrome, duo and multi-tone, contributes to or supports the creative vision and the story telling value of the image.

Competitions Made More Concise

Another suggestion from our 2023 CAPA survey was to make the competitions more precise. This suggestion has been applied to all our competitions.

October 2023 to May 2024 Competitions

The following competitions are now open for the uploading of images:

Translation Concern Identified & Corrected

It has been pointed out that our Nature competition contained an incorrect translation from English to French. The specific word was feral.

To correct this translation issue, the following statement has been added to the Nature and Wildlife themes:

No domestic or escaped animals or birds are permitted in this theme (e.g. horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, camels, pigs, chickens, etc…).

Please note that there some revisions and further explanations for the 2023-24 competitions:

May 2023 Competition Update

May 2023 Competition Updates

Canada: My Country

For this competition, we received a total of 790 images (249 images from Clubs & 541 from individual CAPA members.

One new CAPA camera club participated in this competition – Club de photo mauricien. Nine new individual CAPA members also participated in this competition for the first time.

You can view the winning images from this competition here:

The final competition report for this competition has been posted to the CAPA website. To view this report, you must first log into the CAPA website and select the Competition Reports from the Competitions dropdown menu.

If the Competition Reports are not visible on the Competitions dropdown menu, this indicates that you have not successfully logged into the CAPA website.

October 2023 to May 2024 Competitions

Our next competition cycle is now posted on the CAPA website. To view these competitions, you must select the Current Competitions option on the Competitions dropdown menu.

Over the summer, we will be enhancing our CAPA Eligibility Criteria website to keep pace with the rapidly changing AI generated images. Our emphasis will continue to be to a level playing field for all photographers.
Once the updates have been finalized, we will advise you via our CAPA News.

If you have any questions about these competitions, please do not hesitate in contacting the Competition Director : Sheldon Boles 

April 2023 Competition Updates

April 2023 Competition Updates

2023 Fall/Winter

For this competition, we received a total of 723 images (247 images from Clubs & 476 from individual CAPA members.

One new CAPA camera club participated in this competition – Club photo de La Prairie. Thirteen new individual CAPA members also participated in this competition for the first time.

You can view the winning images from this competition here:

The final competition report for this competition has been posted to the CAPA website. To view this report, you must first log into the CAPA website and select the Competition Reports from the Competitions dropdown menu.

If the Competition Reports are not visible on the Competitions dropdown menu, this indicates that you have not successfully logged into the CAPA website.

2023 Canada: My Country

This competition is now open for the uploading of images.

You can view the competition details here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-canada-my-country-mon-pays/

This competition closes on April 15, 2023.

2023 Annual Photo Challenge

Participation in this competition is limited to Individual CAPA members, CAPA family members, CAPA youth membership, international CAPA members and Life Members.

You can check out the details for this competition here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-annual-photo-challenge-defi-photo-annuel/

For this competition, Tamron Canada has generously provided a camera lens to each medal winner.

This competition is now open for the uploading of images.  Competition closes on May 4, 2023 at midnight.

October 2023 to May 2024 Competitions

Our next competition cycle is now posted on the CAPA website. To view these competitions, you must select the Current Competitions option on the Competitions dropdown menu.

If you have any questions about these competitions, please do not hesitate in contacting Sheldon Boles (Competition Director) at competitions@capacanada.ca

March 2023 Competition Updates

March 2023 Competition Updates

2023 Photojournalism Competition

You can view the winning images from this competition here:

The final competition report for this competition has been posted to the CAPA website. To view this report, you must first log into the CAPA website and select the Competition Reports from the Competitions dropdown menu.

If the Competition Reports are not visible on the Competitions dropdown menu, this indicates that you have not successfully logged into the CAPA website.

2023 Audio Visual Presentation Competition

This competition closes on March 15, 2023.

Check out the details of this competition here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-audio-visual-presentation-audio-visuelle/

2023 Atlantic Zone Competition

This competition is for participants who reside in the Atlantic Zone.

You can view the competition details here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-atlantic-zone-zone-de-latlantique/

Competition closes on March 30, 2023.

2023 Prairie Zone Competition

Only individuals residing in the Prairie Zone are permitted to participate in this competition.

You can view the competition details here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-prairie-zone/

Competition closes on March 30, 2023.

2023 Canada: My Country

This competition is now open for the uploading of images.

You can view the competition details here – https://capacanada.ca/2023-canada-my-country-mon-pays/

This competition closes on April 15, 2023.

Feb. 2023 Competition Updates

February 2023 Competition Updates

2023 Ontario Zone Competition

You can view the winning images from this competition here:

The final competition report for this competition has been posted to the CAPA website. To view this report, you must first log into the CAPA website and select the Competition Reports from the Competitions dropdown menu.


2023 Artistic Competition 

This competition is in the process of being judges.

Other Competition Now Open For Updating Images:


As a reminder, our 2023 Audio Visual Presentation Competition closes on March 15, 2023.

Please ensure you read the competition details prior to submitting your entry: https://capacanada.ca/2023-audio-visual-presentation-audio-visuelle/