Benefits of Club Membership


Quick link to renew your club membership or join CAPA

There are three levels of photography club membership in CAPA:

  • Small clubs 20 members and under $65 per year
  • Medium clubs 21 to 50 members $100 per year
  • Large clubs over 50 members $130 per year

Here are some of the benefits your club will enjoy as a member of CAPA:

Canadian Camera Magazine

  • One to three copies (depending on club size) of Canadian Photography Magazine delivered quarterly
  • Access to download a PDF of Canadian Camera Magazine that can be distributed to all your club members

Competitions for CAPA Clubs

  • Opportunity to enter photographic competitions exclusively for CAPA member clubs

Increase Your Club Profile

Participate in CAPA Governance

  • Opportunity to appoint a CAPA Representative to vote at the Annual General Meeting and participate in the governance of the Association.
  • Your CAPA Representative has access to the Zone Director for your Zone, for timely news of important events, competitions, and activities in the zone and within CAPA.

Learning Opportunities

  • Your club members will have the opportunity to learn new skills at CAPA workshops and the biennial Canadian Photography Conference
  • Club members of host clubs are eligible for a discount to attend a Judging Course that is hosted by your club. Judging Courses are presented for photographers who are interested in learning how to evaluate images and learning more about the process to become a CAPA Certified Judge.

Access to CAPA Judges

  • Your club can request the list of Certified CAPA Judges who volunteer their time to evaluate and score images for club competitions

Awards & Medals

Join CAPA now to enjoy these club benefits and much more.