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Prairie Zone News January 2025

People in the News – Elevated Skills Levels:

After reviewing results from our previous three competitions and the 2024 Salon, we have updated the skill-level classifications for the Prairie Zone. These changes are now reflected across all Zone competitions. Congratulations to the following photographers who have been promoted from Novice to Intermediate level in the Prairie Zone:

  • Diane McKinnon
  • Colleen Sayer
  • Linda Treleaven
  • Olivia Dolinsky
  • Ottmar Philippp
  • Rae McLeod
  • Robert Royer
  • Vincent Morban

Watch for their images in Canadian Photography and become inspired.

Prairie Zone Competition is coming up in April. Closing date is April 15th. It might seem a little early to tell you this but the snow might not be around.

You can get more details by clicking here.

Upcoming Prairie Zone Event on Tuesday, March 11:

Meet Don Campbell, Photographer, from the Cochrane Camera Club, presenting “My Approach to Capturing Images”

The CAPA Prairie Zone will be inviting all Prairie Zone members to an online presentation by Don Campbell. In 1973 Don moved to Calgary, to design and run a motion picture production program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. He continued this for fourteen years and while there, he took a sabbatical to complete a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from York University in Toronto. In the mid-90s Don began to travel extensively, and to specialize in wildlife photography, a passion that continues to this day. He has visited 114 countries, photographing wildlife in all of them. His style is evolving, and he prefers to react to what he sees, and find a way to frame it effectively.

More details to follow in the next few weeks

Prairie Zone Photographers of the Month:

A few other people who live in remote parts of our vast country, responded to my request for their bios and images. Further submissions are welcome, it’s great to see the diverse array of images from all areas of the Prairies:

Hugh Fraser lives on a lake in northern Manitoba and belongs to the Manitoba Camera Club.

He’s currently the Competition Committee chair for MCC. Hugh specializes in aurora, nature and landscape photography.

He has lived in Northern Manitoba since 1953 residing at Thicket Portage, Mystery Lake, Moak Lake and Thompson. Hugh’s current home and studio is at Setting Lake. His photography has taken him to parts of Canada and the southwestern United States.

Hugh continues to focus his creative energy on the area where he was raised and has spent the majority of his life, the Thompson Nickel Belt. He has photographed throughout the belt from Wabowden in the south to the Odei River in the north.

Some of his images are below.

Cheryl Lalonde – My name is Cheryl Lalonde and I am a pharmacist working in Saskatoon SK but live in Martensville SK (very close to Saskatoon).

I first fell in love with photography when I was on vacation at the age of 12 and found a camera someone had lost in Banff national park. It had no film in it and although we tried to find the owner, we did not. I bought some film and it became my first camera. I took a photo at Lake Louise and my parents made such a fuss about it looking like a postcard that I was so proud of that image.

Anyway, fast forward through high school, university, getting married and I still had not gotten out of auto mode. My husband and I took a trip to Vegas and entered a Peter Lik gallery and my photography passion was reignited. I loved his images printed very large and they made me feel like I was standing right there with him when he took the picture. My husband and I bought one for ourselves as an Anniversary gift. While we were choosing the image we wanted the salesman casually stated that I would never be able to take an image like Peter. I never replied but in my mind I thought, challenge accepted.

That was when I really began to learn how to take an image. There was so much more to it than I thought but I loved capturing beautiful Landscapes. I began taking online courses and learning every bit I could about taking a properly exposed image and how best to develop a RAW image. Landscapes are my first love but I now enjoy many genres of photography. I now love taking waterdrop photography, macro, and some portraiture as well as Landscapes.

Here are some of Cheryl’s images:

David Kay: My photography is my form of art. I use photography to capture the light, colours, patterns, and contrasts I see in nature. I highly value nature and want to communicate that value through my images. On a personal note, I feel a significant spiritual presence while moving through wilderness areas. I love nature and gain balance in my life partly because of my time in nature.

I’ve worked as an instructor in the Adventure Tourism at Lakeland College (AB) and in Physical Education at Grande Prairie Regional College (AB). I’ve displayed my images at:

  • Beaverlodge Art & Cultural Centre (Small gallery, June 2023)
  • Centre for Creative Arts, Grande Prairie (Wall gallery, October, 2023)

and published in Our Canada 2022, October-November. Immersed in Alberta’s Natural Beauty and Our Canada, 2023, June-July. United in Spirit, Appreciating the Inner Gifts of Powwow.

In case you missed it, two Prairie Zone members submitted articles to Canadian Photography. Please read them:
Mufty Mathewson wrote My Life with Cameras in the Fall edition. Mufty was awarded her HonFCAPA, has written several other articles for Canadian Photography, and has been a CAPA member for many years.
Diane Hildebrandt wrote Quick Guide: How to Find Good Light for Portraits at Midday in the Winter edition. Darlene is a professional photographer in several genres, who currently prefers Street and Travel photography but still considers herself a people photographer, first and foremost. Darlene shares her skills through articles on her website, Digital Photo Mentor (
Thanks to both of you for contributing.

Allan Reich

Prairie Zone Director
Canadian Association for Photographic Art

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