We are looking for three CAPA members to volunteer for the new Photo Critique Forums on the CAPA Website. We already have two volunteers but we need three more. This is not an onerous time commitment, the initial planning phase may take a bit more but the volunteers would be looking at an hour or two each week or more if the volunteer wants. Volunteers don’t need any special website experience beyond basic computer and Internet skills. Their role will be to answer questions, facilitate discussion, keep topics on track, and generally be helpful to people using the Photo Critique Forums. This may be of particular interest to people who are interested in online judging as there are some similar components.
The Photo Critique Forums will allow CAPA members to submit photos and give photo critiques. Members can discuss a photo or compare photos, in a message string below each photo. Members can upload their own photos when ever they want, and comment on other’s work whenever they want. There could be assignments. All the details are not worked out yet as we would like to have the full complement of volunteers before decisions on how it will work are made.
If you would like to volunteer in the Photo Critique Forums please contact Sheena Wilkie directly at webmanager@capacanada.ca. If you know of someone you think would be interested please put them in touch with Sheena.