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Photo Fredericton Celebrates its 40th Anniversary

In late 1979, some photo enthusiasts in Fredericton and its surroundings in NB formed a photo club. That was the start of Photo Fredericton.

The club ran the first season in 1979-1980, and became a NAPA (former name of CAPA) Club member. In 40 years, Photo Fredericton hosted 3 national conferences; 1984 and 1993 Canada Camera College, and 2013 Canadian Camera Conference. We have been constantly active with regular meetings for presentations and competitions, workshops, field trips, and some special events occasionally. Among the members between 70 and 90 in the past are good mix of beginners and advanced photographers including some college students.

The club celebrated the anniversary at its Annual General Meeting on May 26, 2020. Unfortunately, we were not able to gather in person, but instead, we toasted online. Although we could not find any charter members, some long time members provided the club history that we shared at the AGM. Janet Crawford was one of them, who chaired the CCC1993. She keeps old club newsletters (printed monthly) and found a picture of the committee members. Also Janet made a poster for the anniversary and it has been posted on the club website and the Facebook.

We hope the club continue to be active for another 40 years with people who love and enjoy photography.

Photo Fredericton 40 years old!

Michiko Nishijima


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