CCC2019 and the Calgary Stampede

“It’s not a coincidence that CCC2019 is happening just after the world famous Calgary Stampede. What better way to start off the conference than coming for the last weekend of the Stampede to wander around the fair grounds, take in the rodeo and chucks, enjoy the First Nations Pow Wow and blacksmith competition and many other exciting events.

The Stampede is a fantastic place to be entertained, eat mini-donuts or something more adventurous (think crickets and prairie oysters) and to shoot thousands of images. And if you still have some energy, stick around after dark to capture stunning night shots of the colourful carnival rides and the finale fireworks. Come experience the Stampede and see why it’s a bucket list destination for visitors from around the world.”

2019 Pacific Print Challenge Results

The Pacific Zone Print Challenge has come and gone for another year.

The prints were set up in randomized order around the well-lit room. One of our judges (Bob Ito) was unable to come from Vancouver because of the weather. Ismail Farahani stepped in to judge for us. Ruby Jaggernath arrived from Abbotsford. The judges had plenty of time to view the prints before scoring began in the light box.

2019 Pacific Print Gold Medal winner
Suzanne Huot, The Gift

16 Clubs participated in the competition, some with 4, 6, 7 prints, the remainder with 10 prints. Several out of town clubs participated: Vernon, Sunshine Coast, Prince George, Victoria.

Saturday, the prints were arranged on tables in club order. Guests began to arrive after 12:15 with plenty of time to view the prints and socialize. About 1:15 we began viewing the projected prints and announcing the scores. We had two breaks with refreshments followed by the Awards Ceremony. 75 attended this event, including our Darkroom Group who really enjoys hosting the competition each year.

Winning Clubs:

The winning clubs were Lions Gate Camera Club and Chung Ai Photo Society, both with 235.5 points and tied for Gold. Victoria Camera Club came in third (Bronze) with 234.5 points.

Photographer Medals:

3rd, Bronze, Hamer Tribe Girl, Urs Fricker, Chung Ai Photo Society
2nd Silver, Light Maker. Bob Hansen, Burnaby Photo Society
1st, Gold, The Gift, Suzanne Huot, Victoria Camera Club

March 2019 Competition News

cliquez ici pour le français

Update To CAPA’s Eligibility Criteria

Our CAPA Eligibility Criteria webpage has been updated to include the following changes which are shown in red:


By virtue of submitting an image into a CAPA Competition, the photographer I assert and agrees agree that:

1. all components of the submitted image are my original work and does not contain the elements created by someone else; and as such I hold and will retain the copyright for the image. For example: the photographer will NOT capture a screen image or photograph an image found internet and incorporate it in a composite image that is later submitted into a CAPA competition.

I agree that:

1. For a ‘restricted editing’ criteria competition – CAPA has the right to request and receive the original un-retouched JPEG or the RAW file for a potential winning image in a competition and this image will be subjected to our CAPA Image Verification Process

These changes take effect immediately.

Our Eligibility Criteria and Competition Detail websites may seem tedious and boring to read. However, the details are designed to challenge you in stretching your photographic abilities and to equally compete with other photographers. It is these details from which the judges will view your image and assign a score.

Our advice is to read the competition details thoroughly prior to submitting your images. Don’t assume by the title of the competition that your image qualifies for submission into a competition.

If you are not sure whether your image meets the Eligibility Criteria and/or competition details, please email the Director of Competitions ( well in advance of the ‘closing-date’ of the competition.

Clarification of Closing Time For Competitions

We have discovered an error in the closing time listed on our competitions – specifically – Central Standard Time (Ontario). The error has been corrected on the following competition webpages with the change being noted below in red:

  1. 2019 Portrait – March 31, 2019 – midnight Eastern Standard Time
  2. 2019 Audio Visual Presentation – April 11, 2019 – midnight Eastern Standard Time
  3. 2019 Canada: My Country – April 30, 2019 – midnight Eastern Standard Time
  4. 2019 Photo Challenge – May 31, 2019 – midnight Eastern Standard Time

2019 Canada: My Country Competition

This competition is now open and you can commence uploading your images. Note the closing date is April 30, 2019.

You can check out the details of this competition here.

2019 Monochrome Competition

This competition now holds the CAPA record for:

  • five themes in a single competition
  • the most images submitted into one of our competitions – 861
  • highest number of camera clubs participating in a CAPA competition – 41
  • highest number of entrants for a competition (Club & Individual combined) – 192
  • largest number of individuals who entered a CAPA competition for the first time – 35
  • two judging teams used to view and scoring images in specific themes each competition category

All entrants in this competition have received their copy of the final competition report.


From this and future competitions, we will be including all the medal, merit and honourable mention winning images on our Winners Club and Winners Individual websites. These images will provide you with inspiration in entering other similar competitions in the future.

You can view the winning images here – Club Winning ImagesIndividual Winning Images.

The pie chart below represents the distribution of images submitted in each Monochrome theme for both the ‘Club’ and ‘Individual’ categories of this competition.

It is CAPA’s intention to offer services to its members in both English and French. With this in mind, we are working to the best of our abilities on French translations of the website’s main pages. This is a demanding task and will require some time to achieve. We appreciate your patience.
CAPA / ACAPA Monochrome submission / Soumissions
CAPA / ACAPA Monochrome

Mars 2019 Nouvelles des concours

Mise à jour des critères d’éligibilité de l’ACAP

La page web décrivant les critères d’éligibilité de l’ACAP a été mise à jour afin d’ajouter les changements suivants écrits en rouge:

Lire la suite >>

Par le fait de présenter une image dans un concours de l’ACAP, le photographe certifie et convient:

1. toutes les composantes de l’image soumise est mon travail original et elle ne contient pas des éléments créés par quelqu’un d’autre; je possède et conserverai le droit d’auteur de l’image. Par exemple, le photographe n’effectuera pas une capture d’écran ou ne photographiera pas une image trouvée sur internet pour l’incorporer dans une image composite qu’il soumettra ensuite dans un concours de l’ACAP.

Je suis d’accord que:

1. Pour un concours qui comporte des critères de post-production restreints, l’ACAP a le droit de demander et de recevoir le fichier JPEG original non modifié ou le fichier RAW pour une image potentiellement gagnante lors d’un concours et cette image sera soumise au processus de vérification de l’ACAP.

Ces changements prennent effet immédiatement.

Les pages web décrivant les critères d’éligibilité ainsi que les détails des concours peuvent paraitre ennuyants à lire. Toutefois, l’objectif est de vous mettre au défi de démontrer vos habilités de photographes et de vous permettre de concourir avec d’autres photographes sur un pied d’égalité. Les juges visionneront vos images et leurs assigneront une note sur la base de ces détails.

Lisez les détails d’un concours minutieusement avant de soumettre vos images. Ne prenez pas pour acquis que vos images se qualifient seulement en vous basant sur le titre d’un concours.

Si vous n’êtes pas certain que vos images respectent les critères d’éligibilité ainsi que les détails d’un concours, alors vous êtes invité à écrire un courriel au Directeur des concours ( bien avant la date de fermeture du concours.

Précisions sur la date de fermeture des concours

Une erreur a été découverte à propos de la date de fermeture des concours. En particulier ‘’Heure Normale du Centre (Ontario)’’. L’erreur a été corrigée sur les pages web suivantes et sont écrites en rouge :

  1. 2019 Portrait – 31 mars 2019 – minuit Heure Normale de l’Est
  2. 2019 Présentation audiovisuelle – 11 avril 2019 – minuit Heure Normale de l’Est
  3. 2019 Canada: mon pays – 30 avril 2019 – minuit Heure Normale de l’Est
  4. 2019 Défi photo– 31 mai 2019 – minuit Heure Normale de l’Est

2019 Concours Canada: mon pays

Ce concours est maintenant ouvert et vous pouvez commencer à télécharger vos images. Prenez note que la date de fermeture est le 30 avril 2019.

Les détails de ce concours peuvent être consultés sur cette page web

2019 Concours Monochrome

Ce concours détient maintenant les records suivants pour l’ACAP :

  1. cinq thèmes pour un même concours
  2. le plus grand nombre d’images soumises dans un même concours – 861
  3. le plus grand nombre de clubs photos participants dans un concours de l’ACAP – 41
  4. la plus grand nombre de participants pour un concours (Club & Individuel combiné) – 192
  5. le plus grand nombre d’individus participants à un concours de l’ACAP pour la première fois – 35
  6. deux équipes de juges pour visionner et noter les images pour des thèmes spécifiques dans chaque catégorie du concours
Lire la suite >>

Tous les participants de ce concours ont reçu leur copie du rapport final du concours.

Pour ce concours et pour tous les prochains concours, nous allons présenter sur notre site web toutes les images gagnantes pour les médailles, les prix mérite ainsi que les mentions honorables dans les catégories Club et Individuel. Ces images seront pour vous une source d’inspiration et une invitation à participer à d’autres concours similaires dans l’avenir.

Vous pouvez visionner les images gagnantes ici – Images gagnantes Club – Images gagnantes Individuel
Le diagramme circulaire suivant illustre la répartition des images soumises dans chaque thème du concours Monochrome pour les catégories Club et Individuel :

CAPA / ACAPA Monochrome submission / Soumissions
CAPA / ACAPA Monochrome
L’ACAP veut offrir à ses membres des services en français et en anglais. Avec cet objectif en tête, nous travaillons au meilleur de nos capacités à traduire en français les principales pages du site. Cela représente un important défi et prendra un certain temps à réaliser. Merci de votre patience.
click here for English

Owen Sound event: Don Komarechka

Teacher / Author / Artist / Podcast Host
Macro Photography Photographer Extraordinaire

Everything from pollen to snowflakes, insects to water droplets and so much more. It’s a great talk about a photographic genre that plays by a different rule book. Some tips and techniques are very simple and others are extremely technical, giving something of value to everyone of all experience levels.

Don Komarechka will be at the First Christian Reformed Church (201 4th Ave W., Owen Sound, ON) on April 9th, 2019 at 7pm. The cost is $10 at the door. Contact or 519-372-6501 for more information.

Don Komarechka poster
Owen Sound Camera Club event: Don Komarechka



PhotoLife Contest and Discount

PhotoLife MagazinePhotoLife is offering a discount on subscriptions to CAPA members. Click here for more information

Photo Life invites you to submit your images to The World We Live In VIII – Special Edition. For this eighth edition, participants are invited to submit their best images under one theme: Celebrate Life. Whether it’s the people we meet, the exceptional beauty of nature and wildlife, or a simple moment of connection to our surroundings, there are unlimited things to appreciate about life as it unfolds around us. Follow your curiosity, share your photographic talent, show us your vision of the world we live in, and celebrate life with us!

  • Three cash prizes—1st place ($1000), 2nd place ($600) and 3rd place ($300)—and honourable mentions
  • International press coverage in Photo Life and Photo Solution magazines
  • A selection of the most outstanding images exhibited in the 15 Simons stores across Canada
    Selected prints featured for sale on Fabrique 1840
  • Images judged by a jury that will include prominent professionals in the photography industry
  • Deadline: March 24, 2019

For more information,  click here

Competition Winners – 2019 Spring Open – Club

1st Merit Award Dave Dennis Drip Drop
2nd Merit Award Margaret Krzepkowski Artistic Polyptych Of A Lotus Flower
Gold Media - Atul Asthana-Wedding Mehndi, Jaipur India
3rd Merit Award Ron Gesser Suri Boy
Gold Medal George Cates Canyon Light
Gold Medal - Helena Chu - The Magic Splash
Gold Medal Margaret Krzepkowski Artistic Polyptych Of A Lotus Flower
Gold Medal - Nicholas Tian - Rufous Tailed Hummingbird
Silver Medal Mike Hirak Tulips
Silver Medal Randy Lowden Happy Heron
Silver Medal Heather Halfyard Sunflower Back
Silver Medal Bryan Urquhart Bald Eagle
Silver Medal Leah Parker Snowy Owl
Silver Medal Dave Van De Laar Frozen In Time
Bronze Medal Anita Lee Through The Ring Of Fire
Gold Medal - Qing Li - Flowerpot Island
Bronze Medal Edward Ho Color Run 2
Bronze Medal Irene Law The Cisterns
Bronze Medal Kai Sun Law Tight Snowcross Racing
Bronze Medal Katherine Wong Mating Terns
Bronze Medal Katie Mak The Tree Frog Couple
Honour Award Alex Buchanan Rhyolite Mountains In The Icelandic Highlands
Honour Award - Carole Duhaime - Waiting For A Shop That Never Comes
Honour Award Cheryl Bramble Cemetery Rose
Honour Award Cindy Morantz  Fishing Village
Honour Award Elizabeth Noftall Bashful Beauty
Honour Award Eric Bartlett Waterton Lakes Wetland
Honour Award Heather Loewenhardt Long In The Tooth
Honour Award Iris Schurz Skip The Dishes
Honour Award Janet Slater Gaining Power
Honour Award Jim Hatch   Hi Rise Book
Honour Award Joan Dolson City Lights
Honour Award Joe Chase When Stars Line Up
Honour Award John Surridge National Gallery Of Canada Picture Window
Honour Award John Zimmerman Ferocious Cat In The African Wild
Honour Award Karen Chappell Ribbons Of Light
Honour Award Lorna Scott   Coffee With Cream
Honour Award Marek Bromberek Little Fogo
Honour Award Marshall Moleschi Baths Of Alcazar
Honour Award Michele Broadfoot   Long Eared Owl Boundary Bay
Honour Award Paul Lewendon Ghost Writer
Honour Award Ron Gesser Suri Boy
Honour Award Ron Peace Bad Bear
Honour Award Ryan Carol Ann First Light
Honour Award Tracy Lee   Scissors

Competition Winners and Awards

Gold Medal – Richmond Hill Camera Club

Silver Medal – St. Catharines Photographic Club

Bronze Medal – The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto

Honourable Mention:

Merit Awards:

Congratulations to the winners.

Jonathan Ward presents the Bronze medal and certificates. From left to right: Edwin Ho (President), Anita Lee, Irene Law, Kaisun Law, Kathy Mak, Jonathan Ward, Frankie Chan (CAPA representative).
CAPA ACAP club winner of 4th place
Pacific Zone Rep Lynda Miller presented the 4th place ribbon to the contributing photographers Joan Dolson, Heather Loewenhardt, Cheryl Bramble, Paul Lewendon
and Marshall Moleschi (Central Okanagan Photographic Society president).