January 2019 Competition News

Update – Canada: My Country competition

The Musée National de la Photographie (MNP) in association with CAPA and Olympus will host a three month print exhibition from January to the end of March 2020 called “2020 Salon My Country.” A total of 39 images representing our Country with 3 images depicting each province & territory.

All images submitted into the 2019 Canada: My Country competition will be considered for selection as the top 39 (3 images per theme) winning images for the 2020 Salon My Country.

The Director of Competitions will contact each entrant whose image was selected as one of the top 39 images and request that they provide their selected image with the following parameters for printing by MNP

  • minimum size of image file – 10 MB
  • image print size – minimum 11 x 14 inches or maximum 16 x 20 inches
  • Resolution – 300 pixels/inch

During the Salon, the organizers will recognize 3 images that best represent the province/territory.


This is not a ‘restricted editing criteria’ competition. Therefore, you do not need to have available the original RAW file or the original un-touched JPEG file, but must be able to provide a printable file per above parameters.

This competition closes on April 30, 2019.

Check out the details of the Canada: My Country Competition webpage for details. If you have any questions about this competition or the 2020 Salon My Country, please email the Director of Competitions at competitions@capacanada.ca or Alain Dubeau for those wishing clarification in French at Quebec@capacanada.ca

All copyright will remain with the photographer. CAPA, MNP & Olympus may use the images for promotional purposes with credits to the photographer.


Revised – A CAPA Series of Four Images Competition

Competition details for this competition have been re-fined to provide more clarity.

The revision is outlined below in  yellow :

Two Parallel Competitions – a CAPA Photo Series ‘Individual’ Competition, open only to CAPA members, and a CAPA Photo Series ‘Club’ Competition, open to CAPA member camera clubs. In the ‘individual’ competition CAPA members can upload a maximum of 4 images to complete a series. In the ‘club’ competition camera clubs can upload a maximum of 2 series of 4 images each,  but each series must be from at least 2 different photographers and no photographer may enter in more than one of the series.  For both the Individual and Club components of this competition, CAPA medals and Honourable Mention Ribbons will be awarded to entrants with the highest aggregate scores. Merit Award Ribbons will be awarded to the top three individual images.


This is not a ‘restricted editing criteria’ competition. Therefore, you do not need to have available the original RAW file or the original un-touched JPEG file.

This competition is now open and images can be uploaded. It closes February 28th, 2019. Hosting Camera Club – Shuswap Photographic Arts Club – Competition Coordinator – Henry Schnell – hatschnell@yahoo.com


Open Theme Competition

This competition is also now open for uploading of your images.


This is not a ‘restricted editing criteria’ competition. Therefore, you do not need to have available the original RAW file or the original un-touched JPEG file.

This competition closes February 20th, 2019. Hosting Camera Club – Toronto Digital Photography Club – Competition Coordinator– Lance Gitter at capa@tdpc.ca


Altered Reality Competition

This competition is now open and closes on January 15, 2019 at midnight (Central Standard Time – Ontario).


  1.  This is not a ‘restricted editing criteria’ competition. Therefore, you do not need to have available the original RAW file or the original un-touched JPEG file.
  2. Can I submit a caricature image for this competition? The answer is YES.
    Competition closes on January 15, 2019 at midnight (Central Standard Time – Ontario) and is being hosted by Lance Gitter at capa@rhcameraclub.ca



For this competition, we have five different themes.
An entrant can enter one or more images in any of the five themes. Both camera clubs or individual CAPA members must enter images in at least two themes.
Based on messages received, we have expanded the Animals/Birds theme to include (wild or domesticated)


  1. If my image is not in the right theme will it be moved by the Competition Host into the right theme? The answer is No.
  2.  Is a ‘sepia’ image permitted in this competition. The answer is Yes because sepia is a form of photographic toning – a tone which has been added to a black and white photographer to ‘warm’ up the tones. Sepia tones images are still considered a black and white image for our competition.
  3.  Will my image be disqualified if it is deemed not to be in the right theme? The answer is Yes.
  4. Which theme would I enter a covered bridge in? The answer is Architecture theme.
  5. I am considering in submitting a monochrome photograph of an aircraft. If so, what theme could I submit under? The answer is – aircraft would not fit in any theme unless it could be included in a Landscape theme.
  6. If an image could possibly be in more than one theme – the primary focal point of the image should be used to determine what theme it should be in. If the situation is unclear then the entrant will be given the benefit of the doubt.
  7.  This is not a ‘restricted editing criteria’ competition. Therefore, you do not need to have available the original RAW file or the original un-touched JPEG file.

This competition closes on January 30, 2019 and is being hosted by the Director of Competitions.
If you have questions about this competition, please email the Director of Competitions at competitions@capacanada.ca


Photo Journalism Competition

The winners of this competition are now posted on our website. You can view the winning images and results on the Competitions’ Winners – Club and Winners – Individual webpages.