New Canadian Camera Magazine Editor

Announcing Editor Ralph Bridgland

It is with great pleasure that we introduce CAPA’s new Canadian Camera Magazine Editor, Mr. Ralph Bridgland.

Ralph is the treasurer of the London Camera Club and an active photographer. He spent 34 years as a journalist with the London Free Press with experience that includes reporting, senior copy editor, page designer and assistant section editor.

In his own words:

“My journalistic experience was at the London (Ontario) Free Press. During my 34 year at the daily newspaper, my job description included reporter, senior copy editor, assistant section editor and page designer – all of which hopefully will play a role in maintaining the level of excellence Sheena has brought to Canadian Camera.

While I dabbled in photography off and on during my earlier years, it wasn’t until four years ago that the shutter bug took a bite and didn’t let go. Purchasing an entry-level DSLR and taking two introductory classes led to myu joining the London Camera club.

The rest, as they say, is history. Starting out as a novice and learning through competition that nobody appreciates my photos as much as I do, I have managed to reach the advanced level within the club, which is more a testament to the invaluable lessons learned through the club and its talented members than it is to my own expertise.

While I look forward to the challenge ahead at Canadian Camera, I won’t succeed without your help. Please contact me with story and photo ideas. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Together we can continue to make Canadian Camera special.”

Shuswap Photo Arts Club Presents

Drone Photography with Jim Hall

  • When: Monday, March 26, 2018, 7:00 pm
  • Where: Fifth Avenue Senior Centre, Salmon Arm, BC
  • Admission: By donation

Droning is an inexpensive hobby with very exhilarating results.

Jim is a retired Air Traffic Controller (27 years) and had a Commercial Pilots License for over 50 years. He did a variety of flying in Calgary, including flying as an aerial photographer over a 20-year period. Upon retirement from ATC, he started an Aerial Photo business in Calgary, doing “Scenic-Oblique aerial photography. After 14 years in business Jim decided to retire for the second time and moved to the Shuswap.

As a retired Air Traffic Controller and a Commercial Pilot, he is very familiar with and aware of the necessity of TC Air Regulations and why and how they apply to UAV flying.

He has been flying 2 drones for about 3 years, (before drone rules were finalized). Jim flies them for pleasure, to avoid the pressure of doing commercial droning.

For more information, email Len Lazzarotto.

Kimberley Camera Club Presents

2018 Digital Multi-Media Slideshows

The Kimberley Camera Club will present their Annual Slideshow twice this year. The Club has presented slideshows for the public as part of our giving back to our community for many years. Come out to one of the evenings for viewing enjoyment. Admission by donation.


When: Monday, March 12, 2018, 7:00 pm

Where: Manual Training Centre, 202 Kootenay St. N. Cranbrook, BC


When: Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 7:00 pm

Where: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Boundary St 97, Kimberley, BC

For more information, email John Lyon.

Interview with Canadian Nature Photographer Missy Mandel

Common Loon And Chick
Grizzly Sow & Cubs
Heron Love
Hoary Redpoll On Ice Covered Dogwood
Polar Bears
Fox Playtime
Rednecked Grebe and Chick
Northern Gannets Billing
Piping Plover & Chick
Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Missy Mandel is a nature photographer from Toronto, Canada. Nature somehow connected with something deep inside of Missy. This has greatly influenced how she sees and photographs the world.

Why nature photography?

The more I photograph and observe wildlife the more I am convinced both birds and animals have emotions and feelings. I strive to capture these moments by taking people closer to see better the detail, colour and spirit of a wild creature.

According to Missy, what are some basic attributes a nature photographer should have?

Knowledge of the species, Respect and patience are crucial to becoming a wildlife photographer.

What is your homework before you go out to shoot these wonderful creatures?

I observe for hours or days before attempting to photograph. I try and find a pattern to their behaviour and something fascinating about the species.

How does your style stay unique when compared to other nature photographers out there?

I am a mother of two girls, and capturing tender moments between parents and offspring is what I love most.

Could you reveal something you have learned over the years in this genre?

I have learned that the longer you spend in the field just being with a subject the better the outcome will be. I can gauge the safe distance between me and my subject, and once I am at that distance, I can photograph without impacting the subject or the behaviour.

What drives you for the constant passion for photography?

I love to share what I am so privileged to see and photograph. My bucket list of places to go is incredibly long, but it gives me great excitement to have the means and drive to tackle it.

A necessary ingredient for success as a photographer?

Passion and dedication

How do you plan a day out for photography?

Mother Nature plays a huge part in wildlife photography. It is difficult to plan. Most days I will come home with an empty CF card. Nature photography has the same excitement to me as playing the lottery, Every day you think that is your pay day 🙂

Your gear?

I use Canon gear. 1DxII body, 500mm prime, 200-400mm zoom, 100-400mm, Gitzo tripod, Really right stuff gimbal head.

Your inspiration?

There are so many brilliant nature photographers. I follow people with many with hundreds of thousands of followers, and many with very few followers. I am inspired by images that tell a nature story.

Your favorite location?

I have been feeding my backyard birds for years. Being at home and watching the birds around me is my favourite space.

Any final word of advice or thought for aspirants in this field?

Connect with people who appreciate nature and love to photograph. There is so much information to share.

You can find Missy Mandel on the Web:

Reprinted with permission from

Editor’s Note

Missy has recently won many CAPA awards, including Gold Medals in the Open, Wildlife, Print and Nature competitions. Her image of Peyto Lake was the basis for one of the Canada 150th silver collectors coins.