Honours Nomination Form

Honours Nomination Form

CAPA Honours recognizes photographers who have made significant contributions to CAPA and the wider photographic community through their service, achievements and leadership.

Complete this form to nominate a photographer or nominate yourself for a specific honour. Include highlights of their/your service, awards, exhibitions, publications and other contributions.

Nominee Information:

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Mailing Address(Required)

Nominator Information:


Nominator - What CAPA Honour are you nominating for the nominee? Check our Honours website (https://capacanada.ca/what-is-capa/capa-honours/) for qualification criteria for each of the following honours.

Nominee’s Achievements (in the last 5 years)

Nominee’s Photographic Awards

Nominee’s Photographic Services

Executive Positions Held –

Nominator – Comments

Why does this nominee deserve a CAPA Honours? Beyond the details noted above, what contributions has the nominee/yourself made to photography and the CAPA community

By filling this form, I affirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

MM slash DD slash YYYY