Bio and Portfolio – Prairie Zone Director

Bio and Portfolio - Prairie Zone Director

I was born in Winnipeg and continued moving north and west across the Prairies. Fort McMurray was home for 23 years then we moved to St. Albert, north of Edmonton where we live now. I failed retirement in 2012 and have continued working as an engineer. My career spanned many technical areas but probably the most fun has been with engaging people in various activities.

I started with my first camera in my teens. I still have a couple of lenses from my old Mamiya. Today I have five cameras – I think – an Olympus underwater, a full frame Canon, an APS-C Canon, a small Canon M and finally a Panasonic point and shoot full frame. It’s great to have all this hardware but it’s another thing to shoot great images. That’s why I joined CAPA – there are many great photographers!

We’ve travelled alot to many countries including Iceland, Africa, Europe, eastern and western Canada, Japan and Southeast Asia. Along the way I’ve collected thousands of images and have enjoyed Images Alberta Camera Club membership for four years. I joined CAPA last year and have appreciated the hard work and dedication that goes into managing a well run national organization. I’m looking forward to learning and contributing to Prairie Zone activities and the CAPA Board.

Please contact me at

A selection of my work is below… Images to come