2024 Audio Visual Presentation Competition

2024 Audio Visual Presentation Competition

Images from 2023 Winner : Rick McKenzie and his presentation was entitled “Clandestine A Short Story”

Scope of Competition

The audio visual (AV) competition submissions may consist of a multimedia presentation composed of photography, video, time lapse, music and narration, text or a combination thereof.

The emphasis of the presentation will be the blending of these components into a cohesive storyline. The transition between the images should flow harmoniously with the appropriate colour or tone complementing the selected theme and images. 

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH)“ – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)

Competition Informations (click arrow for more details)


Open Theme – presentation submitted into this competition may contain a wide range of topics and subjects such as, but not limited to: abstract, altered reality, aircraft, cityscape, flowers, landscape, machinery, nature, people, plants, seascape, still-life, tools, vessels, wildlife, a memorable event, travelogue of a recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or presenting a topic of interest.

This presentation can be any subject but the presentation must follow a theme or tell a story such as a memorable event, recent trip or holiday, interviewing an interesting individual or highlighting a topic of interest.

Must include a separateCompetition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH)“ – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)

Artificial Intelligence Rendering: Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques – in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer) or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries using generated elements), whether with or without text prompts, are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

Special Note: Any individual images previously receiving a CAPA Award may be included in the AV presentation.

Editing Criteria

  • Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  • Open Editing – All different in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques may be used. This includes combining multiple images and elements in a final presentation. The entrant must have created or captured all components of the presentation, with the exception of the music. ONLY FOR THIS COMPETITION – “Special-effects” and “backgrounds” which are part of the audio visual software application are permitted.Digital frame, pin-line, borders and mats are permitted in this competition.
  • Artificial Intelligence renderings generated via text prompt may not be used in whole or part in the creation of a submitted audio visual presentation.
  • AV presentation MUST contain three elements:
    1. title page (title of presentation but no mention of the entrant’s name);
    2. multiple slides and text if required; and
    3. the first slide and last must be black and be displayed for 3 to 4 second. Slide at the end of the presentation will contain the credits but MUST NOT contain the name of the entrant. Entrant name or image of entrant MUST NOT be displayed in any portion of the presentation.

Special Note – In the competition entry form, the submitting individual and/or club attests that the music in this AV presentation is: [check all applicable statements:]

  • no longer copyrighted by the music’s author(s) or their agency or their publisher-producer; or
  • while the music is still copyrighted it has been released into the public domain for use in applicable limited circumstances such as for ‘educational’ presentations or personal presentations; or
  • while the music is still copyrighted it’s use is allowed for inclusion in the AV presentation pursuant to a “Licensed Media Contract” obtained from the copyright holder, or their agency, or their publisher-producer, and one of the terms of that usage license is that the referenced music may be utilized in any form of a website, social media or video sharing platform; and/or
  • The AV is not being utilized by the club and/or by the individual in any form of revenue generation (including monetization).

Image Specifications


AV presentation submission:

  1. must NOT exceed 7 minutes;
  2. filename must ONLY be named as – NAME OF PRESENTATION – Do not include the name of the photographer in the filename
  3. Filename on entry form must be named as PHOTOGRAPHER NAME-NAME OF PRESENTATION
  4. file can be saved in MP4, MPEG-4, MOV, MPEG, AVI and WMV formats.
  5. can contain video and/or time lapse or a succession of still images in rapid movement that produce a moving picture but must NOT exceed 20% of the total runtime of the presentation;
  6. show must have been produced, edited and photographed by the maker;
  7. no identifiable marks should appear on the show, such as name or any other information that identifies the maker;
  8. must include a separate AV Competition-Entry-Form (ENGLISH) –  AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)
  9. Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com or Dropbox) to jward0484@gmail.com (note: limited to 2GB files)

A wide range of AV applications are available to create an AV presentation:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop CS6 and above (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photoshop Elements (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Adobe Lightroom (Mac & Windows computers);
  • Photopia
  • Fotomagico (only Mac computers);
  • Vegas Pro (Mac & Windows computers);
  • PTE AV Studio 11 Mac & Windows computers);
  • Final Cut Pro (only Mac computers).

Judging Criteria

Judges will review and assign a total score out of a maximum of 150 points based on the following categories and associated maximum points:

Audience Appeal

– the impact and the maintenance of interest in the story, plus the originality/creativity of the presentation (rating 0 to 30)

 – the relevance of the images and video clips (if used) to the story (rating 0 to 20)


– the sound quality – volume, consistency, and appropriateness of the music/narrative/sounds/text to the story and to the image/video chips (rating 0 to 20)


– the overall flow of the presentation including the balance between images, video or text (rating 0 to 30)

 – the transitions and other effects – are they seamless and do they contribute to the flow of the presentation (rating 0 to 20)

Photography and Flow

– the technical quality (sharpness and exposure) of the images and any video clips (when used) (rating 0 to 30)


Competition Processes

  • Closing Date of Competition – March 15, 2024 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
  • Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA. Read Eligibility here.
  • CAPA individual members and camera clubs are limited to one AV submission. For a club submission for this competition, the audio visual presentation can be produced by 1 or more club members.
  • Prior to the closing time and date of the competition, the Entrant will electronically transfer the completed “Competition Entry Form” (ENGLISH) – “AV Formulaire d’inscription au concours (FRENCH)” and a copy of the Audio Visual presentation to the Competition Chair Person.
  • Please make sure you receive a confirmation email by the Chair that your essay has been received. If not please contact Competition Chair Person. CAPA assumes no responsibility for lost essays “in transit” where no confirmation receipt is sent.
  • Send via electronic transfer methods, (such as the free WeTransfer application available from WeTransfer.com) to jward0484@gmail.com (note: limited to 2GB files)
  • Distribution of CAPA Awards And/Or Commercial Prizes – will be coordinated by the CAPA Director of Competition
  • Competition Chair Person – Jonathan Ward – jward0484@gmail.com