April 2021 Prairie Zone News

Regina Photo Club

 A member of the Regina Photo Club recently had an opportunity to photograph a Bald Eagle at Wascana Lake in the centre of Regina. The Eagles migrate north to their nesting grounds in the boreal forest as soon as  there is some open water to feed on fish. This brief and rare stop in the centre of the city during the eagle migration provided Ken Dumont this photo opportunity. On the first sighting, the lighting and conditions on an evening for photography was poor. The next morning found the eagle hunting fish on an open area upon the lake. The eagle was in a location were a long lens made unobstructed photography possible. Ken was able to shoot photos for a 35–40 minute time period, with photos of the eagle waiting, flying to the prey, fishing, eating and taking the fish in flight.

Ken currently is using a canon 90D with a Sigma 100-400 5-6.3.  The camera settings were shutter priority, white balance was cloudy, ISO 100 and shutter 1600, spot metering will center focus zone and auto focus AL Focus, in burst mode during this shoot, and at 10:30 in the morning (best time day for light).

Photos and background information from Ken Dumont, edited by Larry Easton

Bald Eagle  2
Bald Eagle  4
Bald Eagle  3
Bald Eagle  1



Inspiring Photography Creativity During a Pandemic  by Larry Easton

As we move forward during the pandemic disrupting just about everyday life, people are finding new ways to move forward. Photographers also must find new ways to be creative. With social distancing and photo club lockdowns, many of us have had to change our photography habits. As photographers there are many options to moving forward while staying home more. Personally this has given me time to do some things photographically that we in the pre pandemic  just got set aside.

I now have more time to do editing photo files, whether digital or film. This includes titles and updating a filing system. In doing this you may also find older photos forgotten about or couldn’t find.

Depending on the purpose of the photos, I had previously set up some of my prime file systems by locations, vacations by year and locations, family, photo outing, competitions, events, subject, and publishing assignments for books, etc.

As most of you will know, digital files also have meta data information on date and time a photo was taken so is easy to track dates. I also back up all digital images on an external hard drives.

While isolating I have been putting together a few puzzles and exchanging them with other family members. You may have noticed puzzle stocks had been sold out.  This led to selecting some favorite photos locations and made a photo mosaic of Saskatchewan 20′ x 30″ using 71 photos from general geographic areas of the province.  The largest puzzle I could have printed was  a 1000 piece puzzle made which was laid out 27″ x 17.5″, so did some cropping and resizing.  I have since made another puzzle. Both were printed a London Drugs but can be done at other locations also.




Apr. 2021 Competition News

2021 – 2022 Competition Cycle


Our 2021 – 2022 competitions are now posted on the Current Competitions option located on the Competitions dropdown menu of the CAPA Homepage.

By posting these competitions well in advance of the first competition, it will provide time for photographers to plan out their photographic outings.

Many of these competitions have been updated based on suggestions received and requests for more clarification.

As you will note from the competition listing, the Creative and Fine Art competition have been replaced with the new Artistic competition.  This new webpage was created with the assistance of three senior CAPA Judges who have considerable experience in artistic photography.

SmartPhone competition has been simplified to minimize the amount of post processing.  Advanced post processing of a smartphone images will be entered in a specific SmartPhone theme found in the new Artistic competition.

Due to the popularity of our Curves & Lines competition, we have now divided the Colour theme into – Colour – Curves and Colour – Lines.  This change will assist in the equal distribution of images to be scored by multiple judging panels.

All the narrative competitions are NOW LOCKED and will NOT be changed until after the closing of a competition.   The only exception will be the 2022 Series of Four Photos competition.  For this competition, we will be testing some different options for uploading and processing images.  Once the optimal method has been fully tested then the competition webpage will be updated will in advance of the closing date of this competition.

With the exception of the Nature-Wildlife, Series of Four Photos and Audio Visual Presentation, all competitions will include an updated Judging Criteria will come into effect on September 1, 2021:


  1. Image title should complement or contribute to the vision or message being presented in the image.


  1. Judges will award their scoring based on creative vision and the story telling value of an image along with the pictorial quality and technical quality (e.g. quality of execution, innovation, creativity, and ‘wow’ factor) as well as the degree that the image is within the “Scope-of-Theme.’


Each judging teams assigned to a competition will be asked to score the image based on the respective Scope of Competition and the Judging Criteria outlined in the respective competition webpage.

To avoid disappointment in receiving a lower image score than expected or having an image removed from a competition, it is important for all photographers to read and comply with the competition webpage prior to submitting their images.

Le cycle des concours 2021 – 2022

 Les concours pour l’année 2021-2022 sont maintenant affichés sous l’onglet Concours Actuels ( ‘’Current Competitions’’) du sous-menu Concours (‘’Competitions’’) du menu principal de la page d’accueil du site Web de l’ACAP.

L’annonce de ces concours est faite bien à l’avance afin de permettre aux photographes de planifier leurs activités en photographie.

Plusieurs de ces concours ont été révisés afin de tenir compte des suggestions reçues et de répondre aux demandes de clarification.

En consultant la liste des concours vous allez remarquer que les concours ‘’Créativité’’ et ‘’Beaux-Arts’’ ont été remplacés par le nouveau concours ‘’Photographie artistique’’. Cette nouvelle page Web a été créée avec la collaboration de trois juges séniors de l’ACAP qui possèdent une expérience considérable en photographie artistique.

Le concours ‘’Téléphone intelligent-tablette’’ a été simplifié afin de minimiser la quantité de post-production. La post-production avancée des images obtenues avec un téléphone intelligent ou une tablette fera l’objet d’un thème spécifique portant ce nom dans le nouveau concours ‘’Photographie artistique’’.

Afin de répondre à la grande popularité du concours ‘’Courbes et lignes’’ le thème ‘’Couleurs’’ a été scindé en deux : ‘’Couleur-courbes’’ et Couleur-lignes’’. Ceci va permettre une répartition égale des images à juger entre les différentes équipes de juges.

Toutes les descriptions des concours sont maintenant ‘’VERROUILLÉES’’ et ne changeront PAS jusqu’après leur date de fermeture. La seule exception concerne le concours ‘’Une série de quatre photos’’ de 2022. Nous allons mettre à l’essai différentes options de téléchargement et de traitement des images de ce concours. Lorsque la meilleure méthode aura été déterminée et que son fonctionnement aura été pleinement vérifié, la page Web du concours sera révisée, et cela bien avant la date de fermeture du concours.

À l’exception des concours ‘’Nature’’ (Nature et vie sauvage) , ‘’Une série de quatre photos’’ et ‘’Présentation audiovisuelle’’, tous les concours comportent des critères de jugement révisés qui prendront effet le 1 septembre 2021 :


  1. Le titre de l’image doit compléter ou contribuer à la vision ou au message présenté dans l’image


  1. Les juges attribueront leurs notes en se basant sur la vision créative, la qualité de l’histoire racontée par l’image et aussi sur les qualités picturales et techniques (ex. qualité de l’exécution, innovation, créativité et facteur ‘wow’) tout en mesurant la pertinence de l’image dans le thème


Chaque équipe de juges assignée à un concours se fera demander de juger les images en se basant respectivement sur les sections Portée du concours et Critères de jugement identifiés dans les pages Web respectives des concours.

Afin d’éviter d’éprouver une déception en recevant une évaluation plus faible qu’anticipée ou bien en apprenant qu’une image a été retirée d’un concours, il est important pour tous les photographes de lire la page Web descriptive d’un concours et de s’y conformer avant de soumettre une image.

April 2021 Atlantic Zone News

Focus Camera Club

Thursday, April 15th, 2021

Guest Speaker: Dave Brosha 

Thursday, April 29th 2021, 4 presentations by Focus Camera Club members

Sylvie Mazerolle, please check her website – https://sylviemazerolle.com

“Beauty is everywhere if you slow down long enough to see it. Capture more than just images, capture a Slice Of Life.”

Jean-Guy Gallant will bring us to “Look back at History” – Presenting Saul Leither

Ira Crummey, what is “Forced Perspective”?

Mathieu Chiasson will share the results from Contest #7 – Yellow Object


Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia

The Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia continues to meet virtually. In addition to its regularly scheduled competitions, the Photoguild hosted two seminars in March. One by Tuma Young on the considerations of Law and Photography and one by Lynn Fergusson on the redecking of the MacDonald Bridge and highlights of some of her other photo adventures. We have two webinars coming up in our speaker series which are open to guests.


The Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia is pleased to extend an invitation to join us for the next talks in our webinar series.

Behind the Scenes – Shooting Birds with Gail Bisson is on Monday April 12, 2021 at 7:30pm AST. A talented self-taught bird photographer, Gail has won many awards, including the Audubon Photography Award and BPOTY Inspirational Encounters Award in 2020. She will share tips and techniques on how she captures her amazing images.

To register for Gail’s presentation, please use the following link:



A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words – by Kas Stone

The first talk in May is by photographer and author Kas Stone on Sunday May 2, 2021 at 7:30pm AST. A photographic artist based in Guysborough County NS, Kas takes inspiration from the remote coastal scenery and moody weather right outside her door.

Words and images are different ways to express one’s feelings on a subject. When used together effectively, the result can be truly inspiring. In this thought-provoking presentation, Kas explores the controversial connection between words and images.



La “Photographic Guild” de la Nouvelle Écosse est heureuse de vous inviter à se joindre à nous pour notre série de webinaires.

“Behind the Scenes – Shooting Birds with Gail Bisson ” se prendre place Lundi Avril 12, 2021 à 19h30 AST. Photographe amateur talentueuse des oiseaux, Gail a gagné plusieurs prix,  dont le prix de la photographie Audubon et le prix BPOTY Rencontres Inspirantes en 2020. Elle partagera avec nous des conseils et des techniques sur la façon dont elle capture ses images étonnantes.

Pour vous inscrire à la présentation de Gail Bisson, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant:


A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words – by Kas Stone

La première conference en Mai est du photographe et auteuse Kas Stone et se prendre place Dimanche Mai 2, 2021 à 19h30 AST. Artiste photographique base dans le comté de Guysborough en Nouvelle-Écosse, Kas s’inspire des paysages côtiers  éloignés et du temps maussade juste devant sa porte.

Les mots et les images sont différentes manières d’exprimer ses sentiments sur un sujet. Lorsqu’ils sont utilises ensemble efficacement, le résultat peut être vraiment inspirant. Dans cette presentation stimulante, Kas explore le lien controversé entres les mots et les images.

Pour vous inscrire à la présentation de Kas Stone, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant:


CAPA 2021 Annual General Meeting 2021

Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA)

2021 Annual General Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the safety of our members, the CAPA 2021 AGM will be held as a Zoom Meeting.

Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021

Time: 2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time, 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Nominations are being accepted for the positions of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Nominations for executive positions must be received by the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Larry Breitkreutz, FCAPA, Hon. FCAPA –  past-pres@capacanada.ca by May 10, 2021.

Those members not able to attend the Zoom meeting may complete a Proxy form giving their voting rights to the CAPA Secretary who will record their vote accordingly at the AGM Meeting.

Information about connecting with the Zoom meeting and Proxy forms will be available in the Members section of the capacanada.ca website after May 26, 2021.

More information.

Michele Broadfoot Awarded MCAPA

Carol Jackson, CAPA District Area Rep Lower Mainland presents Michele Broadfoot with her MCAPA.

World Photographic Cup 2021 Ceremony

The World Photographic Cup 2021 ceremony will be LIVE streamed on Facebook from Rome, Italy, on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 19:00, Central European Time. See the amazing images that will earn the bronze, silver and gold medals in all of the six categories of the WPC 2021 competition. They will also announce the top ten teams and of course the nation that will win the World Photographic Cup. Canada has four Top 10 finalists and is eager to see if any of these images will be on the podium.
Go Canada Go!

From Michael Breakey, FCAPA, CCJ

BC/Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series

The agility of the cheetah to change directions at high speed are demonstrated here as a surprised antelope leaps over it to avoid capture. Jeffrey Wu photo

Following their own success in adopting Zoom to continue and expand their club meetings during the pandemic, the North Shore Photographic Society (NSPS Vancouver) invited several B.C. and Yukon camera clubs to an initial meeting to share their success and encourage other clubs to consider similar strategies.

Club participation at the monthly meetings grew during the summer of 2020 and it wasn’t long before the idea of joint-club presentations was suggested. A task force was struck and the foundation of the BC/ Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series evolved.

The Victoria Camera Club (VCC) already had experience in presenting Zoom sessions to their large membership and offered to host these Zoom presentations. CAPA Pacific Zone Director Lynda Miller provided funds to upgrade VCC’s Zoom licence for larger audiences.

Details were resolved on how this speaker series would be funded between the clubs to provide honorariums to the featured photographers. It was also agreed that presenters for this series be prominent Canadian photographers. To date, 27 camera clubs representing about 1,400 members across B.C. and the Yukon are participating.

With a club meeting schedule already established, the Victoria Camera Club suggested the first speaker in the series be Richard Martin. More than 700 club members registered for Martin’s presentation “Visual Rhythm: Lines & Curves,” which he presented live from Ontario.

Throughout his presentation, his photographs demonstrated his unique vision, a personal style characterised by a strong sense of composition, colour and the use of light. Each photograph is a study in composition, as he will view the subject from all angles and perspectives. He likes to combine his architectural love of geometry, pattern and texture with a painter’s sensitivity to colour, light and composition.

In early January 2021, our second speaker in the series featured acclaimed wildlife photographer Jeffrey Wu, presented by the Sunshine Coast Camera Club. Jeffrey was able to provide live commentary from his safari location in Masai Mari National Reserve in Kenya, while his photo slides were presented locally to maintain excellent image quality to the 600 registrants. Based on his theme of “How to tell a Nature Story” Jeffrey amazed the audience with stunning images of African wildlife across a diverse array of visual settings. Be it fur or feathers, Jeffrey has a deep knowledge and understanding of animal behaviour such that he can likely predict what will happen next and be ready to capture that split-second of action or that feeling of deep emotion.

Working under a variety of different lighting conditions, he demonstrated different techniques for different situations. Sharing insights on technique, camera equipment and settings, his presentation was both educational and inspiring. Jeffrey’s approach to wildlife photography is to push it to the next level. Not content with mostly sedentary subjects, he aims to convey more meaning to his photos by getting as close as possible to capture facial expressions. Landscapes across the savannah also provide him with opportunities to reflect on the vastness of the terrain, while capturing wildlife against threatening skies or against stunning sunsets.

Feedback from many of the attendees at the two sessions strongly indicate this speaker series should be continued beyond what is already planned. Laura Letinsky and George Barr are the two upcoming speakers who will be presenting in March and May 2021.

Phil Cunnington,

President , Sunshine Coast Camera Club

The structured repetition of elements (rhythm pattern) over a specific area (the picture space) has an effect on the way we look at and interpret a photograph. Rhythm also has the power to directly establish an emotional response in the viewer. In this photo, the graceful and fluid arrangement of softly flowing lines of a boat and its reflection quickly establishes a rhythmic structure and provides basic order to the composition. Richard Martin photo



Competition Winners – 2021 Curves & Lines – Individual

Merit Award Winners /Gagnants des prix de mérite

3rd Merit Award Colour Fortunato Rizza Ferris Wheel
3rd Merit Award Mono Danielle LaPointe Guitar Curves And Lines
1st Merit Award Colour Bob Hawkins Humber River Bridge
2nd Merit Award Mono Danielle LaPointe Serreria Bridge Valencia Spain
1st Merit Award Mono Louie Luo Modern City
2nd Merit Award Colour Philip Wong Polygon Abstract

 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners / Médaillés d’or, d’argent et de bronze

Honour Award Alain Dubeau Propulsion
Silver Medal Gareth Jones Interconnections
Honour Award Teresa Walker Ms Dahlia Takes An Encore
Honour Award Ruth Ball Sporangium
Honour Award Alain Dubeau Triad
Silver Medal Garth Jones Translation Abstract
Bronze Medal He Zhao Light Tunnel
Honour Award Liliane Audet Violin Lesson
Honour Award Thomas Fulton End Of The Boardwalk
Honour Award Cheryl Bramble Chevy Grilled
Honour Award Liliane Audet Swirl Of Color
Honour Award John Kalley The Lines In My Face
Honour Award Rhonda Starr Myhal Centre
Honour Award Lois Burton Longji Rice Terraces
Honour Award Francine Raymond Praise The Lord
Honour Award Jacquie Matechuk Labyrinth
1st Merit Award Mono Liliane Audet Violin Lesson
Honour Award Francine Raymond Rolling Along
Honour Award Thomas Fulton Molten Flow
Honour Award Pia Oleary Hungover Seattle Needle
Honour Award Kathryn McGarvey Stunning Valencia At Dusk
Honour Award Pat Zuest Lines And Shadows
Gold Medal Yun Wang Masai Children Playing In The River
Honour Award Ottmar Philipp Intricate Dome
Honour Award Pia Oleary Bejings Egg
Honour Award Ron Harper Staircase, Nag's Head Lighthouse
Honour Award Teresa Walker The Light From Within
Honour Award Francine Raymond Morning Rush
Honour Award Isabel Kelly Downsview Park Station
Honour Award Cheryl Bramble Hooded Buick
Honour Award Pat Zuest Moroccan Lines And Curves
Honour Award Liliane Audet Au Dela
Honour Award Pia Oleary Winding Back In Time
Honour Award Thomas Fulton Light Weaving
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Hosta Curves And Lines
Honour Award Vincent Morban Bull's Eye
Bronze Medal He Zhao Tunnel
Honour Award Ron Harper Midnight At Penobscot Bridge
Honour Award Kathryn McGarvey Suspension
Honour Award Ruth Ball Eyes Wide Open
Honour Award Isabel Kelly Colourful Curves
Honour Award Bruce Raby Living Under The Rainbow
Honour Award Ron Harper Welcome To The Desert
Honour Award Thomas Fulton Slippery Slopes
Honour Award Ottmar Philipp Bugatti Beauty
Honour Award Pat Zuest The Eye
2nd Merit Award Mono Byron Robb Studio Bell Staircase 2
Honour Award John Kalley Curly Top
Honour Award Hafeez Mian Spyder
Honour Award Liliane Audet Direction Les Étoiles
Honour Award Bruce Raby The Spiral Staircase
3rd Merit Award Colour Yun Wang Flamingo Flying Into A Whirlpool
Honour Award Pat Zuest Corner Reflection
Honour Award John Kalley The Path
Honour Award Lois Burton Quietude
Honour Award Hafeez Mian Wow
Honour Award Lois Burton Blue Mosque
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Ceiling At Delhi Airport
Honour Award Bruce Raby In The Viking Tradition
Honour Award Bruce Raby Look Up  Way Up
Honour Award Ruth Ball Annals of Music
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Iconic Stairs AGO Ontario
Honour Award Ottmar Philipp Kaskawulsh Glacier
Honour Award Lois Burton Modern Mumbai Architecture
Honour Award Ottmar Philipp Philharmonic Egg
Honour Award Kathryn McGarvey Curves And Reflections BW
Honour Award Rhonda Starr Undulating Staircase
Honour Award Ruth Ball City Lights
Honour Award Kathryn McGarvey Scottish Lobster Traps
Honour Award Rhonda Starr Flowing Lines And Curves
3rd Merit Award Mono Francine Raymond Praise The Lord
2nd Merit Award Colour Ruth Ball Annals of Music
Silver Medal Gareth Jones Golden Snowflake
Gold Medal Yun Wang Hyena Took Jackal S Food At Night
1st Merit Award Colour He Zhao Chicago Flamingo Scuplture
Honor Award Ron Harper Evening Along The Delaware River
Honour Award Hafeez Mian Marquee
Honour Award Teresa Walker After A Gentle Rain
Honour Award Cheryl Bramble The Hand Of Man
Bronze Medal He Zhao Spiral Staircase
Honour Award Isabel Kelly She S Got Legs
Gold Medal Yun Wang Flying Over Fantasy Lake
Silver Medal Gareth Jones Ottawa Condo Building At Night
Honour Award Jacquie Matechuk The Dragons Eye
Honour Award Alain Dubeau A Star Is Born
Honour Award Teresa Walker Unfurling Elegance
Honour Award John Kalley So Nicely Odd
Honour Award Alain Dubeau Lacing
Honour Award Cheryl Bramble Around The Steps
Bronze Medal He Zhao Chicago Flamingo Scuplture
Honour Award Vincent Morban The Aliens Have Landed
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Ceiling At The MichelAngelo Hotel Burg
Honour Award Jacquie Matechuk Peaceful Embrace
Gold Medal Yun Wang Flamingo Flying Into A Whirlpool
Honour Award Jacquie Matechuk Natures Canvas
Honour Award Vincent Morban Alpha
Honour Award Pia Oleary Mississaugas Magnificent Marilyns
Honour Award Rhonda Starr Nortre Dame Basilica
Honour Award Francine Raymond The Harvest
Honour Award Vincent Morban Let's Face It
Honour Award Isabel Kelly Red Bench
Honour Award Hafeez Mian SFU Campus

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Honour Award MaryHughes Exploding Christmas Lights
Honour Award John Kalley Inanimate Forms
Honour Award Tom Stephens High Noon
Honour Award Yiing Shi Flower
Honour Award Liliane Audet Mon Meilleur Ami
Honour Award - Colleen Sayer - Time After Time
Honour Award Bob Hawkins Hotel Elevators
Honour Award Bob Hawkins Vatican Staircase
Honour Award Douglas Doede Bottles
Honour Award Phillip Shapiro Umbella With Legs
Honour Award Tom Stephens Going Up
Honour Award Douglas Doede Lost In Space
Honour Award Liliane Audet Recklessness
Honour Award Mary Huges - Groovy In Colour
Honour Award Phillip Shapiro Prelude To A Kiss
Honour Award Randall Epp - Recycled Phone Book
Honour Award Manfred Mueller Looking Up 731 Lexington Avenue
Honour Award Harvey Rogers Staircase To Heaven
Honour Award Liliane Audet Histoire Sans Fin
Honour Award Sonja Klapper Symphony Of Circles
Honour Award Harvey Rogers Follow The Bass
Honour Award Bob Hawkins Lighthouse Fresnel Lens
Honour Award Ying Shi Iron Flower
Honour Award Liliane Audet Corde Sensible
Honour Award Bob Hawkins Humber River Bridge
Honour Award Manfred Mueller Escalator Pompidou Centre Paris
Honour Award Phillip Shapiro Hot Air Balloon
Honour Award  Randall Epp - Architectural Buleprint
Honour Award Ying Shi Patterns
Honour Award Daniel Rondeau Grapes
Honour Award Harvey Rogers A Geometric Delight
Honour Award Sonja Klapper Eiffel Tower
Honour Award Tom Stephens Heres Looking At You
Honour Award Tom Stephens The Wave
Honour Award Manfred Mueller Happy Life 26 Capanese Chopsticks
Honour Award Rick McKenzie WaveLengths
Honour Award Colleen Sayer Berry Scary
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Delicate Curves And Lines
Honour Award Ying Shi Colourful Lake
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Asbstract Curves And Lines
Honour Award Daniel Rondeau Golden Hills
Honour Award Mary Hughes -Starry Nights Twirled
Honour Award Randall Epp - Pastel Sails
Honour Award Lance Gitter Infinity Room
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke AGO Staircase Curves And Lines
Honour Award Daniel Rondeau Breakwater And Star Trails
Honour Award Lance Gitter Gehry Structure 8870
Honour Award Douglas Doede Broken Glass
Honour Award Sonja Klapper Black Hole
Honour Award Daniel Rondeau Hooked
Honour Award John Kalley Interface
Honour Award Douglas Doede Spiral Stairway
Honour Award Randall Epp Architecural Drawing
Honour Award Colleen Sayer - Cheers
Honour Award Rick McKenzie Leading To Religion
Honour Award Phillip Shapiro The Church
Honour Award Rick McKenzie Walk On The Beach
Honour Award Sylvia Rourke Screw Scape Curves And Lines
Honour Award Lance Gitter Quadraphonia
Honour Award MaryHughes Fluffy Dandelion
Honour Award Sonja Klapper Aria Spiral
Honour Award John Kalley Countless
Honour Award Rick McKenzie French Curves
Honour Award Manfred Mueller A Different View Boston Holocaust Memorial
Studio Oil Painting Deluxe & AI Clear
Honour Award John Kalley How Lines Become Curves
Honour Award Harvey Rogers Ferrari Curves And Lines

Merit Award Winners / Gagnants des prix de mérite

1st Merit Colour /1ère couleur de mérite – Bob Hawkins “Humber River Bridge”

2nd Merit Colour /2e couleur de mérite – Philip Wong “Polygon Abstract”

3rd Merit – Colour /3e couleur de mérite – Fortunato Rizza “Ferris Wheel”

1st Merit Monochrome / Monochrome 1er mérite – Louie Luo “Modern City”

2nd Merit Monochrome / Monochrome 2e mérite – Danielle LaPointe “Serreria Bridge, Valencia, Spain”

3rd Merit Monochrome / Monochrome 3e mérite – Danielle LaPointe “Guitar Curves And Lines”

Medal Winners / Gagnants des médailles

Gold Medal /Médaille d’or – Danielle LaPointe

Silver Medal / Médaille d’argent – Louie Luo

Bronze Medal / Médaille de bronze – Fortunato Rizza

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Rick McKenzie

Daniel Rondeau

Sylvia Rourke

Manfred Mueller

John Kalley

Ying Shi

Sonja Klapper

Colleen Sayer

Douglas Doede

Mary Hughes

Randall Epp

Tom Stephens

Phillip Shapiro

Bob Hawkins

Harvey Rogers

Lance Gitter

Liliane Audet

Congratulations to the winners. Félicitations aux gagnants.