Focus Camera Club News

Club News

We have several activities this summer to give our members the opportunities to photograph event chosen from a wide list of themes by members. These activities would not be possible without the intensive passion from our executive. Learning experience and opportunities all around the clock.

Here is some outing already done this summer.

  1. July 01, Hands on Fireworks photography,
  2. July 14, Horse Show Dressage Show, moving target exercises, learn the beaver of the animals and capture the perfect moment. Hans on, on best setting to use shooting indoor and outdoor.
  3. July 21, Muddy River Roller, Muddy River Jam, our members had the chance to exercises new skills on moving targets and how to use ambient light.
  4. July 29, Visit at Mona’s Botanical Gardens, doing macro photography on flowers.
  5. August 10, Steel wool photography and light painting How to…
  6. August 18, Horse Show – Reining competition, horses are moving fast so you will have to be ready. Long lens is needed and get use to ambient light cause this activity is inside.
  7. Moncton Focus Camera Club is a very active Club and a good place to learn adapting to all level of photographer.

Report by Isabelle Levesque
Focus Camera Club

Photo Fredericton: Report

Photo Fredericton: Report

by Jane Smith ( )

Our year at Photo Fredericton got off to a great start with Fran Harris as our guest speaker, she shared photographs with us in her African presentation on Tanzania & Botswana.

Later in January we had our monthly competition in a CAPA Theme of Altered Reality, many great entries were put forth by our members some real talent and imagination.

February started with a wonderful guest speaker from UNB – Joy Cummings-Dickinson –Media Services @UNB who shared many images she takes for UNB publications and some of her techniques she uses in difficult lighting situations.

Later in the month it was another competition; Competition Night – CAPA competition, Spring – open. Once again with many amazing photographs by our members.

In March we hosted NB College of Craft and Design Photography Students, always a great turn out to hear the students show off their work and their new and innovative ideas.

At the end of the month we tried a change of pace from competitions and tried a critique night the theme was Macro work, all those interested in bringing in Macro photo to get some constructive critique did so and it was a nice evening with out the pressure of competition encouraging more discussion on the photographs.

April saw Fran Harris a sports photographer for Team NB and an official photographer for the Canada Games show us a great array of her images from the games as also shared with us tips and techniques for getting great actions shots in the field.

After the success of March’s critique night we hosted a second one on Theme People/portraits.

May our guest speaker was Karen Ruet a photography instructor from the College of Craft and Design who gave us a wonderful talk on making a story in a photo a journalistic approach.

Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia Report

Annual Banquet

In May, the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia held its Annual Awards Banquet. In addition to presenting winners with the trophies from the End of

Year competitions, two additional awards were given out. Terry Carroll and Wally Hayes were given special recognition for their work in digitizing and archiving founding member Tim Randall’s extensive collection of historical Nova Scotia images. Mervyn Kumar-Misir was also acknowledged for his 50 years of service to the club.

The Photographic Guild held several fieldtrips before breaking for the summer to work on the next season’s program. Members went to Jerry Lawrence Provincial Park and photographed the song birds returning from their spring migration in May. In June, club members explored the Avondale Trail System and the Avon Sky Winery and practiced their macro photography in the lovely gardens of Maria and Laszlo Podor.

PGNS: Report by Joyce Chew (

Award for 50 years of service
50 Years of Service: Mervyn Kumar-Misir (Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia)
Photo Field Trip with the Photographic Build of Nova Scotia
Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia field trip
Special Award presentation
Special Award of Appreciation to Terry Carroll and Wally Hayes   (Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia)

New Club: St, Croix Click

St, Croix Click: Joined CAPA in May, 2018. Welcome!

Saint Croix Click is a small group of photo enthusiasts based in St. Stephen, New Brunswick. There are around twenty four members, a core group of which actively attend the monthly meetings. There’s a larger following of over 100 people on Facebook.

Meetings consist of a constructive criticism of five photos submitted by members each month, followed by a presentation by a guest speaker, or a member. Presentations have included topics such as understanding of aperture and depth of field, macro photography, capturing movement, tips on taking really sharp photos, light and composition, post-processing and editing. There have also been interactive presentations on the use of studio lighting to practice portrait and macro photography.

We’ve also had a full day session on the basics of using a digital camera, which was an excellent refresher course for some, and a chance to learn new tips and procedures for all.

The club has occasionally joined with Fundy Camera Club from Saint John on joint field trip outings, to Ministers Island in St. Andrews and to the Kingston Peninsula.

Visit our Facebook page at: