Competition Winners – 2021 Atlantic Zone Competition

Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners / Médaillés d’or, d’argent et de bronze

Gold Medal - Karen Chappell - 2021
Silver Medal Animal - Donald Lewis - Tranquil Tides
Bronze Medal - Cindy Marshall - Quidi Vidi Reflections

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Honour Award  Marek Bromberek Janeway Hospital
Honour Award Elizabeth Noftall Are You Ready For This
Honour Award France Boutilier I Am Not Sharing
Honour Award Joshua Mowczko Samatha

Participants / Les participants

Andre LeBlanc Smoke In The Mountains
Andre Reinders Ryan
Andrea Milburn BrokenBeauty
Andrew Boghen Duck On The Fly
Andrzej Kajetanowicz Halifax Harbour On A Cold Morning
Antonio Solis Choices Choices
Brad.Chapman Fisherman Coming Home
Carol Mulholland Meeting People On The Street
Carol Randall Peaceful Mooring At Grand Manan
Carolyne Renton Moored
Claire LeBlanc Flaming Beauty
Cliff Sanddeson Northern Parula
Dakota Staples Mirrored
Daniel Landry David
Darryl Robertson Peggys Sunset
David Lilly Small But Big
Dean Hirtle Wentworth Falls
Ellen Seymour Winter Fox
Fran Harris Night Sky Beacons
Gary Farrah Kings Landing Sept 2020
Gary Meek A Childs Curiousity
George Mitchell Painted Lady
Greg Bolger Rustic Retreat
Guy Brun Breaking The Ice
Isabelle Levesque Tulipe Reflection
Janet Crawford Bridge At Sunrise
Jason Bowie Dust Up
Jeff Fevens Waiting
Jerry Curtis Church On The Point
Jocelyne Gagnon The Sunset
Katherine Kepkay Nova Scotia Strong
Keith Vaughan Two Boats In Morning Mist
Ken Renton Lightshow On The Waterfront
Lawrence R Nicoll Storm Coming
Lesleyanne Ryan Fort Amherst Berg
Leslie French  Fruit Of The Oak
Louis Lapierre Misty Morning
LouiseChapman  Gooseneck Loosestrife
Lynn Fergusson   Mom And Kit Playtime
Maurice Melanson Day's End
Michael Winsor Bird Of Prey Reflection
Mona Francis Dream Cleanser
Norm Thebeau The Peaceful Princess
Paul Girouard Simplicity
Peter Maclean Statue In Infrared
Rejean Pitre Painted By The Sun
Richard Hall Trumpeter
Echos 020 3997
Stephan Reebs Weir In The Sky
Steve Shearer Hovering Ruby Throated Hammingbird
Terri Churchill Portugal Cove
Thu Ho Gone With The Wind
Tim Corner Hopewell Rocks
Tina O'Rourke Fury
Tom Gallant Victoria Park Falls
Vanessa Levesque A Foggy Morning Fishing
Vienna Francis The Protector Prays
Viki Gaul Triple Peoni

Medal Winners / Gagnants des médailles

Gold Medal /Médaille d’or – Karen Chappell’s image “2021”

Silver Medal / Médaille d’argent – Donald Lewis’ image “Tranquil Tides”

Bronze Medal / Médaille de bronze – Cindy Marshall’s image “Quite Vidi Reflections”

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Elizabeth Noftall’s image “Are You Ready For This”

France Boutilier’s image “I Am Not Sharing”

Joshua Mowczko’s image “Samatha – Mind Calmness”

Marek Bromberek’s image “Janeway Hospital”

Congratulations to the winners. Félicitations aux gagnants.