2025 – Fine Art – Portrait – Individual – Judging Form

Welcome to our online judging system / Bienvenue dans notre système de jugement en ligne

Prior to commencing this program, you must read the CAPA’s Judge’s Guide document and use it as a reference document when required. 

If you have any questions or concerns about our online judging system, please email the Director of Competitions at competitions@capacanada.ca.

Avant de commencer ce programme, vous devez lire le document intituléGuide du juge de l’ACAP et l’utiliser comme document de référence au besoin.

Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations concernant notre système de jugement en ligne, veuillez envoyer un courriel au directeur des concours à competitions@capacanada.ca.

Reconsider Original Score – FINE ART-INDIVIDUAL-PORTRAIT
Thank you for completing the initial round of judging.
After the initial round of judging of the FINE ART-INDIVIDUAL-PORTRAIT, 3 image(s) had a variance in scores of 3.0 or more points.
Since there is a significant variance in the score of specific images, we are asking to review your initial score.
You are not obligated to make changes if you are satisfied with your original score.
An entrant cannot appeal a judge’s score.

In addition, judges will be encouraged to communicate with each other to discuss their observations and concerns about a specific image.
An email has been sent to the judges so that you can contact each other for this purpose.

When you have finished your reconsideration process, please press the “finished button” on the judging page and email competitions@capacanada.ca

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