London Camera Club – Jan.2025 – Upcoming Presentation

January 9 Mike Grandmaison Ontario Naturally: Impressions of a Land 7- 9 pm EST.

You can register by clicking here.

Intermediate Lightroom Classic course

All sessions are on Zoom on Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm EDT/EST

$20 for LCC members. $30 for guests

Session 1 – January 8 2025
Session 2 – January 22, 2025
Session 3 – February 5. 2025
Session 4 – February 19, 2025

You can register by clicking here.

Contact Robert Zakirson at

Education Dec.2024 Update

The “Elevating Your Photography” is an educational presentation that is aimed at small to medium sized CAPA photography clubs. Its origins came from discussions of the CAPA Education Committee early in 2024. It was first delivered to the Cowichan Valley Photo Club in late April of this

The presentation takes a fresh at how to improve one’s photography by concentrating on Composition and creating images that engage with the viewer. It avoids looking at composition, as an application of the “Rules of Composition”. In fact demonstrates that many of the great photographers (both current and in the past) feel that a rule-based approach is counter-productive and does not result in strong images. Several common rules are debunked in the presentation. Considerable time is spent on that most challenging aspect of photography’ creating images that the viewer develops a strong connection with. The presentation is filled with many images from Manfred Mueller’s collection of works.

To date, this hour-long presentation has been shown to nine different photography clubs (two in person and seven via video conference) from
coast to coast. The reaction to these presentations has been overwhelmingly positive and we want to thank the CAPA clubs that have taken advantage of the offering.

We look forward to developing more content in the future.

Kind regards,
Dan Sigouin on behalf of the Education Committee.

Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia – Dec.2024 and Jan.2025 – Upcoming Presentation

Celebrating its 77th year as a club, the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia is pleased to extend an invitation to join us for our Fred & Edie Greene Speaker series. There is no charge to attend these webinars, but donations to support the speaker series are gratefully accepted.

Creative Cellphone Photography by Stephen Scott Patterson takes place on Monday, December 8, 2024 at 7:30 PM AST

A photographer and photo-educator, Stephen has had several solo print exhibitions. He continues to create new images with his Camera as well as his iPhone 14 pro, and sees both as equally valid artistic devices, citing visual creativity as the more important aspect of artistic expression, over whatever device is used to create the photographs.

In this webinar, Stephen will discuss the differences in compositional approach, working with RAW files, focusing, working in bright daylight, slow motion photography, multiple exposure and much more.

You can register by clicking here

Studio Pet Photography with Larry Cowles takes place on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 7:30 PM ADT.

Larry Cowles HonPSA, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/d3 is a retired Electrical Engineer with a passion for Photography and specializes in Portraiture. He has been active in PSA since 1983, earning over 15,000 acceptances in exhibitions, winning hundreds of awards from 100 countries and was the first person to obtain GMPSA/P, PSA’s highest level. Larry has held various offices in camera clubs, councils and PSA Chapters, including chairman of the Color Projected Imaged Division, Vice chairman of the Print Division and past Vice President and Managing Editor of the PSA Journal.

While Larry’s program is centered around taking images of pets in the studio, he will also talk about using natural light. Many of us have pets that are part of our family and we want to have portraits of them like any other family members. They also make great subjects for competition images. Larry will discuss techniques of how to get your pet to look at the camera, compositional tools and developing a pet photography team to create great images.

You can register by clicking here