North Shore Photographic Society June Update

The North Shore Photographic Society is proud to be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2023.

Our motto for the year has been education, camaraderie, competition and excellence in photography.

A weekend of workshops and get togethers is planned this month to celebrate this milestone in style including having two of the club’s founding members talk about the early days of the club.

Members from around BC are planning to attend this exciting event.

Party time!

Central Alberta Photographic Society June Update

Spring Competition and Photographer of the Year

CAPS held their Spring Competition in mid-May; there were many excellent photographs – too many to list here – and we enjoyed a potluck dinner and lots of comradeship. Congratulations to Mel Bolin, our Photographer of the Year! Her keen eye and technical skill produce consistently great images and the award is well deserved.

Red Deer Corridor Gallery

If you happen to be in Red Deer, check out the Corridor Gallery in the lower level of the Recreation Centre for images by some of our members. The theme put forth by the City of Red Deer is ‘Action’ – come and take a look! The photos will be on display until mid-July.


CAPS continues to support the community by providing volunteer photographers for numerous events; current events included the Children’s Festival (hosted by Family Services of Central Alberta) and graduation portraits for the Red Deer Air Cadet League.

Club Outings

Photographic outings organised by the Club are a wonderful source of inspiration and provide a great experience for all involved. The first summertime outing was at the Ellis Bird Farm, where bluebirds nest in abundance and provided fantastic photo opportunities. Other outings are currently being planned.

New DR for South Vancouver Island

CAPA is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Letourneau as District Representative for Southern Vancouver Island.

Richard is a member of the Victoria Camera Club (VCC) and for the past eight years, has served on a variety of committees including Webmaster VCC Website, Internal Competitions, and External Competitions.

He was one of the members responsible for implementing Zoom meetings and wrote protocols and procedures to assist members with their Zoom experience.

Please read his full biography.

London Camera Club June Update

The London Camera Club ended the year with a picnic in Springbank Park. Over 63 members and their significant others attended. We were happy to get together again and delighted to see several of our out-of-town members. The door prize, of course, was camera-themed!

Our 22-23 guest speaker series is now finished but our Program Director, Wes Smith, and several volunteers are hard at work rounding up another interesting slate of speakers for 23-24.

We are quite proud to learn that CAPA has selected three of our member’s images to represent Canada in the 2023 Four Nations Competition.

Next year we shall be trying a hybrid model for our meetings. One meeting a month will be held in-person in London with Zoom transmission to all our many members far and wide. The other three-monthly meetings will continue to be via Zoom. We have managed to keep our membership fee at $75 (per household) … a real bargain for 38 meetings and 4 competitions. You are welcome to join us no matter where you live!

Just go to our website, and click on the Membership tab.

Pia O’Leary,

Richmond Photo Club Society June Update

The Richmond Photo Club has been extremely busy lately. On April 29th we participated in the highly anticipated return of the Crescent Beach Photo Club’s “2023 Black and White Invitation Print Competition”.

This high profile event has returned after being cancelled since the beginning of the pandemic. Ten local camera clubs submitted images for evaluation. Richmond Camera Club won first Prize at the “Club” level as well as 1st and 2nd Prizes at the “Individual” level. Participating members were:

Albert Tsai, Sue Olsen, Neil LeNobel, George Sandor, Richard Juren, and Elmar Thiessen. Congratulations to you all!

On June 3rd, The City of Richmond held it’s annual “Doors Open” event. This event is an opportunity for clubs and organizations within the city of Richmond, BC to promote their associations to the community. The Richmond Photo Club was asked by the city of Richmond to utilize the beautiful Minoru Chapel, a historic church built in 1891, currently located in Minoru Park as the venue to showcase our member’s photography.

Twenty images were selected that were contributed by ten members. A total of 78 guests visited our location to tour the Chapel and view our member’s images.
We thank all those who contributed and volunteered their time at the event. A few photos of the day provided by Julian Rozental and Chuck Vaugeois are attached.