Harbour City Photography Club

Harbour City Photography Club is pleased to announce that Freeman Patterson will doing a virtual presentation of “A Call to Creativity” to our club on January 19th, 2021 from 6:30PM to 9:00PM and we are inviting you to join us for a fee of $10.00 ($11.62 with taxes and service charges). Tickets are available through Eventbrite at the following link:


Prince George Photographic Society

Only in Canada…the Prince George Photographic Society held a properly distanced outdoor gathering on Saturday November 7 in the fairground parking lot to give out awards to the club members who participated in the CAPA Pacific Zone Challenge. Members brought chairs to form a circle and wore masks. There was bright sun and a stiff wind with freezing temperatures. Some parts of the city had snow overnight but the fairground was clear. Photo provided by club president, Debbie Malm.




Atlantic Zone Director Michiko Nishijima, FCAPA

I was born and grew up in Yokohama, the second biggest city in Japan. I immigrated to Canada in 1994 and started to teach Japanese language at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton.

Although I became interested in photography through my father, it was not until 1998 that I was drawn to serious involvement in photography when I participated in a workshop by Freeman Patterson and André Gallant.  This led me to participate in a workshop in Namaqualand, South Africa in 2001, followed in 2007 by a two week tour to the Atlantic Coast of South Africa and Richtersveld with Freeman Patterson.

I became a CAPA member in 2000, and the District Representative for Fredericton area in 2010. Now I serve as the Atlantic Zone Director since 2015. Also, I am an active member of Photo Fredericton, and I chaired the CCC2013 when the club hosted this conference. This is my second time being the president (2019-2021).

I took the Judging course in 2013 and 2018 and became a Certified Judge in March, 2020.


Please contact Michiko at atlantic@capacanada.ca

Enjoy a selection of Michiko’s works below.

Michiko 10
Michiko 9
Michiko 8
Michiko 7
Michiko 6
Michiko 5
Michiko 4
Michiko 3
Michiko 2
Michiko 1