2021 CCC in Moncton – Cancelled

Canadian Camera Conference 2021: Due to the current state of the pandemic, unlikely improvement any time soon, and concerns for the safety of all involved, we have cancelled the Canadian Camera Conference that was scheduled for June 2021. A big thanks to the Moncton Organizing Committee and Focus Camera Club for all the work they have done. Watch this space for news of future Conferences.

Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Club

Each year NFRCC (Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Club) and the OCCC (Ontario Council of Camera Clubs) has a friendly competition. There will be 230 images in total in this competition 115 from NFRCC Clubs and 115 from OCCC Clubs. This is a great opportunity to see high quality images in competition, watch the live judging and get a feel for how images are judged.

Date: Nov 21, 2020 – 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. You can for this event for $10.00. Please visit  nfrcc.org/nfrcc-vs-occc-2020 for information and registration

NFRCC Speaker Series – 12 speakers of a 12 month period Sep 14, 2020 thru Aug 2021

Although 3 speakers have presented already if you sign up for the Speaker Series now you will receive access to the recording of those 3 speakers presentations, so that you do not miss out on any of the content. $45.00 CDN including HST. You can also choose to sign up for individual speakers at $10.00 CDN including HST

Please visit nfrcc.org/nfrcc-speaker-series for information and registration


BC/Yukon Inter Club Speakers Series

Numerous BC\Yukon photography clubs have been meeting over Zoom since the pandemic started, primarily to share ideas on how to keep clubs engaged while we can’t meet. Out of this collaboration, a Speaker Series featuring four Canadian photographers was launched. The intent of this initiative was to use our collective human and financial resources to bring in presenters that clubs might not normally be able to afford. The series was open to any club in BC or the Yukon willing to share the cost of the speakers. Victoria Camera Club kindly offered to host the speakers on their Zoom platform and CAPA Pacific Zone generously sponsored the cost of upgrading Victoria’s Zoom platform to accommodate more attendees. Twenty-five BC\Yukon clubs signed up.


  • Richard Martin –  Monday, November 23rd, 2020 – Hosted by Victoria Camera Club, will be held on November 23, 2020 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
  • Jeffrey Wu – Friday, January 8th, 2021 Hosted by Sunshine Coast Camera Club, will be held on January 8th, 2021 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
  • Laura Letinski – Friday, March 26, 2021 – Hosted by Tri-City Photography Club, will be held on March 26th, 2021 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
  • George Barr – Friday, May 14, 2021 – Hosted by Richmond Photo Club, will be held on May 14th, 2021 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
To be eligible to register you must be a member of a BC/Yukon Club that has signed up for this series. For more information visit the Victoria Camera Club website.

CAPA Honours Awarded

We are pleased to announce two new Fellowship CAPA members. FCAPA has been awarded to Glenn Bloodworth and Leah Gray. We like to make these awards in public with the appropriate photos to record the event. In this time of COVID-19 awarding these honours in person is somewhat difficult. The public presentations may be delayed a bit, but we do want to congratulate these two deserving photographers. Take a look at their websites for some serious eye-candy from these outstanding image makers.


Glenn Boodworth, FCAPA  www.glennbloodworth.com

Congratulations to Glenn, the Ontario Zone Director & Judges Liaison. Along with his services to CAPA, Glenn has been actively involved at his local club, the R.A. Photo Club in Ottawa. He has exhibited his photographic art in Toronto, Ottawa and surrounding areas. His works are in private and corporate collections as well the City of Ottawa.

Leah Gray, FCAPA

Congratulations to Leah, a dedicated CAPA member and former Web Manager, Leah has been successful in a number of photographic competitions at the local, national and international levels. She is active in her local club the Victoria Camera Club and within the Pacific region.

Leah Gray









Competition Winners – 2021 Nature-Wildlife – Individual

Merit Award Winners 

1st Merit Award Botany Arnaldo Ronca Phlox
2nd Merit Award Botany Gord Cook Bonsai Tree
3rd Merit Award Botany Jonathan Sau Gymnopilus Junonius
1st Merit Insect Kam Ming Mak  You Are Mine
2nd Merit Award Insect Adrienne Zoe   Making A Heart
3rd Merit Award Insect Llaesa North Together At Twilight
3rd Merit Award Insect David Evans - Cabbage White Mating
1st Merit Award Landscape Northern Lights Over Loften Islands
2nd Merit Award Landscape James Xiang Cold Plunge
3rd Merit Award Landscape Yun Wang Sunset Minnewanka
1st Merit Award Nature Adrienne Zoe - Wildflower Perch (Goldfinch)
2nd Merit Award Nature Mike Streicher Hooded Merganser
3rd Merit Award Nature - Adrienne Zoe - Mommy and Baby Loon
1st Merit Award Wildlife Christy Grinton Last Family Portrait
2nd  Merit Award Wildlife Jean Daniel Gagne Decisive Moment
3rd Merit Award Wildlife Norm Dougan   Sharptail Snow Dance

 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners

Gold Medal Jean Daniel Gagne Decisive Moment
Gold Medal Jean Daniel Gagne Great Bear Rainforest
Gold Medal Jean Daniel Gagne Riviere Du Nord
Gold Medal Jean Daniel Gagne Survival
Silver Medal Yun Wang Sunset Minnewanka
Silver Medal Yun Wang Cheetahs Hunting Topi
Silver Medal Yun Wang Eurpean Roller Caught A Lizard
Silver Medal Yun Wang Gentoo Penguin Feeding
Bronze Medal Norm Dougan   Returning Fisherman
Bronze Medal Norm Dougan   Sharptail Snow Dance
Bronze Medal Norm Dougan   Tree Swallow Nest
Bronze Medal Norm Dougan   Grosbeak Winter Visitor

Honour Awards

Honour Award Mike Streicher Eastern Screech Owl
Honour Award Mike Streicher Hooded Merganser
Honour Award Mike Streicher Maasai Mara Leopard
2nd Merit Award Nature Mike Streicher Hooded Merganser
Honour Award David Laronde Black Shouldered Kite With Meal
Honour Award David Laronde Juvenile Luna Moth
Honour Award David Laronde Leopard Descending
Honour Award David Laronde Lilac Breasted Roller In Flight
Honour Award Kam Ming Mak   Worry
Honour Award Kam Ming Mak   Orphan
Honour Award Kam Ming Mak  Perseverance
Honour Award Kam Ming Mak  You Are Mine
Honour Award Christy Grinton Icelandic Puffin Profile
Honour Award Christy Grinton  Damselflies Mating
Honour Award Christy Grinton  Sibling Love
Honour Award Christy Grinton Last Family Portrait
Honour Award He Zhao Magagadi Lake
Honour Award He Zhao Family Walk
Honour Award He Zhao Mom's Love
Honour Award He Zhao
Honour Award James Xiang Break Through
Honour Award James Xiang Cold Plunge
Honour Award James Xiang The Last Glow
Honour Award James Xiang The King Of Jungle

Honour Award Rachel Schneiderman Eastern Bluebird
Honour Award Rachel Schneiderman Great Blue Herons Nest Builders
Honour Award Rachel Schneiderman Queen Annes Lace
Honour Award Rachel Schneiderman Burrowing Owl
Honour Award Michael Winsor Atlantic Puffin Gliding
Honour Award Michael Winsor Bald Eagle Hunting
Honour Award Michael Winsor Northern Gannet Colony Under Milky Way
Honour Award Michael Winsor Puffin In Sunset
Honour Award - Adrienne Zone -Family Time (Red Fox)
Honour Award Adrienne Zoe   Making A Heart
Honour Award - Adrienne Zone - Mommy And Baby Loon
Honour Award - Adrienne Zone - Wildflower Perch (Goldfinch)
Honour Award Mary Chambers Brazilian Southern Lapwing
Honour Award Mary Chambers Cambodian Aethriamanta Aethra
Honour Award Mary Chambers Leaping Leopard
Honour Award Mary Chambers Moose And Calf
Honour Award Martin Ross Glacier Lily
Honour Award Martin Ross Summer Snowflake
Honour Award Martin Ross Western Columbine
Honour Award Martin Ross The Chief
Honour Award William Bickle Belted Kingfisher
Honour Award William Bickle Grizzly Grazing
Honour Award William Bickle Kingfisher
Honour Award William Bickle Sparrow

Honour Award Fang Lei Rao Departing
Honour Award Fang Lei Rao Feeding
Honour Award Fang Lei Rao Hiding
Honour Award Fang Lei Rao Looking
Honour Award Anthony Bucci Humpback Whale
Honour Award Anthony Bucci Black Bear Fish
Honour Award Anthony Bucci Blackbear Spa Day
Honour Award Anthony Bucci Pygmy Owl Scowl
Honour Award Leah Gray Face To Face
Honour Award Leah Gray Leaping Ahead
Honour Award Leah Gray Pink Fawn Lily
Honour Award Leah Gray Pink For Black Bear
Honour Award Lesleyanne Ryan Hurricane Art
Honour Award Lesleyanne Ryan Puffins In Love
Honour Award - Lesleyanne Ryan - The Diamond Ring
Honour Award Lesleyanne Ryan The Last Photo They Found On My Camera
Honour Award Missy Mandel Laurel Sphinx
Honour Award Missy Mandel Ruby Throated Hummingbird And Blue Lobelia
Honour Award Missy Mandel Common Loon And Chick
Honour Award Missy Mandel Camouflaged Eastern Phoebe Chicks
Honour Award Peter To African Elephant At Chobe
Honour Award Peter To Humpback Whale At Antarctica
Honour Award Peter To Patagonia
Honour Award Peter To The Cronos
Honour Award Ilana Block   Red Fox Kit And Eider Duck Head
Honour Award Ilana Block Backlit Lionesses At Sunrise
Honour Award Ilana Block Mama Cheetah With Dinner For Her Two Cubs
Honour Award Ilana Block Three Eastern Screech Owlets
Honour Award Susan Nagy Evening Stroll
Honour Award Susan Nagy Little Bee Eater
Honour Award Susan Nagy Peregrine Lift Off
Honour Award Susan Nagy Reflection

Merit Award Winners

1st Merit – Botany – Arnaldo Ronca “Phlox”

2nd Merit – Botany – Gord Cook “Bonsai Tree”

3rd Merit – Botany – Jonathan Sau “Gymnopilus junonius”

1st Merit – Insect – Kam Ming Mak “You are mine”

2nd Merit – Insect – Adrienne Zoe “Making a Heart”

3rd Merit – Insect – Llaesa North “Together at Twilight”

3rd Merit – Insect – David Evans “Cabbage Whites Mating

1st Merit – Landscape – Jean Wang “Northern Lights Over Loften Islands”

2nd Merit – Landscape – James Xiang “Clod flow in the first snow of the year”

3rd Merit – Landscape – Yun Wang “Sunset Minnewanka”

1st Merit – Nature – Adrienne Zoe “Wildflower Perch”

2nd Merit – Nature – Mike Streicher “Hooded Merganser”

3rd Merit – Nature – Adrienne Zoe “Mommy and Baby Loon”

1st Merit – Wildlife – Christy Grinton (Martin) “Great Grey Family Potrait as Wildfires Appproach”

2nd Merit – Wildlife – Jean-Daniel Gagne “Decisive Moment”

3rd Merit – Wildlife – Norman Dougan “Sharptail Snow Dancer”

Medal Winners

Gold Medal – Jean-Daniel Gagne

Silver Medal – Yun Wang

Bronze Medal – Norman Dougan

Honour Awards

Mike Streicher

David Laronde

Kam Ming Mak

Christy Grinton (Martin)

He Zhao

James Ziang

Rachel Schneiderman

Michael Windsor

Adrienne Zoe

Mary Chambers

Martin Ross

William Bickle

Fang Lei Rao

Anthony Bucci

Leah Gray

Lesleyanne Ryan

Missy Mandel

Peter To

llana Block

Susan Nagy

Congratulations to the winners.

The competition report is now posted in the Competition Reports option of the Competitions dropdown menu.   To view the report, you must first log into the CAPA website.