Foothills Camera Club Stays in Touch


In an ordinary year, the Foothills Camera Club would hold a year-end Awards Banquet the first week of June. However, this year we had to find an alternative way to honour our award winners. We stepped into the world of Zoom.

We held a Zoom Awards meeting in August and while we could mail out the certificates and ribbons, how were we going to distribute our trophies? Throughout the next month, the Club President and her husband arranged to meet each of the trophy winners outside at their homes – physically distancing, enjoying the in-person connection, and sharing conversation with the members.

A good way to keep in touch and to grow mutual excitement about the upcoming year!


























The GCPA Invites You

The Global Chinese Photography Association invites you to participate in the 2nd GCPA International Photography Exhibition 2020.

The 2nd Annual GCPA International has seven digital sections:

  1. Open Color
  2. Open Mono
  3. Nature
  4. Landscape Color
  5. Photojournalism
  6. Portrait
  7. Horse-Themed

Entry rules:

Closing date: 2 November 2020

All participants of the competition will receive a digital catalogue of the photo salon.

For more information contact: