Canadian Camera Conference 2021

We regret to announce, due to the pandemic, the 2021 Canadian Camera Conference in Moncton is cancelled.

CAPA would like to thank the CCC Moncton team, FOCUS Camera Club for all the effort they put in in to what was sure to have been a great conference. We look forward to a future CCC in the Atlantic Zone.


Having organized the 27th CCC, here in Moncton – New Brunswick, back in 1997, FOCUS Camera Club is thrilled to host CCC for a second time. We are thrilled by the prospect of welcoming speakers, as well as fellow photographers, from all around Canada.

Join us June 25-27, 2021 and be inspired by A TIDE OF DISCOVERIES including renowned speakers and breathtaking locations! Experience the down east hospitality that Moncton and the entire province is famous for.

Let yourself be carried away by the highest tides in the world when you visit us in June 2021.

CCC2021 Presents:

André Gallant is a professional photographer who lives in Saint John, New Brunswick. Accomplished editorial photographer, Gallant travels the world in pursuit of expressive images.

André Gallant est un photographe professionnel qui vit à Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Photographe éditorial accompli, Gallant parcourt le monde à la recherche d’images expressives.






Denis Duquette is a commercial portrait photographer based in Moncton NB. His work has taken him to every province in Canada, the United States, Iceland and North Africa.

Denis est un photographe de portrait commercial basé à Moncton, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Son travail l’a mené dans toutes les provinces du Canada, aux États-Unis, en Islande et en Afrique du Nord.


CAPA National Judges Lists

All Zone Directors have recently been provided with updated copies, for distribution to their zone clubs, with two CAPA Judges lists. Each list is in a pdf and an Excel spreadsheet format. One is the “National On-Line Judges List”.  This has the name and contact information for judges in Canada who are willing to judge remotely, on-line, in club and zone competitions. The list includes both CAPA Certified Judges and CAPA CT Judges [CAPA trained judges who have applied and are undergoing evaluation to become accredited as a Certified Judge]. The second list is the respective “Zone Judges List”. This provides the name and contact information for all judges physically located in the specific zone who are willing to do live, in-person, judging in club and zone competitions.

If a club has not as yet received a copy please contact your Zone Director or email me

Glenn Bloodworth
CAPA Judges’ Liaison Officer/Officier de liaison des juges de l’ACAP

UPDATED Judging Practice – Pratique du Jugement

UPDATE: Saturday, Sept 26th, CAPA ran a “first” – a very successful french language zoom-based Judges Practice session. Thanks to the instructional efforts of Robert Laramée, Judging Course Instructor, and Michael Breakey, Director of Education, supported by the organizational skills of Glenn Bloodworth, Judges Liaison Officer, and Rod Trider, CAPA President, four ‘active’ and 19 ‘observer’ participants undertook a review of the CAPA Judging Course and completed three rounds of scoring and comments covering 24 images over two hours.

A zoom based French language session, will be held Sept 26, 2020.  You can register by emailing Specify whether you wish to attend as an active participant or as an observer.  This will be a ‘live’ judging event, commencing at 12:00pm EDT.  it will run some 2 hours and entail a short summary presentation on CAPA’s judging criteria and style, followed by ‘practice’ judging of some 40 images, encompassing a range of photographic genres. Preference for ‘active’ status will be accorded to CAPA Trained Judges currently on the National Judges List with the status of being evaluated to become a Certified CAPA Judge. 10 ‘active’ participants will be designated to score the images and offer oral comments. The ‘observers’ will watch and listen, for the experience as we all learn from each other.

Pour fournir aux juges, particulièrement à ceux qui ont suivi le cours de jugement de l’ACAP mais qui ne sont pas encore certifiés, l’occasion de travailler sur leurs compétences, nous offrons une séance Zoom de pratique de jugement (EN FRANÇAIS). Cette séance sera une expérience de jugement « en direct ». La séance comprendra 40 images couvrant la plupart des genres photographiques. La séance de pratique aura lieu le samedi 26 septembre: 12h00 – 14h00. Envoyez un courriel à Précisez si vous souhaitez être « participant actif » ou « observateur ».  10 « participant actif » pourront faire des commentaires oraux sur les images et fournir des scores. Les autres – « les observateurs » – regarderont et écouteront l’exercice, pour permettre d’apprendre les uns des autres.  

Glenn Bloodworth
CAPA Judges’ Liaison Officer/Officier de liaison des juges de l’ACAP