CAPA Members Score High at SPPQ Gala

The 31st edition of the Société de promotion de la photographie du Québec (SPPQ) Gala took place in virtual form on 27 April 2020. At the event, winners of several photo contests were announced, among which the Mongeon-Pépin InterClub Challenge. This competition, held on the basis of photos submitted specifically to the contest, aims to highlight on the one part the best performing clubs in Québec and, on the other part, the best photographic achievements. In the first category, two clubs who are members of our association earned places within the top three clubs of the year.

  • 1st place : the Club de photo dimension of Québec, member of CAPA
  • 3rd place : the club photo évasion of Saint-Bruno, member of CAPA

In the Photo of the Year 2020 category, photos were submitted under one of four imposed themes: animal, human, nature and sport. In the initial judging, three winning entries were chosen in each theme. Among these twelve finalists, five were submitted by CAPA club members. Furthermore, the ultimate choice for Photo of the Year 2020 was:

Congratulations to all winners, clubs and club members. CAPA offers a one-year free membership to the best club and to the photographer of the best photo. You can screen the SPPQ Gala (in French) at


Bombilius au repos, by Julie Lainesse of Club horizon photo Victoriaville, member of CAPA

Des membres de l’ACAP se distinguent au Gala de la SPPQ

La 31e édition du Gala annuel de la Société de promotion de la photographie du Québec (SPPQ) s’est déroulée le 27 avril 2020 en mode virtuel. Cet évènement fut l’occasion d’annoncer les gagnants de divers concours photographiques dont le Défi interclubs Mongeon-Pépin. Cette compétition sur la base de photos soumises spécifiquement au concours, vise à souligner d’une part les clubs photo québécois les plus performants et d’autre part, les meilleures oeuvres photographiques. Dans la première catégorie, deux clubs membres de notre association se sont classés parmi les trois meilleurs clubs photo de l’année 2020.

  • 1re place : le Club de photo dimension de Québec, membre de l’ACAP
  • 3e place : le Club photo évasion de Saint-Bruno, membre de l’ACAP

Dans la catégorie de la photographie de l’année 2020, les photos devaient porter sur un de quatre thèmes : animalier, humain, nature et sport. En premier lieu, trois photos gagnantes ont été choisies dans chaque thème. Dans ces douze finalistes, on compte cinq photos soumises par des membres de clubs de l’ACAP. De plus, le choix ultime de la photographie de l’année 2020 s’est porté sur :

Toutes nos félicitations aux gagnants, aux clubs et à leurs membres. En guise de récompense, l’ACAP offre un abonnement d’un an au club gagnant et à la photographe de la photo de l’année. Vous pouvez visionner le déroulement du Gala de la SPPQ à

Ontario Zone News May 2020

Ontario Zone Dominates Canada’s Entries in 2020 Four Nations Competition

The selection of Canada’s images for submission in the 2020 Four Nations Competition has been completed – and congratulations to the Ontario Zone; images from individuals in this zone dominated.  The competition required 80 different photographs from 80 different photographers, and Canada’s submission consists of;  15 Nature, 15 Monochrome, 35 Open, 15 My Country.

Images from Ontario Zone members constituted 46% of Canada’s entries, with five members from the Jiahua Elite Photography Association, five from the Toronto Camera Club, four from the Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto, four from the London Camera Club, three from the Richmond Hill Camera Club, two from the Grand River Imaging and Photographic Society, two from the Trillium Photographic Club, and one each from the St. Catherine’s club, the Hamilton Camera Club and the Toronto Digital Photography Club. As well there were three images from individuals in the zone who did not identify any club affiliation.

Congratulations to all those who entered, and particularly to those selected. The Four Nations international competition closes on June 24, 2020 and we should receive the results in late July or August.

Atlantic Zone News May 2020

The first Atlantic Zone Competition was a great success. By the closing date of April 20, we had received 117 images from 60 entrants across the region. Members of Camera 35 (St. John’s, NL), Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia and Atlantic Lighthouse Photo Group (Halifax, NS),  Scotsburn-Northumberland Amateur Photography Society (Alma, NS), Focus Camera Club (Moncton, NB), Photo Fredericton (Fredericton, NB), St. Croix Click (St. Stephen, NB), and CAPA Individual members participated in the competition. The entry images were scored by three CAPA Certified Judges and results were sent out to the entrants.  We received positive comments on the competition, people saw it as a great opportunity to participate in CAPA competitions in less competitive and more casual setting. The results can be viewed here. Congratulations to the winners!

Michiko Nishijima
CAPA Atlantic Zone Director

Pacific Zone News May 2020

News from the Gabriola Photography Club

  • Gabriola Photography Club Zoom Meeting
    Gabriola Photography Club on Zoom

    The Gabriola Photography Club has continued activities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • We have been out taking photographs close to home.
  • Our meetings continue on Zoom as do our social pub nights. Our last meeting was about new photography experiences we have had and photographed during Covid.
  • Sharron Palmer hunt was excited to receive a first place CAPA individual merit award for her image titled “anticipation” receiving a score of 27 in the animal/bird theme of the My Country Contest. Thx to the judges! 

  • Our Capa Pacific Central Island Regional Workshop date has been extended for a year to April 2022 due to Covid and the anticipated backup dates for other workshops and photo salons. Our workshop will take place in Nanaimo, BC so stay tuned, as time flies when you are having fun.

News from the Langley Camera Club

It is difficult being a photography club when we can not do one of our favourite things, getting together! We decided early on that we would find a way to carry on.

  • First, we ramped up our Facebook postings, hosting some FC photo challenges, we want to ensure that we are keeping our club engaged.
  • We then adopted using Zoom for our virtual meetings.
  • We have introduced a series of informal club Locked Down competitions that our members are quite excited about.
  • We will be hosting speakers in May and June over Zoom.
  • As well we invested in Visual Pursuits, an online system for photography clubs that allows for online judging. This is going to be a real benefit to our club. We also plan on providing activities over the summer months until we start up again in the fall and we are preparing to do that virtually in case we still can’t meet.

News from the Crescent Beach Photography Club

  • All CBPC meetings have been cancelled until further notice due to Covid 19.
  • Of note is the fact that Lynne Kelmann has stepped down from the position of president of the club. Lynne has done an excellent job as president for the past three years, and we are all grateful for her guidance over this time period. Lynne has advised that she will continue to offer assistance during the hand over to the person selected to take over the president’s duties and has volunteered to chair the outings committee going forward.
  • The remaining members of the club executive committee are in the process of arranging a meeting to plan future club activities and choose a new president. Although none of us can predict the future we do hope to start up club activities again in September providing this can be done safely.
  • The club currently has 75 members and is in a good financial shape. More details will be sent to our members as the executive committee meets to elect a new president and determine the best way forward.

News from the Surrey Photography Club

  • The Pandemic has put a damper on most Camera clubs and SPC is no different.
  • SPC has had only one meeting in March and is starting meetings via Zoom this month.
  • Some of the members are doing no photography and others are reworking archived images.
  • One of the executives started a themed weekly challenge on their closed page in which only a few participated.
  • No face to face meetings are planned until possibly the fall.

May 2020 Competition News

cliquez ici pour le français

We continue to have great participation in our Competitions with many new clubs and members also submitting images.

Canada: My Country Competition

For this competition, there were a total of 724 images submitted: 195 images from 35 camera clubs and 529 images from 137 individual CAPA members.

Two camera clubs recently joined CAPA and participated in their first CAPA competition. Thirteen new CAPA members also entered this competition as their first competition since joining CAPA.

Two separate judging teams were used for this competition.

You can view the Club winning images here.

Individual winning images can be viewed here.

Read more


Atlantic Zone ‘Open’ Competition

Two separate zone pilot projects were coordinated by Zone Director Michiko Nishijima (Atlantic Zone) and Zone Director Dan Sigouin (Prairie Zone).

The purpose of the pilot projects was to test the concept of encouraging smaller camera clubs to participate in a zone competition where they would compete along with other local clubs and stand a better chance of being recognized.  Our online competition system was a key component of this project.

The 2019 Open Theme parameters were used for the submission of images.

One judging panel was used for both pilot projects.  Each judge was from a different region in Canada.

Awards were allocated based on CAPA Competition Standards.

For the Atlantic Zone, there were a total of 117 images submitted by 60 photographers.

You can view the winning images from this zone competition here.


Prairie Zone ‘Open’ Competition

The Prairie Zone had one variation in their pilot – the judges were asked to provide supportive and constructive comments for each image. As there were a small number of images it was possible to do so.

The Zone Director would coordinate the distribution of judge’s comments back to each entrant.

For the Prairie Zone, there were a total of 53 images submitted by 30 photographers.

You can view the winning images from this zone competition here.


Annual Photo Challenge

This competition was limited to only CAPA members, family members and life members.  Each entrant was permitted to submit only two images.  Theme was simplicity.

A total of 425 images from 217 photographers.  This competition was the first to be entered by 40 new CAPA members.

The top three images were awarded CAPA medals and would also receive a new digital camera from Canon Canada as well as an Adobe Club membership for 12 months.

Nine photographers will be receiving a Honourable Mention Award.

You can view the winning images here.


New CAPA Medals

CAPA has adopted a single piece competition medal.  Commencing in October 2020, these medals will be issued for all national CAPA competitions.

You can view the new medals here.

For local camera club competitions, the traditional two-piece CAPA medal can still be ordered or they may wish to order the new medals.

Details about the new medal can be obtained by emailing me at


Nouvelles des concours – Mai 2020

 On continue d’avoir une grande participation dans nos concours avec plusieurs nouveaux clubs et membres individuels qui soumettent aussi des images.


Concours Canada: Mon pays

Pour ce concours un total de 724 images ont été soumises : 195 images par 35 clubs de photo et 529 images par 137 membres individuels de l’ACAP.

Deux clubs de photo ayant joint l’ACAP récemment et treize nouveaux membres individuels ont participé à un concours de l’ACAP pour la première fois.

Deux équipes de juges se sont distribué la tâche de jugement pour ce concours.

Les images gagnantes des clubs peuvent être visionnées ici :

Les images gagnantes des membres individuels peuvent être visionnées ici :


Concours ‘Libre’ de la zone de l’atlantique

Deux projets pilotes dans des zones différentes ont été dirigés par le directeur de zone Michiko Nishijima (zone de l’atlantique) et par le directeur de zone Dan Sigouin (zone des prairies).

L’objectif de ces projets était d’évaluer le concept d’encourager la participation de plus petits clubs dans une zone avec d’autres clubs locaux et ainsi avoir une meilleure chance d’être reconnus. Notre système de concours en ligne était un élément clef de ces projets.

Les paramètres du concours ‘’Thème libre 2019’’ ont été utilisés pour la soumission des images.

Une équipe de juges a été mandaté pour les deux projets pilotes, chaque juge étant d’une région différente du Canada.

Des prix ont été alloués en se basant sur les standards de l’ACAP.

Pour la zone de l’atlantique, 117 images ont été soumises par 60 photographes.

Les images gagnantes de cette zone peuvent être visionnées ici :


Concours ‘Libre’ de la zone des prairies

Il y avait une différence pour le projet pilote de la zone des prairies – on a demandé aux juges d’offrir des commentaires constructifs et encourageants pour chaque image. La petite quantité d’images a rendu cela possible.

Le directeur de zone a coordonné l’acheminement des commentaires des juges aux différents participants.

Un total de 53 images ont été soumises par 53 photographes.

Les images gagnantes de cette zone peuvent être visionnées ici :


Défi photo annuel

Seuls les membres individuels de l’ACAP, les membres de leurs familles et les membres à vie pouvaient participer à ce concours. Chaque participant pouvait soumettre seulement deux images. Le thème était le minimalisme.

Un total de 425 images ont été soumises par 217 photographes. C’était une première participation à un concours de l’ACAP pour 40 nouveaux membres.

Les trois meilleures images se sont méritées des médailles de l’ACAP et recevront aussi une nouvelle caméra de la part de Canon Canada et un abonnement Adobe Club pour 12 mois.

Neuf photographes recevront un prix de mention honorable.

Les images gagnantes peuvent être visionnées ici :


Nouvelles médailles de l’ACAP

L’ACAP a adopté une médaille en un seul morceau. À partir d’octobre 2020, ces médailles seront allouées pour tous les concours nationaux de l’ACAP.

Vous pouvez voir les nouvelles médailles ici –

Pour les concours de clubs locaux, la médaille traditionnelle en deux morceaux de l’ACAP peut encore être commandée. La nouvelle peut aussi être commandée.

Les détails à propos de la nouvelle médaille peuvent être obtenus en écrivant à cette adresse :


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