A Weekend in Saskatchewan’s North

by Larry Easton

Saskatchewan is often referred to as the Land of Living skies, but if you journey to the northern half of the province and beyond it is also a land of boreal forest and 100,000 lakes. You can also be treated to some spectacular sunsets and sunrises in this province of Living Skies.

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Saskatchewan water falls by Larry Easton
by Larry Easton

2020 Crescent Beach Print Challenge

Crescent Beach Photography Club

2020 Invitational Black and White Print Challenge Saturday April 18, 2020

  • Abbotsford Photo Arts Club
  • Langley Camera Club
  • Richmond Photo Club
  • The Surrey Photography Club
  • Burnaby Photographic Society
  • Lions Gate Camera Club
  •  Caroun Photography Club
  • Tri-City Photography Club
  • Delta Photo Club
  • New Westminster Photography Club
  • The Darkroom Club
  • Vancouver Arts & Photography Club
  • Chung Ai Photography Club
  • North Shore Photographic Society
  • The Peace Arch Alliance Church PC
  • Pacific Digital Photography Club
Black and White Print Challenge with Crescent Beach Photo Club
Crescent Beach Black and White Print Challenge

Dear Club Presidents, Print Chairs,

Please forward this Invitation on to the person in your Club responsible for Photo Competitions. The Members of the Crescent Beach Photography Club (CBPC) are pleased to invite your Club to participate in our Annual Black and White Print Challenge.

  • The Club entry fee is $30.00 payable to the Crescent Beach Photographic Club (CBPC). This fee and a completed Entry Form, also attached, should be enclosed with your prints upon delivery.
  • The B & W Challenge will take place at 6:00 pm. Judging to start at 6:30 pm Saturday April 18th. 2020 at St. Mark’s Church Hall, 12953 – 20th Avenue, South Surrey.
  • Please reply to Geoff Hayes, e-mail: geoff_nina_hayes@yahoo.com, or Ted Akune, e-mail: tedakune@shaw.ca
  • Prints are to be delivered to the address below by Sunday April 05, 2020 • Ted Akune. 2065 156A Street, Surrey, V4A 6S4. Tel.No: 604-531-6224.

Attending representatives may pick up their Club’s prints after the judging and viewing. Prints not taken at the time can be picked up at a later date at the above address. We look forward to your Club’s participation. Please take note of the Print Delivery Address above and the several changes to the Rules.

Yours truly, Geoff Hayes, Print Co-Chair, E-mail: geoff_nina_hayes@yahoo.com (778-294-2049) Ted Akune, Print Co-Chair, E-Mail: tedakune@shaw.ca (604-531-6224)

2020 Can Am Photo Expo

Can Am Photo ExpoCancelled until 2021

The Can Am Photo Expo is sponsored by the Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Clubs

The Niagara Frontier Regional Camera Clubs (NFRCC) were established to be a unique bi-national photographic organization whose members include both amateur and professional photographers. The NFRCC is made up of 18 individual camera and photography clubs, in Western NY, Pa and Southern Ontario Canada. Some of these clubs belong to the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (CAPA) and/or the Photographic Society of America (PSA).

  • Over 70 educational class to choose from
  • Hands on Workshops
  • Photoshoots
  • Print and Digital Image Competition Salons
  • Portfolio Review sessions
  • Trade Show
  • Awards Celebration and Gala
  • After Hours Party

Trillium Photo Club

Trillium Photographic Club, Burlington, ON

Global Warming by Bela Acs (1st merit)
Global Warming by Bela Acs, 1st merit, Fine Art

This year the Trillium Photographic Club (https://trilliumphotoclub.org/) celebrates 28 years since its founding in 1992. We are a vibrant club with a full slate of weekly lectures and meetings during the September – May season, a number of interest groups, and monthly organized outings.

Recently Trillium won a gold medal in CAPA’s 2019 Fine Art Club Competition, with contributions from six Trillium members, Bela Acs, (Global warming), Kathryn Martin (Magnolia Plantation gazebo), Claudia Povilauskas (Chrysanthemum), Judy Boufford (Azalea with live oak tree arch), Jim Sykes (Red shoes) and Janet McNally (Pink tulip). Bela Acs’s image Global Warming won highest image score (28) and 1st Merit award.

Shuswap Photo Arts Club presentation

Shuswap Photo Arts Club presents Victoria Hakk
Viktoria Haak presentation

The Shuswap Photo Arts Club is please to present:

Viktoria Haak,

Nikon Canada Ambassador

  • MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020 7:00 PM
  • Admission by Donation

Originally from the UK and a resident of BC, Canada since 2007, heavily influenced by the beautiful environment that surrounds her. A background in fine art and anthropology. This combined with the love of the natural world brings a unique perspective to her photography: Her ethos is to tread lightly; observe and search out the subtle visual story within whichever photographic genre she is working. Her work covers the fields of landscape, portrait, wedding, event, promotion, editorial, stock and photography education; allowing her to stay creative and excited about the projects undertaken.

Proud to be a Nikon Canada Ambassador and Lowepro Global Ambassador.

Nouvelles de la Zone Québec – mars

Ultime rappel – deuxième cours de juges en français.

C’est votre dernière chance de participer au deuxième cours de juges en français, organisé par le Club photo impression de Montréal. Il aura lieu le samedi 21 mars 2020, de 8 h 30 à 17 h 30 aux locaux du club, 7501, rue François-Perrault Montréal Québec. S’il vous est impossible d’assister à cet évènement, rassurez-vous : un troisième cours est envisagé pour l’automne. Pour de plus amples informations sur le cours du 21 mars et pour réserver votre place, veuillez suivre le lien vers la page de l’évènement que vous trouverez à https://capacanada.ca/judging-courses/

Québec Zone News – March

Last reminder – a second judging course to be held in French.

This will be your last chance to join a second French language judging course, organized by the Club photo impression of Montreal. It will take place on Saturday, 21 March 2020 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM in the club’s headquarters at 7501, rue François-Perrault Montreal Québec. If you are unable to attend this event, don’t despair : a third course to be held in the Fall is under consideration. For more information on the Spring event and to book your place, follow the link to the event’s page that can be found at https://capacanada.ca/judging-courses/

Chilliwack Workshop

The Chilliwack Camera Club is hosting a workshop on March 14-15 and still have a couple of seats left.

The workshop is an Urban Heritage Photography workshop, taught by Rick Hulbert. Along with being an Academician in the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts, Rick Hulbert’s background is as an international award–winning and published architect, urban designer, and photographer with a passion for teaching.Rick has been a frequent lecturer, teacher, and seminar panel participant on four continents. (www.rickhulbertphotography.com)

The event is being held over two days, Saturday and Sunday, March 14-15, at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. It will involve some classroom teaching by Rick, and we will also be going out into the local area to do some hands-on shooting, and then coming back to the Cultural Centre for review and discussion. Tickets are available through the Cultural Centre, by calling 604-391-SHOW (7469) or emailing boxoffice@chilliwackculturalcentre.ca.

Tracy Friesen
Chilliwack Camera Club