Shuswap Photo Arts Club News November 2019

The Shuswap Photo Arts Club will be focusing on Photojournalism this month.

  • Monday November 11 Program will give and overview of this genre and include a presentation by Cameron Thompson the Salmon Arm Observer Photographer.
  • Monday November 25 will see special guest, Greg Osadchuk, with an extensive photography career spanning many decades.  He is trained in industrial photography, spend time as photographer for THE PROVINCE newspaper and has continued with a passion in landscape photography.

More about Greg Osadchuk

For photographer Greg Osadchuk, picking up a camera for the first time at age nine marked the beginning of a life-long passion that turned into a diverse career, spanning more than 50 years.  ​Following a university arts degree and formal, industrial photographic training Greg launched into an energetic and fulfilling career as a photojournalist for The Province newspaper in Vancouver.

He eventually left the city and settled into the interior of BC where he could pursue his passion of Landscape Photography.

During his time in Nelson, Greg owned and operated his own photography gallery, later returned to university to earn his Bachelor’s degree in Education. He them immersed himself in education where he taught Digital Arts and Photography for 15 years, before retiring to his favourite passion.

Gabriola Photography Club Fall Show and Sale

Things will be humming at the Gabriola Photography Club’s Fall Show and Sale, Sunday November 17, 2019 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm at the Rollo Centre, Gabriola, BC. Admission Free.