Gabriola Photography Club

Gabriola photography Club presenter Sharron Palmer-Hunt
photo by Sharron Palmer-Hunt

The Gabriola Photography Club has been in existence for over 12 years and meets at the Rollo Senior Centre from 10 am-noon, the first and 3rd Wednesday’s of every month (excluding July and August). At the meetings both members and guests present various photographic related topics with outsiders welcome to attend. Photos related to the topic are displayed and details discussed. Our latest presentation given by Sharron Palmer-Hunt, was on whales and dolphins, including how they are negatively impacted by the environment, with special emphasis given to our endangered southern Orca population.

Members also share photo taking outings with other local photo club members and have a pub social gathering once per month. Twice a year the Club puts on an exhibition at the Rollo Senior Centre. Our next exhibition is on Sunday November 17th from 10am-4pm. Everyone welcome.

Throughout the year we have individual members displaying their work downstairs at the Gabriola Medical Centre, at 695 Church Street. Diane Green is currently displaying photographs until October 15th followed by Steve Struthers until November 18th. Our photographs are also often displayed in other local establishments on the island and at the Port Theatre in Nanaimo.

Sharron Palmer-Hunt has recently been chosen as the district CAPA representative for 3 island clubs in the Pacific region, including Gabriola, Harbour City and Cowichan Valley. We are looking forward to getting together with district group members and sharing fun ideas.

Gabriola Photography Club exhibition
Gabriola Photography Club Exhibition (photo by Joan Owen)

2019 CAPA Scholarship: Daniel Curren


Daniel Curren
Joyce Chew presents Daniel Curren with the 2019 CAPA Scholarship

Daniel Curren was presented the CAPA Scholarship cheque at the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia’s opening Wine and Cheese Event.

He was very pleased to receive the award and made a very nice speech thanking CAPA for all they have done for him as a new photographer and encouraging other members to also join CAPA as an individual.

Daniel pursued photography as a hobby in late 2018, and went on to complete photography courses at Nova Scotia College for Art and Design. He is an active member of the Nova Scotia Photoguild and Darmouth Photography Society. He plans on completing the CAPA judging course so that he may volunteer to assist his clubs.

Light Snack by Daniel Curren
Light Snack by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
A Brother’s Light-Shining Down – Castle-Mountain by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
Solitude by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
Transcendence by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
Bulrushes & Fog by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
Topsy Turvy Fall by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
Bow River Snow and Ice by Daniel Curren
2019 CAPA Scholarship recipient Daniel Curren
From Behind by Daniel Curren