September Club Tidbits

Crescent Beach Photography Club – have had a couple of Executive meetings, one via Zoom and the other in person, physically distanced in a park.  We have had one outing and another is planned soon. They do not have Zoom meetings. They are recruiting a new President.

Surrey Photography Club – have had an outdoor Executive Meeting and AGM at a park.  There have been several summer outings, the annual Scavenger Hunt, Take 35, and sunset outings. The last outing of the year is on Sept 28 to Granville Island for some night photography.  They have reluctantly embraced Zoom and the meetings are fairly well attended. SPC has speakers and a judge lined up for the remainder of the year.

Abbotsford Photographic Arts Club – is doing well.  Our new 2020/21 season is underway.  We have installed the Visual Pursuits software and have been developing our new website over the summer.  We are meeting via Zoom like most clubs these days and everyone is happy with our progress given these trying times. APAC has made Phil Dyer a lifetime member for being a member of the club for 30 years. Phil is currently the acting president and treasurer of the club.

Doreen Jung recently won a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Abbotsford Arts Council.  She has been covering the art scene here for many years for the online version of the Abbotsford News as well as volunteering her time at the Kariton Art Gallery. She is also a valued member of APAC and has been arranging for our club to participate in various art gallery shows in Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission for several years as well as the local Wine and Art Walks twice a year.

On Saturday Sep 26 we had a club meeting outdoors at Ellwood Park to present our own awards to the winners for the 2019/20 season followed by a short walk-about with our cameras.  There were 20 club members in attendance all socially distanced of course.

Langley Camera Club – continues to thrive despite the obstacles of COVID19.  We have had an article in the local paper and take full advantage of social media for advertising.  This has given us a healthy rate of members renewing and new members joining. We’re full steam a head with our program successfully utilizing Zoom.