Jeu décisif pour 2023 Zone Pacifique - Club - Médaille de bronze

We have two camera clubs tied for the Bronze Medal.

There are two sets of images, 5 for Camera Club #1 and 5 for Camera Club #2.

Review all images from both camera clubs and decide which club has the overall best images.

For your choice of best club images, select 1st Choice for all five image in this club.

Next, select 2nd choice for the other camera club and assign your 2nd choice for all five of this club’s images.

Once completed, click the Finished button which appears above the first image for the Camera Club #1.  Then repeat the same process for the 2nd Camera Club.

Déconnectez-vous du site web de la CAPA et envoyez-moi un message électronique indiquant que vous avez terminé cette procédure.

Club photo #1
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Camera Clubl #2
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