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Sheena Wilkie Leaving

It is with mixed emotions that we announce that Sheena Wilkie will be leaving her positions with CAPA, effective December 31, 2017. Sheena has been a mainstay of CAPA for the past ten years, serving as Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Camera Magazine and in many other capacities. She was on the organizing committee as Communications Chair for the Vancouver Canadian Camera Conference, CAPA Photo Expo, in 2015.

More recently, Sheena took on the New CAPA Website, bringing this complex project to its completion with the successful launch in early May 2017. She has served as Web Manager since, ensuring that issues were dealt with quickly and efficiently, and that our members were looked after if there were questions about logging in or using the website.

Members of the CAPA Directors and National Council will especially miss her organizational knowledge, expertise and insight. In the words of our President, Rod Trider:

I am personally saddened to see her go, especially after having the opportunity to work so closely with her the last two years on the new web site. Her thoughtful input, understanding of our organization and of course sense of humor will be greatly missed. I wish her well in any new endeavour and adventure she takes on in the future.

And as with all good editors, Sheena gets the last word:

Thank you all for the fun and friendship. I have enjoyed my ten years volunteering for CAPA, and my work as Editor and most recently Web Manager. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. I feel like we’re family after all these years. But the time has come for a change, I am eager for new experiences.  In the new year I look forward to spending more time with my family, traveling, and focusing on my own artistic endeavors, both in photography and in the art world. You will see me around the photography club circuit, and I will continue to be a CAPA member and supporter of CAPA.

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