On January 24th we held our first in person evaluation meeting since the pandemic began. This meeting was held at The Thompson Community Centre. This was a “Print Evaluation Night”. All members that choose to participate could submit up to three printed images. In total our members provided 43 images for evaluation. We had 24 members attend this in person evaluation.
The CAPA judge that was present to evaluate the images was Allen Bargen. Allen is a Life Member of CAPA. He is also a past president of CAPA and holds FCAPA and Hon FCAPA Honours. It was a pleasure to have him attend our first “in person” evaluation meeting in over two years! His evaluation was thoughtful, informative, humorous when appropriate and extremely educational.
As each print was evaluated by Allen we simultaneously displayed a digital image onto a large monitor. This way all members in the audience could view the image during Allen’s evaluation.
It was a wonderful evening and provided all those that attended with a printed version of their image that can be used in upcoming “Print” showings as well as a digital version for inclusion in future online competition and events.
A number of club members received advancement to a higher level within our club based on results they received during this meeting. These members are:
• George Sandors, Richard Juren and Susan Olsen received 5 gold and 10 silver or gold over time to move from Intermediate to Advanced.
• Albert Tsai needed 1 gold and got 2 golds this month for a total of the required 10 gold and 20 gold or silver, therefore, he moves from Advanced to Master.
• Neil le Nobel needed 3 golds and got 3 golds this month. He moves from Advanced to Master.
Congratulations to these club members for their outstanding work!
Thank you very much Allen for your participation in this event! Your comments provided many learning moments!
Lansdowne Photographic Show / Richmond Photo Club Exhibition
This event is the largest print show for the Richmond Photo Club. This public exhibit will showcase 80 exceptional photos from Richmond Photo Club’s members.
You can view all of these images electronically at this link on our clubs website: https://tinyurl.com/3htrsf78
Full Details of this event are below:
Location: Lansdowne Centre Mall (near the food court), at 5300 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC
When: Thursday, February 9th, to Sunday, February 12th, during the Mall’s hours
(10:00 am to 7:00 pm Thursday and Sunday; 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday and Saturday)
Not only will Richmond Photo Club Members be showcasing their photography work, throughout the exhibit there will also be Club Members present to answer questions about their art, photography, and our club.
We look forward to welcoming the public to view the work our talented members create.
2022 Fall Monochrome Results
A huge shout out to Sue Olsen! Sue received honorable mention for three of her images in the CAPA “Individual” competition and a Second Place Merit placing on a “club” level in this CAPA event. Her four images are:
Tutu, Modern Ballerina, Getting Ready For The Show & Bodyscape.
Sue’s winning image Bodyscape is included in this CAPA “Club ” link:
Competition Winners – 2022 Fall Monochrome – Club
And her winning images; Getting Ready For The Show, Modern Ballerina and Tutu are shown in this CAPA “individual” link:
Competition Winners – 2022 Fall Competition – Individual
Congratulations Sue on this fabulous achievement!