Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia (PGNS) Jan. 22 Presentation

Celebrating its 75th year as a club, the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia is pleased to extend an invitation to join us for our Fred & Edie Greene Speaker series. There is no charge to attend these webinars, but donations to support the speaker series are gratefully accepted.

“Creating AVs – From Concept to Creation and Presentation” by Lance Gitter takes place on Sunday, Jan 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM AST.

Lance Gitter, FCAPA is a well-known award-winning photographer in both still photography and in photo essay production from the Greater Toronto area. In the first of our audio-visual webinars, he will discuss the approach to Audio-Visual creation and presentation. Lance will include numerous award winning shows that he has created over the years to demonstrate and showcase the concepts and methods used to create them.

To register for Lance Gitter’s presentation, please use the following link: