News from the Gabriola Photography Club
Gabriola Photography Club on Zoom The Gabriola Photography Club has continued activities during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- We have been out taking photographs close to home.
- Our meetings continue on Zoom as do our social pub nights. Our last meeting was about new photography experiences we have had and photographed during Covid.
Sharron Palmer hunt was excited to receive a first place CAPA individual merit award for her image titled “anticipation” receiving a score of 27 in the animal/bird theme of the My Country Contest. Thx to the judges!
- Our Capa Pacific Central Island Regional Workshop date has been extended for a year to April 2022 due to Covid and the anticipated backup dates for other workshops and photo salons. Our workshop will take place in Nanaimo, BC so stay tuned, as time flies when you are having fun.
News from the Langley Camera Club
It is difficult being a photography club when we can not do one of our favourite things, getting together! We decided early on that we would find a way to carry on.
- First, we ramped up our Facebook postings, hosting some FC photo challenges, we want to ensure that we are keeping our club engaged.
- We then adopted using Zoom for our virtual meetings.
- We have introduced a series of informal club Locked Down competitions that our members are quite excited about.
- We will be hosting speakers in May and June over Zoom.
- As well we invested in Visual Pursuits, an online system for photography clubs that allows for online judging. This is going to be a real benefit to our club. We also plan on providing activities over the summer months until we start up again in the fall and we are preparing to do that virtually in case we still can’t meet.
News from the Crescent Beach Photography Club
- All CBPC meetings have been cancelled until further notice due to Covid 19.
- Of note is the fact that Lynne Kelmann has stepped down from the position of president of the club. Lynne has done an excellent job as president for the past three years, and we are all grateful for her guidance over this time period. Lynne has advised that she will continue to offer assistance during the hand over to the person selected to take over the president’s duties and has volunteered to chair the outings committee going forward.
- The remaining members of the club executive committee are in the process of arranging a meeting to plan future club activities and choose a new president. Although none of us can predict the future we do hope to start up club activities again in September providing this can be done safely.
- The club currently has 75 members and is in a good financial shape. More details will be sent to our members as the executive committee meets to elect a new president and determine the best way forward.
News from the Surrey Photography Club
- The Pandemic has put a damper on most Camera clubs and SPC is no different.
- SPC has had only one meeting in March and is starting meetings via Zoom this month.
- Some of the members are doing no photography and others are reworking archived images.
- One of the executives started a themed weekly challenge on their closed page in which only a few participated.
- No face to face meetings are planned until possibly the fall.