Click here for an Updated Message from the President (March 20th, 2020)
March 2020

As I write this, a sizable part of the world is challenged with a virus that has changed a lot of lives. Others are fighting fires and natural disasters.
Outside of checking the news more often, most of us here in Canada have been fortunate to have very little that has changed in our day-to-day routines. Others are not so fortunate. I am friends and work with photographers from around the world and a good number are in China. CAPA competes in the annual 4 Nations competition that includes photographers from South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
I am always amazed at the camaraderie of fellow photographers around the world. Always willing to help each other, share information, techniques and favorite locations. It matters not where you are from or what you do for a living or your age or gender. We are a community with one passion – photography.
Its important to use photography for our personal pleasure, but it is also vital to use it to help educate others in what we experience and see. How can we use our gift to make changes – to try to make our little part of the world a better place? With all the challenges out there, I expect we will be seeing a lot of eye-opening images in 2020.
If you are in central Canada drop in to see the My Country Salon displayed at the Musee National de la Photographie (National Museum of Photography) in Drummondville, PQ. The 39 large format prints representing each Canadian province and territory will be on display until March 29.
Rod Trider, FCAPA President