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Pacific Zone Football Photogs

Don’t miss this Football Photography Opportunity:

There are still spaces available for our photographers at the BC Lions vs Hamilton Tiger Cats Football game September 22, 2018!

Aaron Martin from the B.C. Lions has made purchasing a ticket simple: The price is $56.00 initially, but when you actually choose a seat/s, it goes down to $50. each. There’s a $2.00 fee on top of the $50 all-in ticket price, so people are paying a bit more for the ease of buying through the link:

.  Please contact Lynda Miller for the discount code. Purchasing this way allows Aaron to track the ticket holders and make sure they get all the information about timing and details of this game.

This year there are no restrictions on lens size or equipment. The caveat is that you must not get in the way of other football fans or anyone else. Everyone who comes to the game and photographs must also realize that these images are for personal use, not for sale!

You can call Aaron at 604-930-5454, if you have questions, although it is easiest to use the link above. I know everyone is to have fun photographing and watching this game!

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Actualités du concours de septembre 2024

Vos progrès en photographie dépendent de l'apprentissage continu Article Notre dernier article présente les nombreux avantages de nos concours photo pour les artistes émergents, qui vont bien au-delà de l'apprentissage continu.

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