One of the mandates of the new executive is the expansion and promotion of clubs using CAPA Trained Judges to provide greater quality and consistency of results for our members. A CAPA Trained Judge is better able to provide quality and helpful comments, along with consistent scoring. CAPA Clubs will be provided with a list of Certified / Trained Judges in their Zone. We are also putting together a national list of CAPA judges to do on-line judging for our member clubs.
All CAPA Judges are required to take a course every 5 years to ensure they are keeping up to date. CAPA has implemented a new On-line Judging system that will make hosting a competition much simpler. In order to increase the number of CAPA Trained Judges we will be increasing the number of course available across the country.
Confirmed Courses
No Events
Course details and registration will be posted here in September.
If your club would like to host a course in your region please contact Mike Breakey – Director of Education, Or Rod Trider – President,