Scope of Competition
This year’s Digital Theme is “Minimalism.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines minimalism as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme sparseness and simplicity.”
A minimalism image can capture a moment in time or an artistic perspective with simplicity and grace. At the same time, the image is devoid of distractions such as: shadows or other non-relevant elements.
Ideally, the image should contain a portion of negative space with good contrast and a strong focal point which contributes to a story or conveys message to the viewer.
Open Theme – image can be: abstract, landscape, low light, macro, nature, portrait, still-life, street, wildlife, etc…
A Google search of “minimalism photography” will provide examples of this type of theme.
Editing Criteria
Open Editing – All in-camera, on-camera and post-processing techniques are permitted. This includes combining multiple images and elements in a final image. However, all components of the final image must have been taken by the Entrant.
Submitted image MUST NOT contain any watermarks, name of the image or name of the photographer.
Single digital mat is permitted but is not required. Colour selection of the mat is left up to the Entrant.
Colour or black & white or monochrome images are permitted.
Image Specifications: JPG file format with the following conditions:
Dimensions: Maximum horizontal size: 1400 pixels and Maximum vertical size: 1050 pixels
Note: One of the dimensions must be exactly the maximum allowed size and neither dimension may exceed the maximum pixels for that dimension
Maximum filesize: 1.8 MB
Note: Online system will check for the above parameters and if they are not met then your image submission will not be accepted and you will receive a message explaining which parameters are not acceptable.
Colour Space: Should be sRGB
Judging Criteria
Judges will award their scoring based on key elements, such as composition, technique and subject matter. However, the judges will have a strong emphasis on the creative message, quality of execution, innovation, and ‘wow’ factor.
Competition Processes
Closing Date of Competition – TO BE DETERMINED at midnight Pacific Standard Time.
Open To – All paid-up CAPA members and camera clubs associated to CAPA.
Two Parallel Competitions – CAPA Digital Theme ‘Individual’ Competition for only CAPA member and CAPA Digital Theme ‘Club’ Competition for all camera clubs. CAPA members can upload a maximum of 4 images. Whereas camera clubs can upload a maximum of 6 photos but all images must be from different photographers.
Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
How To Enter Competition – On the CAPA website’s home page, select the LOGIN option from the top menu. When prompted – enter your username and password. Once logged in, select COMPETITION SUBMISSIONS from the COMPETITIONS main menu at the top of the home page.
NOTE: If you do not see the COMPETITION SUBMISSIONS in the COMPETITIONS dropdown menu then you are not logged into the CAPA website.
From the COMPETITION SUBMISSIONS webpage, select the Digital Theme from the column title “Competition Entry Forms.” By doing so, you will be presented with an input screen where you enter the name of the image and the photographer’s name. Once the images have been uploaded, you can logout of the CAPA website.
Hosting Camera Club – TO BE DETERMINED
Competition Coordinator – TO BE DETERMINED
Selection Of Winning Photos – After the closing date of the Competition, three judges will examine all photos and assign their scores.
Distribution of CAPA Awards And/Or Commercial Prizes – will be coordinated by the CAPA Director of Competitions.
Access To Competition Results
The competition results are usually available 2 to 4 weeks after the closing date of the competition. CAPA Director of Competitions will advise all entrants of the competition results shortly after they are received by the Competition Coordinator.
Posting To Website – To view the winning images – select WINNERS-Individual or WINNERS-Club under the COMPETITIONS main menu. Final competition report is restricted and can only be accessed by logging into the CAPA website. View these reports by selecting COMPETITION REPORTS under the COMPETITIONS main menu.
NOTE: If you cannot see the COMPETITIONS REPORTS then you are not logged into the website.