Competition Winners – 2021 Creative – Individual

Merit Award Winners /Gagnants des prix de mérite

1st Merit Award - Abstract - Gareth Jones - Question Mark
2nd Merit Award - Abstract - Gareth Jones - Fire Pearl
3rd Merit Award - Abstract - Jana Malinek - Heart In The Right Place
1st Merit Merit - Altered Reality - Laura Ranallo - Lost In The Music
2nd Merit Award - Altered Reality - Rick McKenzie - I've Been Working On The Railroad
3rd Merit Award - Altered Reality - Randall Epp - The Witch Banishes The Fire Demon
1st Merit Award - Creative - Laura Ranallo - The Story Of Our Life
2nd Merit Award - Creative - Theres Frenette - Flower Spill
3rd Merit Award - Creative - Marianna Armata = Belly Dancer

 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners / Médaillés d’or, d’argent et de bronze

Gold Medal - Rick McKenzie - An Autumn Alien Abduction
Gold Medal - Rick McKenzie - A Novel Escape
Gold Medal - Rick McKenzie - I've Been Working On The Railroad
Gold Medal - Rick McKenzie - Watch the Birdie
Silver Medal - Gareth Jones Fairy Queen
Silver Medal - Gareth Jones - Fire Pearl
Silver Medal - Gareth Jones - Fire Bird
Silver Medal - Gareth Jones - Question Mark
Bronze Medal - Laura Ranallo - Lion In The Lotus
Bronze Medal - Laura Ranallo - Lost In The Music
Bronze Medal - Laura Ranallo - Map Of My Dreams
Bronze Medal - Laura Ranallo - The Story Of Our Life

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Honour Award - Cathleen Mewis - Pinot Meraude
Honour Award - Cathleen Mewis - Scrap Iron Transformed
Honour Award - Cathleen Mewis - Temptation
Honour Award - Cheryl Bramble - Bluebird Bridge
Honour Award - Cheryl Bramble - Bridge To Nowhere
Honour Award - Cheryl Bramble - Home Of The Siren
Honour Award - Cheryl Bramble-  Spellcaster
Honour Award - Douglas Doede - Genie
Honour Award - Douglas Doede - Nighthawks
Honour Award - Douglas Doede - Solar System
Honour Award - Douglas Doede - World
Honour Award - Fortunato Rizza - A Burst of Gold
Honour Award - Fortunato Rizza - Chainesaw.Massacre
Honour Award - Fortunato Rizza - Ring of Fire
Honour Award - Fortunato Rizza - Surf Time
Honour Award - Francine Raymond - Excess Baggage
Honour Award - Francine Raymond - Looking Forward
Honour Award - Francine Raymond - Likquid Gold
Honour Award - Francine Raymond - Radioactive
Honour Award - Heykoop Kathy - Morningstar Mill Abstract
Honour Award - Isabel Kelly - 2021
Honour Award - Isabel Kelly - Escaping My Upside Down World
Honour Award - Isabel Kelly - Redemption
Honour Award - Isabel Kelly - The Thief Of Hearts
Honour Award - Kathy Heykoop - Out Of The Flames
Honour Award - Kathy Heykoop - Rain Down On Me
Honour Award - Kathy Heykoop - Stain Glass Twirl Art
Honour Award - Marianna Armata - Belly Dancer
Honour Award - Marianna Armata - Graveyard Escape
Honour Award - Marianna Armata - Soul Thieves
Honour Award - Marianna Armata - Wolfs World
Honour Award - Mary Chambers - Camouflage Facade
Honour Award - Mary Chambers - Fanciful Stream
Honour Award - Mary Chambers - Watcher In The Wood
Honour Award - Mary Chambers - Woodland Creatures
Honour Award - Phillip Shapiro - Chaotic Beauty
Honour Award - Phillip Shapiro - Surfer
Honour Award - Phillip Shapiro - The Sketch
Honour Award - Phillip Shapiro - You Can Look Right Through Me
Honour Award - Theres Frenette - Flower Spill
Honour Award - Theres Frenette - Fork Fantasy
Honour Award - Theres Frenette - Spring In The Air
Honour Award - Theres Frennett - Busy Downtown
Honour Award - Yves Keroack - Arrache Coeur
Honour Award - Yves Keroack - Too Close For Comfort
Honour Award - Yves Keroack - Winter Magic
Honour Award - Yves Keroack - The Real Horned Owl
Honour Award - Cathleen Mewis - A Quick Shortcut
Honour Award - LEAH GRAY - Capturing Paris
Honour Award - LEAH GRAY - Flight From The Moon
Honour Award - LEAH GRAY - Memories Of The Boathouse
Honour Award - LEAH GRAY - West Coast Art
Honour Award - Philip Wong - Alien Star In Distant Galaxy
Honour Award - Philip Wong - Distant Planets
Honour Award - Philip Wong - Floating Bubbles
Honour Award - Philip Wong - Twirl Of Lens Ball

Merit Award Winners / Gagnants des prix de mérite

1st Merit – Abstract – Gareth Jones’ images “Question Mark”

2nd Merit – Abstract – Gareth Jones’ image “Fire Pearl”

3rd Merit – Abstract – Jana Malinek’s image “Heart in the Right Place”

1st Merit – Altered Reality – Lara Ranallo’s image “Lost in the Music”

2nd Merit – Altered Reality – Rick McKenzie’s image “I’ve Been Working on the Railway”

3rd Merit – Altered Reality – Randall Epp’s image “Who Witch Banishes the Fire Demon”

1st Merit – Creative – Laura Ranallo’s image “The Story of our Life”

2nd Merit – Creative – Theres Frenetto’s image “Flower Spill”

3rd Merit – Creative – Marianna Armata’s image “Belly Dancer”

Medal Winners / Gagnants des médailles

Gold Medal – Rick McKenzie

Silver Medal – Gareth Jones

Bronze Medal – Laura Ranallo

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Marianna Armata

Fortunato Rizza

Isabel Kelly

Kathy Heykoop

Theres Frenette

Cathleen Mewis

Yves Keroack

Douglas Doede

Francine Raymond

Cheryl Wilson Bramble

Mary Chambers

Phillip Shapiro

Leah Gray

Philip Wong

Congratulations to the winners. Félicitations aux gagnants.