Competition Winners – 2020 Pacific Zone ‘Open’ Individual

Merit Award Winners /Gagnants des prix de mérite

1st Merit - Randall Epp - Rain What Rain Its Not Raining
2nd Merit - Kathryn McGarvey - Exoskeleton
3rd Merit - Rachel Penney - Blue And Gold

 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners / Médaillés d’or, d’argent et de bronze

Gold Medal - Laura Ranallo - An Ocean Breeze
Gold Medal - Laura Ranallo - Sacred Painting
Gold Medal -Laura Ranallo - Temple Of Empty Dreams
Gold Medal-  Laura Ranallo - The Inner Dance
Silver Medal - Randall Epp - Rain What Rain Its Not Raining
Silver Medal - Randall Epp - The Orange Flame
Silver Medal - Randall Epp - Three Chairs For The Gardeners
Silver Medal - Randall Epp - Urban Jungle Flora And Fauna

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

Honour Award - Heather Loewenhardt - Embracing The Light
Honour Award - Heather Loewenhardt - Flashy Fritillaria
Honour Award - Heather Loewenhardt - Painted Tulips
Honour Award - Heather Loewenhardt - Command Central
Honour Award - John Kalley - Brunswick Point Yesteryears
Honour Award - John Kalley - Detemined Duo
Honour Award - John Kalley - Wondering Wonder
Honour Award - John Kalley - Magnolia Multiplicity
Honour Award - Kelly Pape - View Down The River
Honour Award - Kelly Pape - Stroll At Sunset
Honour Award - Kelly Pape - Abandoned Bridge
Honour Award - Kelly Pape - Abandoned Church
Honour Award - Rachel Penney - Spring Carpet
Honour Award - Rachel Penney - Letting Go
Honour Award - Rachel  Penney - Wind Seekers
Honour Award - Rachel  Penney - Blue And Gold

Merit Award Winners / Gagnants des prix de mérite

  • 1st Merit – Randall Epp – “Rain? What Rain? You Call This Rain?”
  • 2nd Merit – Kathryn McGravey – “Exoskelton”
  • 3rd Merit – Rachel Penney – “Blue And Gold”

Medal Winners / Médaillés d’or, d’argent et de bronze

  • Gold Medal – Laura Ranallo
  • Silver Medal – Randall Epp

Honour Awards / Prix d’honneur

  • Heather Loewenhardt
  • Kelly Pape
  • John Kalley
  • Rachel Penney

Congratulations to the winners. Félicitations aux gagnants.