Competition Winners – 2019 Series of Four Photos – Une série de 4 – Rapport du concours – Club

Gold Medal - Daniel Tang - Steer Wrestling
Gold Medal - Irene Law - Horse Racing
Gold Medal - Kai Sun Law - Bull Riding
Gold Medal - Kai Sun Law Saddle  - Bronc Riding
Silver Medal - Rhonda Starr - Confidence
Silver Medal - Rhonda Starr - Explosive
Silver Medal - Grant Dale - Poise
Silver Medal - Grant Dale - Grace
Bronze Medal - David Wingate - Chick On Parents Back
Bronze Medal - David Wingate - Courtship
Bronze Medal - Roberta Olenick - Common Loon (Gavia Immer), Turning Eggs On Nest, Interior British Columbia.
Bronze Medal - Roberta Olenick - Hatchling With Adult On Nest
Honour Award - Amir El Etr - Blue Montreal
Honour Award - Carole Duhaime - Gold Montreal
Honour Award - Carole Duhaime - Montreal In Black
Honour Award - Carole Duhaime - Montreal Molson Red
Honour Award - Guy P Larin - In The Crosshairs Of An Osprey
Honour Award - Guy P Larin - Osprey Landing
Honour Award - Guy P Larin - Osprey Taking Flight
Honour Award - Guy P Larin - Precarious Osprey Perch

Competitions Winners & Awards

Honourable Mention:

  • Montreal Camera Club with their series entitled “Ospreys At Blue Cypress Lake” developed by Guy P. Larin
  • Montreal Camera Club with their series entitled “Montreal’s Colours” developed by Amir El Etr and Carole Duhaime

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the Shuswap Photographic Arts Club for hosting this competition.

(L to R) Frankie Chan (CAPA) Daniel Tang, Irene Law, Kaisun Law, Jonathan Ward (presenting gold medal and certificates), Edwin Ho (President)