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Vancouver Photography Festival

Entries are now being accepted for the 6th annual Vancouver International Photography Festival Photo Contest. There are three sections, VIPF (Vancouver International Photography Festival), CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art), and PSA (Photographic Society of America). Entrants will be automatically entered in both sections. There are a total of 45 awards that can be won, 27 medals, and 18 Honourable Mentions. Gold medal winners will receive limited edition postage stamps with their winning image on it. There are 3 categories to choose from, Nature, Travel, and Monochrome. The entrance fees are as follows: $18 USD for 1 category, $28 USD for 2 categories, and $38 USD for 3 categories. The deadline for entry is August 31, 2017. Each entry consists of up to 4 photographs. For additional details, please visit the contest section on, any questions can be forwarded to





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