2024 Quebec Zone Competition

2024 Quebec Zone Competition

Scope of Competition

This is an open theme with an emphasis of “highlighting life in Quebec.

This competition is only open to paid-up individual CAPA members and CAPA camera club residing in the province of Quebec.

For this competition, we are seeking your best image(s) that were captured in the province of Quebec.

Judges will score the images and one judge will provide comments on each image. To accommodate the providing of scores and comment, camera clubs are being limited to only uploading a maximum of 5 images from 5 different club members and individual CAPA members are limited to only two (2) images.

Competition Details (click arrow for more details)


As an open theme – animals, birds, insects, landscape, nature, people, wildlife etc… are permitted as well as creative composite images.

Editing Criteria

  • Eligibility Criteria – Prior to submitting any photo in a CAPA competition, all entrants must first read the CAPA Eligibility Criteria relating to images submissions. – READ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA HERE
  • Permitted Editing Techniques:

All In-Camera Techniques: Any adjustments made directly within the camera during image capture.

On-Camera Techniques: Utilizing on-camera features and settings for image enhancements.

Post-Processing Techniques: Editing the image using post-processing software.

Sky Replacement: Sky replacement but the replacement sky must have been captured by the same photographer submitting the image into the competition.

  • Editing Techniques Not Permitted:

Images without Photographic Origin: Images that are entirely generated electronically with no photographic origin.

Frames, Borders, Pin-lines, and Mats: Adding decorative elements like frames, borders, pin-lines, or mats to the photograph.

Artificial Intelligence Renderings:  Images that have been created or modified using specific AI generative techniques: in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer or where AI removes elements from a photograph); or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries of the image captured by the photographer using generated elements). Whether with or without text prompts, these are not permitted for submission into a CAPA competitions.

The inclusion of Photoshop application features, such as Firefly’s AI Generative Fill and AI Expand cannot be contained in your image submitted into a CAPA competition. Similar positions will be taken with other AI systems with these features.

This updated provision will be in effect starting from November 30, 2023, and it will apply to all CAPA competitions.

  • Accepted Image Types:

Black & White Images       

Infrared Images

Colour Images

Image Specifications


Title of Image

When images are uploaded into a competition, you are required to enter the title of your image into the Title Field.  Title can be in either  English or French or both.

Do Not: enter your name, the name of the photographer or the club name in the Title Field (that is for the Title of the image)

Do Not: include punctuation or symbols (such as / –_  , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Title of your image.

The Image Title should be simple, and introduce or set the mood or perspective for your image.  For example:  Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

A weak image title, such as ‘pretty flower,’ will fail to stimulate the judge’s interest in the image and may result in a lower score than expected.

Image File Name

Do Not: include punctuation marks or symbols such as / –_  , ; : ‘’ “” ! ? & $%*{} [ ] @ # &) or quotation marks in the Image File name. For example, do not use: “NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER”it_a_red rose”.jpg”

The image file name that you create prior to uploading into this competition should also be simple, and could be the same as the Image Title. For example: John Snow-Sublime Nova Scotia Sunset

Image Size – Dimensions

You must ensure your image is re-sized to meet the following two parameters:

  1. Saved as a jpg image with a maximum file size of 1.8 MB.
  2. Dimensions: Maximum horizontal size: 1400 pixels and maximum vertical size: 1050 pixels.

Note: Images smaller than the maximum dimensions will ONLY be accepted when one of the image edges has a horizontal size is 1400 pixels or the vertical size is 1050 pixels.  For example: square image – 1050 x 1050 pixels;  1400 x 800 pixels; or  700 x 1050 pixels.

Note: Images will NOT be rotated by the judges and will scored as submitted.

During the uploading process of your image, our online competition system will verify if the image is less than 1.8 MB and meets the two parameters.

If your image fails this verification process, you will receive an error message and it will appear below the upload image box.

Depending on the error message – you will need to either reduce the file size of the image to be 1.8 MB or less or re-size the dimensions of your image.  After doing so, please re-try uploading your image.

Suggestions – Use sRGB colour space for your image.  For colour accuracy: we strongly recommend that you calibrate your monitor to ensure colour accuracy from your monitor to the image projected to the judges.

Judging Criteria

    • An Image’s title may be used by the judges in evaluating a submission, so entrants should take care in selecting a title that complements or contributes to the vision or message being presented in the image.
    • The judges will assign scores primarily based on the ‘emotional’ components of the image, considering values such as creativity and emotional impact. Secondary emphasis will be place on the ‘technical’ aspects, followed by considerations of the ‘composition.’
    • Technical and Organizational factors, such as exposure, sharpness, focus, space, and composition, will be taken into account solely to the degree they do or do not support or reinforce the creative vision and storytelling. Images will not be penalized in scoring for so-called technical rule infractions, such as focus, if that is immaterial to the creative vision and storytelling.

    Likewise, judges take into consideration in their scoring the degree to which the entrant’s use of techniques such as colour, monochrome, duo and multi-tone,  contributes to or supports the creative vision and the story telling value of the image.

Competition Process

  • Competition Coordinator –  Sheldon Boles –CAPA Director of Competitions.
  • Questions about the scope of the competition and/or the editing criteria should be directed to the Coordinator at prior to the closing day of the competition.
  • Closing Date of Competition – January 15, 2024 at midnight Pacific Standard Time.
  • Open To – All paid-up individual CAPA members and CAPA camera club residing in the province of Quebec.
  • Two Parallel Competitions – “Individual” Competition for only CAPA Individual members (limited to a maximum of two (2) images and CAPA ‘Club’ Competition for all camera clubs (limited to a maximum of five (5) images from five (5) different club members.
  • Awards – For both the Individual and Club components of this competition, CAPA medals and Honourable Mention electronic certificates will be awarded to entrants with the highest individual scores.
  • How To Enter Competition -check out our How To Upload Images To CAPA Competition here.