2022 Four Nations Results

Gold Medal Winners

Colour Open - Gold Medal - Dianne English (Australian Photographic Society) - image "Anemone Bunch"
Mono - Gold Medal - Martin Barber (Photographic Society of South Africa) - image "Kiss of Light"
Nature - Gold Medal - Dieter Butouw (Photographic Society of South Africa) image - "Sealion Tenderness"
Our Country - Gold Medal - Sandy Mahon (Australian Photographic Society) - image "Binnalong Rock"

Honour Awards

Colour Open - Honourable Mention - Haokun Xu (CAPA) - image "Buddhist Mountain"
Colour Open - Honourable Mention - Jennie Stock (Australian Photographic Society) image - "A Real Boy"
Colour Open - Honourable Mention - Rob Heffer (Photographic Society of South Africa) - image "House In The Mountains"
Mono - Honourable Mention - Julie Rathbone (Australian Photographic Society) - image "Time Out"
Mono - Honourable Mention - Karen Moffat McLeod (Photographic Society of New Zealand) image - "Captain My Captain"
Mono  - Honourable Mention - Malcom Gamble (Australian Photographic Society) image  - "Parents And Child Trees"
Nature - Honourable Mention - Daisy Lai (CAPA) image - "Maternal Love"
Our Country - Honourable Mention - Philip Wong (CAPA) image - "Sunrise At Abraham Lake"
Our Country - Honourable Mention - Steve Donnelly (CAPA) image - "Yellowknife NWT"
Our Country - Honourable Mention - Vicky Zhou (Australian Photographic Society) image - "Camel Rock Sunrise"
Nature - Honourable Mention - Qing Li (CAPA) image - "Fox Family"
Nature Honourable Mention - Eddie Reinecke (Photographic Society of South Africa) Image - "Guineafowl At Speed"

The Australian Photographic Society is the winner of the 2022 Four Nations Competition.  Congratulations to our colleagues in Australia.

Many outstanding images were submitted for this competition by all participating photographic societies.


Australian Photographic Society – 2987 – Gold Medal

Photographic Society of South Africa – 2967

Canadian Association For Photographic Art – 2883

Photographic Society New Zealand – 2880



Photographic Society of South Africa – “Kiss of Light by Martin Barber – Gold Medal

Australian Photographic Society – “Parents and Child Trees – by Malcom Gamble – Honourable Mention

Australian Photographic Society – “Time Out” by Julie Rathbone – Honourable Mention

Photographic Society of New Zealand – “Captain My Captain” by Karen Moffat-McLeod – Honourable Mention


Photographic Society of South Africa – ‘Sealion Tendermess‘ by Dieter Butouw – Gold Medal

 Canadian Association For Photographic Art – “Maternal Love”  by Daisy Lai – Honourable Mention

Photographic Society of South Africa – “Guineafowl at speed” by Eddie Reinecke – Honourable Mention

Canadian Association For Photographic Art – “Fox Family” by Qing Li – Honourable Mention

Open Colour

Australian Photographic Society – “Anemone Bunch” by Dianne English – Gold Medal

Australian Photographic Society – “A Real Boy” by Jennie Stock – Honourable Mention

Canadian Association For Photographic Art – “Buddhist Mountain” by Haokun Xu – Honourable Mention

Photographic Society of South Africa – “House in the Mountains” by Rob Heffer – Honourable Mention

Our Country

Australian Photographic Society – “Binnalong Rock” by Sandy Mahon – Gold Medal

Australian Photographic Society – “Camel Rock Sunrise” by Vicky Zhou – Honourable Mention

Canadian Association For Photographic Art – “Yellowknife NWT” by Steve Donnelly – Honourable Mention

Canadian Association For Photographic Art – “Sunrise at Abraham Lake” by Philip Wong – Honourable Mention

All images submitted for this competition were viewed, scored and awards assigned by the following members of the Federation of Indian Photography:

Dr Barun Kumar Sinha has a long and successful history with FIP and photography as all the Honours after his name show. He is currently the Honorary Secretary General of FIP having previously served as President. His favourite genre is nature and he was awarded the coveted MFIAP for his series on Cheetah.

Mrinal Kumar Bandyopadhyay is one of the finest pictorial photographers of India and his photographs have been exhibited in over 40 countries. He has been serving as webmaster of FIP from the very beginning and is managing the entire FIP website. He was the first to develop the judging software in India.

Sona Beniwal is a Passionate Freelance Photo Artist. Creating something artistic and unique out of nothing embedded with a straight-forward approach is the best part of her passion with Monochrome and Nature being her favourite. She has achieved many awards from Salons in more than 25 countries.

We thank Jill Sneesby for coordinating this year’s competition and the Photographic Society of South Africa  for hosting the competition.

The 2023 Four Nations Competition will be hosted by the Canadian Association For Photographic Art. 

Download a listing of the 80 photographers who contributed their images in CAPA’s 2022 submission into this competition here.

To learn more about the Four Nations Competitions, click here.