General news from Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Frederick E. Greene HonFPSA, GMPSA, EFIAP, HonFCAPA on January 20, 2022. Fred received an honourary fellowship from CAPA in 2007 for his many years of dedicated service to photography at the National level both as Vice President East in the Colour Photographic Association of Canada (CPAC) and as Atlantic Zone Director for CAPA after CPAC merged with NAPA.

An honourary member of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia (PGNS), Fred was a mainstay of the club having served on its Executive in various roles for over 42 years with his most recent positions being program (21 years) and judging (26 years) chairs.

His hard work, dedication and expertise will be sorely missed by all of us at the club.

To learn more on his contributions to photography and view samples of his work please visit:

And by clicking here

His obituary notice can be found here:

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Frederick E. Greene HonFPSA, GMPSA, EFIAP, HonFCAPA le 20 janvier 2022. Fred a reçu une bourse honoraire de CAPA en 2007 pour ses nombreuses années de service dévoué à la photographie au niveau national, à la fois en tant que vice-président Est de la Color Photographic Association of Canada (CPAC) et en tant que directeur de la zone atlantique de CAPA après la fusion de CPAC avec NAPA.

Membre honoraire de la Guilde photographique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (PGNS), Fred était un pilier du club ayant siégé à son exécutif dans divers rôles pendant plus de 42 ans, ses postes les plus récents étant programme (21 ans) et juge (26 ans) chaises.

Son travail acharné, son dévouement et son expertise nous manqueront beaucoup au club.

Pour en savoir plus sur ses contributions à la photographie et voir des échantillons de son travail, veuillez visiter :

Aussi en cliquant ici

Sa notice nécrologique se trouve ici :

Québec Zone News (February)

Série des conférenciers
À ne pas manquer, la conférence de Michel Proulx et de Sacha Marie Levay sur la photographie contemplative. La conférence sera en français le 28 février et en anglais le 1er mars. Voir l’information sur le site web de l’ACAP à

Cours de jugement
Après deux ans d’absence en raison de la pandémie, les cours de jugement seront relancés sous peu. Pour plus d’information et pour vous renseigner sur les dates et les endroits, consultez la page du site de l’ACAP

Membres individuels et clubs
Tous les membres individuels ainsi que les clubs de la zone du Québec de l’ACAP sont priés de s’assurer que l’information de leur compte est à jour. Rendez-vous au site de l’ACAP à pour vérifier si les informations sont exactes et les corriger au besoin.

Revue Canadian Camera
Cette revue nous appartient tous et les membres de la zone du Québec sont invités à soumettre des articles afin de vous faire connaitre auprès de vos collègues. La date de tombée pour l’édition de l’été 2022 est le 10 avril. Les articles peuvent être soumis pour publication en français ou en anglais à

Speaker Series
Don’t miss the conference by Michel Proulx and Sacha Marie Levay on contemplative photography. The talk will be in French on 28 February and in English on March 1st. More information can be found on CAPA’s website at

Judging Courses
After two years of absence because of the pandemic, new judging courses will be announced shortly. For more information and to learn of future dates and places, consult CAPA’s website at

Individual Members and Clubs
CAPA Québec zone’s individual members as well as clubs are asked to make sure that their account information is up to date. Visit the CAPA website at to verify the account information and to make corrections as required.

Canadian Camera Magazine
CAPA’s publication belongs to us all and Québec zone members are invited to submit articles in order to make themselves known to their colleagues. Deadline for the Summer issue is 10 April. Articles can be submitted for publication in English as well as French to

CCC2023 News

The Quebec Zone is turning its attention towards the next edition of the CCC which will take place at the beginning of August 2023 in Québec City (

Since COVID forced the cancellation of the previous CCC planned for Moncton in 2021, this next conference will signal the return of a much awaited event after an absence of four years. A briefing was held last 20 January with the directors of the Québec zone clubs. Several subjects were discussed relating to the CCC 2023.

To insure the success of this event of national importance, several volunteers will be required. At the present time, two bilingual candidates are being sought to coordinate communications and registrations. If you feel up to the challenge and are available to contribute some of your free time, send a short message with some details to

La zone du Québec s’active autour de l’organisation de la prochaine édition du CCC qui aura lieu au début d’août 2023 dans la ville de Québec (

La COVID ayant forcé l’annulation du congrès de 2021 à Moncton, cette prochaine édition marquera le retour d’un événement très couru après une absence de quatre ans. Une réunion d’information s’est tenue le 20 janvier dernier avec les directeurs de clubs de la zone. Plusieurs sujets furent présentés portant sur le Congrès CCC 2023.

Afin d’assurer le succès de l’événement d’envergure nationale, des bénévoles seront requis. Dans l’immédiat, deux volontaires bilingues sont recherchés pour coordonner les communications et les inscriptions. Si vous vous sentez interpellé et êtes disposé à contribuer de votre temps, envoyez un court message en ce sens à

Competition Results. Celebration of Nature Photography 2021. Lions Gate Camera Club.

The Lions Gate Camera Club hosted their Annual Nature Photography Competition again in late 2021. There were 20 BC and Yukon clubs participating. Judges were experienced wildlife photographers; Ann Alimi FCAPA from Ontario; and Professional Photographers Kerri Martin from Alberta and Frank Pali from BC. The Best In Show image was won by Leah Gray, with the Comox Valley Photographic Society. Leah’s image received a maximum of 30 points from the judges.

See all the Competition Results (PDF) by clicking here

Future Event from Harbour City Photography Club

The Harbour City Photography Club in Nanaimo is pleased to announce the return of their annual Photo Salon which has been on hold for two years due to covid-19. Photo Salon 2022 will run from June 17 to June 26 at the View Gallery, Vancouver Island University. This adjudicated exhibit will feature some of the best work of Vancouver Island photographers in four categories: Landscape, Wildlife/Nature, Artistic/Digital Art and Open. Vancouver Island photographers are invited to submit images for adjudication by April 16.

For more information visit: or email

Upcoming Presentation from Surrey Photography Club

Surrey Photography Club is planning on meeting in person by February or March, for those who wish to do so.

On Feb 14 @ 7pm PST, we will be hosting Doug Dorsett via Zoom.
He will be talking about B&W urban photography and post processing.

Feb 28 @ 7pm PST, we are hosting Monique Campbell on Street Photography for beginners and the experienced.

All Guests are free, compliments of The City Of Surrey.
To get an Invite, please email

Spring issue of Canadian Camera magazine

The Spring issue of Canadian Camera magazine will feature articles on the creative process of photomontage, the beauty of dandelions and motoring on during the pandemic as well as CAPA competition results, club news and Meet the Volunteers.

All individual CAPA members are encouraged to submit their ideas and articles to appear in future editions of Canadian Camera. The content deadline for the Summer issue is April 10 and July 10 for the Fall edition.


CAPA Photographer in the World Top Ten Finalists

Congratulations to our CAPA member Deborah MacEwen of Warman, SK who is among the top ten finalists in the Word Photographic Cup. Deborah’s photo is shooting to be on the podium at the 2022 World Photographic Cup ceremony to be held in Rome, Italy in March.

Two other Canadian photographers, Louis-Philippe Provost of Gatineau, QC, and Michelle Valberg, of Ottawa, ON are also among the top ten finalists.

For more information please visit the World Photographic Cup website :

March 2022 – PGNS presents Jeff Hirsch

The Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia

is pleased to extend an invitation to join us for the next talks in our webinar series. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of one of our members, there is no charge to attend.

“How To Talk About Pictures” with Jeff Hirsch

It’s on Monday, March 14, 2022 at 7:30 PM ADT. A photographer and photo-educator, Jeff Hirsch has over 40 years of experience in photography, digital imaging and graphic design. Join us for a conversation about visual language and earn how to talk about your photographs in a more articulate and expressive manner.
To register for Jeff Hirsch’s presentation, please use the following link:

La “Photographic Guild” de la Nouvelle Écosse

est heureuse de vous inviter à se joindre à nous pour notre série de webinaires. Ces webinaires sont gratuites, grâce du generosité, d’un de nos membres.

“How To Talk About Pictures” with Jeff Hirsch

se prendre place Lundi Mars 14, 2022 à 19h30 ADT. Photographe et photo-éducateur, Jeff Hirsch a plus de 40 ans d’expérience en photographie, imagerie numérique et design graphique. Rejoignez-nous pour une conversation sur le langage visuel et apprenez à parler de vos photographies de manière plus articulée et expressive.

Pour vous inscrire à la présentation de Jeff Hirsch, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant: