PDF Final Reports | Rapports finaux PDF

PDF Final Reports Will No Longer Be Sent To Entrants Via An Email

As of September 1, 2021, a copy of the final competition reports will no longer be sent out to participating entrants.

The decision is based on the following problems and issues:

– our internet provider limits the recipients in a single email message to 50 to 60.  Therefore, we have to send out multiple email messages for each competition.

– our competition@capacanada.ca and my email addresses have been flagged by some internet services as a bulk spam message.

– individuals are tighten up their computer’s firewall to protect themselves against spammers and hacker.  Consequently, our bulk email messages are being blocked.

– individual or clubs have changed their email address and have not updated their CAPA account

The final report continues to be posted on our website. 

The final competition report can ONLY be viewed after you have successfully logged into our website.  Once logged in, you will select the Competition Reports option from the Competitions dropdown menu. By doing so, the report will be presented to you.

To save the report to your computer, you will need to select the File/Save As PDF option on your internet browser and select the folder where the report should be saved to.

Les rapports finaux des concours en format PDF ne seront plus expédiés aux participants par courriel 

À partir du premier septembre 2021, les rapports finaux des concours en format PDF ne seront plus expédiés aux participants par courriel.

Cette décision est basée sur les problèmes suivants :

– notre fournisseur de services internet impose une limite de 50 à 60 destinataires pour un message. Il nous faut donc envoyer plusieurs messages pour joindre tous les participants d’un concours.

– notre adresse de courriel, competition@capacanada.ca, ainsi que les miennes, ont été déclarées pourriel par certains services internet.

– les gens augmentent le niveau de la sécurité de leur mur coupe-feu afin de se protéger des pourriels et des pirates informatiques.

– des gens ou des clubs ont modifié leur adresse de courriel sans mettre à jour leur compte ACAP.

Les rapports finaux continueront d’être affichés sur notre site Web.

Le rapport final d’un concours peut être consulté seulement si vous êtes connecté sur notre site Web. Une fois connecté, sélectionnez Rapports des concours (” Competition Reports‘) dans le menu Concours (‘‘Competitions”). Le rapport vous sera alors présenté.

Sélectionnez l’option ” File/Save As PDF” de votre fureteur internet pour conserver une copie du rapport sur votre ordinateur en indiquant dans quel répertoire le faire.

Presentation Photo 2021

2021 Pacific Zone ‘Club’ Bronze medal and certificates were awarded by Sheldon Boles (CAPA Director of Competitions) at the Crescent Beach Photography Club to: (left to right) Leo Le Couteur, Mike Strong and Rob Donaldson.  Missing from the photograph are Ron Kelman and Hafeez Mian.

Competition Winners – 2021 Nature-Wildlife – Club

Merit Award Winners 

1st Merit Award Botany Etobicoke Camera Club Geoffrey Pierpoint Dispersal
2nd Merit Award Botany Montreal Camera Club Norman Weinstein Milkweed Asclepias Syriaca
3rd Merit Award Botany Trillium Photograph Club Ed Espin Hepatica
1st Merit Award Insect Trillium Photographic Club Kathryn Martin Great Golden Digger Wasp
2nd Merit Award Insect Camera 35 St Johns Geoff Whiteway Riding Out The Rain
3rd Merit Award Insect London Camera Club Andrew Campbell Red Eyed Green Tree Frog Costa Rica
1st Merit Award Landscape Club Photo Diminsion Michel Pezolet Serenite Matinale
2nd Merit Award Landscape Lakeshore Camera Club Diane Skinner  Namib Desert
3rd Merit Award Landscape Club Photo Impression David Rouchet Anses Spider
1st Merit Award Nature Jiahua Elite Photography Association Phillip Chang Fox Affection
2nd Merit Award Nature The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Katherine Wong Mother Is Bringing Food Home
3rd Merit Award Nature Kamloops Photo Arts Club Bonnie Pryce The Protector
1st Merit Award Wildlife Lions Gate Camera Club Andrew Pugh Bears At Brooks Falls  Andrew Pugh
2nd Merit Award Wildlife The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Betty Chan Polar Bears Kissing
3rd Merit Award Wildlife London Camera Club Laurie Milne Blue Winged Teal

 Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Winners

Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Ela Piskorz Wild Geranium
Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Geoff Dunn Juvenile Cedar Waxwing With Berry
Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Heather Engel Hepatica
Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Herb McClelland SNOWY EGRET IN FLIGHT
Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Kathryn Martin Great Golden Digger Wasp
Gold Medal Trillium Photographic Club Ed Espin Hepatica
Silver Medal London Camera Club Andrew Campbell Red Eyed Green Tree Frog Costa Rica
Silver Medal London Camera Club Bill Boswell Mother Egret With 3 Chicks
Silver Medal London Camera Club Julie Hay Grizzly Mom Feeding Cub
Silver Medal London Camera Club Mary Chambers Mourning Dove Chick With Mother
Silver Medal London Camera Club Laurie Milne Blue Winged Teal
Silver Medal London Camera Club Kathy Karm Elephant Herd Amboseli Kenya
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club Qing Li Fox Family
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club Cliff Homewood Three Raccoon Babies
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club Kevin Kwong Crocodile Closeup
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club Nick Shearman European Starling Feeding Young
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club Ron Goodlin Rhesus Macaque Monkey Grooming Juvenile, India
Bronze Medal Richmond Hill Camera Club George Cates Mating Hover Flies

Honour Awards

Honour Award Club Photo Impression Yolande Bastien Prélude
Honour Award Club Photo Impression Yves Kéroack Anémone
Honour Award Club Photo Impression David Rouchet Anses Spider
Honour Award Club Photo Impression Gerlinde Parent Visiteur Vorace
Honour Award Club Photo Impression Léon Oziel Éclipse
Honour Award Club Photo Impression Madeleine Bovet Au Travail
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club Andrew Pugh Bears At Brooks Falls
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club David Wingate Mountain Bluebird Approaching The Nest
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club Judith Kennedy Forest Floor Ballerina
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club Martin Ross Dwarf Dogwood
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club Roberta Olenick Mule Deer
Honour Award Lions Gate Camera Club Virginia Hayes Pied Biled Grebe With Catch
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Anita WanChun Lee Bar Owl And Its Prey
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Betty Chan Polar Bears Kissing
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Katherine Wong Mother Is Bringing Food Home
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Peter Lau Cormorant Mating
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Shelly Chin Wildebeest In Sunset Paradise
Honour Award The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society Of Toronto Linda Lai Blue Heron With Breakfast
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Dror Orbach Wild Rose
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Katie Mak Tern Washing Fish
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Lucie Collins Sunrise At Sand Dunes Death Valley
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Shiree Jetha SNACK TIME FOR THE  CAMBODIAN MACAQUE
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Barb McArthur Proboscis Monkey Profile
Honour Award Toronto Camera Club Christopher Siou Chinstrap Feeding Young
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Don Pulton American Kestrel
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Eastern Bluebird Family
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Geoffrey Pierpoint Dispersal
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Judy Griffin Sandstone Arch
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Sam Elogio Female Northern Cardinal
Honour Award Etobicoke Camera Club Sharon Eyolfson American Kestrel

Merit Award Winners / Gagnants des prix de mérite

1st Merit – Botany – Geoffrey Pierpoint’s image “Dispersal” (Etobicoke Camera Club)

2nd Merit – Botany – Norman Weinstein’s image “Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)” (Montreal Camera Club)

3rd Merit – Botany – Ed Espin’s image”Hepatica” (Trillium Photographic Club)

1st Merit – Insect – Kathryn Martin’s image “Great Golden Digger Wasp”  (Trillium Photographic Club)

2nd Merit – Insect – Geoff Whiteway’s image “Riding Out The Rain” (Camera 35 St. John’s)

3rd Merit – Insect – Andrew Campbell’s image “Red Eyed Green Tree Frog Costa Rica” (London Camera Club)

1st Merit – Landscape – Michel Pezolet’s image “Serenite matinale” (Club photo Dimension)

2nd Merit – Landscape – Diane Skinner’s image “Namib Desert” (Lakeshore Camera Club)

3rd Merit – Landscape – David Rouchet’s image “Anses spider” (Club Photo Impression)

1st Merit – Nature – Phillip Chang’s “Fox affection” (Jiahua Elite Photography Association)

2nd Merit – Nature – Katherine Wong’s image “Mother is bringing food home” (The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto)

3rd Merit – Nature – Bonnie Pryce’s image “The Protector” (Kamloops Photo Arts Club)

1st Merit – Wildlife – Andrew Pugh’s image “Bears at Brooks Falls” (Lions Gate Camera Club)

2nd Merit – Wildlife – Betty Chan’s image “Polar Bears Kissing” (The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto)

3rd Merit – Wildlife – Laurie Milne’s image “Blue Winged Teal” (London Camera Club)

Medal Winners

Gold Medal – Trillium Photographic Club

Silver Medal – London Camera Club

Bronze Medal – Richmond Hill Camera Club

Honour Awards

Etobicoke Camera Club

Lions Gate Camera Club

Toronto Camera Club

Club Photo Impression

The Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto

Congratulations to the winners.

The competition report is now posted in the Competition Reports option of the Competitions dropdown menu.   To view the report, you must first log into the CAPA website.