juin 2021 Zone du Québec News

Rapport de la Zone du Québec – Juin 2021

Le Club de photo Dimension, membre de l’ACAP dans la région de Québec, expose à l’Espace 400e dans le cadre de l’exposition « Complicité » de la Maison de la photo de Québec, en collaboration avec le Musée de la Photo Desjardins et la Ville de Québec.  Le déconfinement progressif de la Capitale nationale permet enfin un événement public d’envergure en « présentiel » qui met à l’affiche les photographes Antoine Desilets et Jean-René Dufort dans une intéressante formule de jumelage en fonction de thèmes variés.  Cette exposition principale est complétée par la présentation des photos gagnantes des expositions annuelles des 2 dernières années des clubs SPAQ (Société des photographes artisans de Québec) et Dimension.  Ces expositions annuelles n’ont pas pu être présentées en raison de la situation COVID-19.  Plus de 200 photos soulignant la complicité de photographes de talents, professionnels et amateurs.  L’exposition « Complicité » est offerte gracieusement au grand public québécois du 27 mai au 20 juin 2021, de jeudi à dimanche, de 13h à 17h, à l’Espace 400e, 100 Quai St-André, dans le Vieux-Port de Québec.  Tous les détails sur le site web de la Maison de la photo de Québec :  maisonphotoquebec.ca

Items en attente:

Toujours à la recherche d’un volontaire pour assurer le secrétariat et la trésorerie de la Zone du Québec

Pierre Vézina

Directeur de la Zone du Québec de l’ACAP

4 juin 2021

Québec Zone Report – June 2021

The Club de photo Dimension, member of ACAP in the Quebec region, exhibits at the Espace 400e as part of the “Complicité” exhibition by the Maison de la photo de Quebec, in collaboration with the Musée de la Photo Desjardins and the City of Quebec. The gradual deconfinement of the National Capital finally allows for a large-scale “face-to-face” public event that features photographers Antoine Desilets and Jean-René Dufort in an interesting twinning formula based on various themes. This main exhibition is completed by the presentation of the winning photos of the annual exhibitions of the last 2 years of the SPAQ (Société des photographes artisans de Québec) and Club de photo Dimension. Their annual exhibits could not be presented due to the COVID-19 situation. More than 200 photos highlighting the complicity of talented photographers, professionals and amateurs. The exhibition “Complicité” is offered free of charge to the general public in Quebec from May 27 to June 20, 2021, from Thursday to Sunday, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., at Espace 400e, 100 Quai St-André, in the Old Port of Quebec . All the details on the Maison de la photo de Québec website: maisonphotoquebec.ca

Pending items:

Still looking for a volunteer in Quebec Zone to handle secretarial and financial activities.

Pierre Vézina

CAPA Québec Zone Director

June 4th, 2021


Darrell Larose Receives CAPA Club Service Award

On the evening of May 18th, 2021, CAPA President Rod Trider had the privilege to presenting (virtually) Ottawa Camera Club member Darrell Larose with the CAPA Club Service Award Metal for 50 years of service to the club and the photographic community in Ottawa.

Darrell first joined the Ottawa Camera Club (OCC) in 1970 after being introduced to the magic of the darkroom by fellow club members. Within the club he has held just about every position from coffee maker to President 3 times over the years.

Within the community Darrell has been a free lance photographer, web manager, outing leader and camera guru while working for various camera stores in Ottawa. He has always shared his photographic knowledge and been a mentor to many photographers. An inspiration to all. Congratulations to 50 years and counting at OCC.

John Kalley awarded the MCAPA Honour

Please join us in congratulating John Kalley for achieving the MCAPA Honour. John is an active member of the Surrey Photography Club and has served as their Secretary for the past six years.  John frequently organizes model shoots for the club and is very involved in the local portrait photography community.

John Kalley Bio:

John’s adventures into photography started as a teenager when he made a photographic record of the places on the BC coast his family visited.  While an undergrad at UBC, he was employed in a cell biology lab where he made photographs for scientific publications and, as a graduate student, created electron micrographs and ultraviolet images which were published on every continent.  During his teaching career, he formed photo clubs and taught students how to take images, process various film types, make slides and produce prints.  Upon retirement, he picked up a camera again, but without any particular goal.  Thinking that portrait photography would be a good place to start, he registered for a course which Sheena Wilke was offering and, making contacts there, subsequently joined the Surrey Photography Club.  At the outset, seeing the splendid images of its members was intimidating…thoughts of entering competitions even more so.  But the encouragement and enthusiasm of soon to be friends brought inspiration along with new insights and so began his journey leading to involvement in CAPA competitions and the anticipation and serendipity of obtaining a great image whenever the camera was in hand.

John’s certificate and pin was recently presented to him by Carol Jackson, CAPA District Rep – Lower Mainland.

Club Photo Évasion de Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC



Le Club Photo Évasion de Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC tient à nouveau cette année son exposition annuelle de façon virtuelle.  Au nom de tous les membres du Club Photo Évasion, il nous fait grand plaisir de vous inviter à venir y admirer les magnifiques œuvres de nos membres.

L’exposition se poursuivra jusqu’au  30 juin 2021 et sera accessible via le lien suivant :     


Il est conseillé de visionner l’exposition sur un ordinateur plutôt que sur une tablette ou un téléphone.

Club Photo Évasion de Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC is once more holding its annual exhibition in a virtual format. It is with great pleasure that we invite you to visit our exhibition featuring the best works of members.

The exhibition will be available until June 30th 2021. You can access it through this link:


We suggest that you visit the exhibition using a computer as opposed to a tablet or phone.